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June 2016 Babies ????

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This is a forum for all the precious ladies, anxious and enthusiastic ladies hoping to conceive this month with hopes of having a baby in June 2016. Join me to discuss strategies, share the pain, obsess over the symptoms and celebrating !!!

Loads and loads of and ...
for conceiving the baby !

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311 Replies • 8 years ago



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AWWW Mrs Rabren that is so sweet. there are always some times in your life like that , where you are at the right place at the right time.

All i am definitely rooting for all of us, sending you all positive vibes , we can do it and all have gemini (I am a gemini too) babies 2016.

Also I believe my chart is visible to all the members , so just click on my name and you should be able to see it. I have no idea where my coverline is but I am hoping that was an implantation dip.

Keep us updated ladies.....

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8 years ago

Lalou - I just looked at your profile and saw your chart :) Also saw the photo of your opk. Did you have others that went darker? Because that one seems negative to me. By your cm and temps I would say you didn't ov but are gearing up for it or in process now. How many times a day do you do opk? I use those wondfos too and test at least twice per day, usually three times when it's close to ov. Maybe take another one this afternoon/evening? Good for you for bd'ing last night too. I think that will give you a good shot, especially if you're just about to ov. Even if not, it's still fun right?

Hope you don't mind me checking out your profile. Also, I know virtually nothing about pcos so my input could mean absolutely nothing

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

8 years ago

Hello Mrs Rabren,

I do not mind you checking my page at all. Actually, thank you for that. For the wondfo , I usually est 2 imes a day one morning and one afternoon. 4 days ago , that is the OPK that I posted and it was darker than the previous one but still light. The morning of my first peak, My opk was darker but when I tested again at night it was way lighter than even the night before (and I hold my urine in for 2 hours). So that is what made me confirmed that I probably ovulated that night with the dip or morning with the peak. Anyway , I opk again yesterday night around 6 PM , the test was very light so that is why I put negative on my chart. And this morning well, my temp skyrocketed. The only think is yesterday and this morning I noticed some EWCM and right now, not anymore, my cervix is high, still a little soft but closed. So yeah, that is where I am . I will OPK later today after work and we will see.
I heard women with PCOS have crazy cycles but I was hoping the clomid that I took CD 5-9 will help . So IDK.
I am definitely enjoying BD and will keep up at it, as much as we can , and try to keep it fun too.

How are you doing on your cycle?

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8 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Lalou3tt3 - Did you BD last night to just cover your bases? I've been finding OPKs to be less reliable for determining my O. It's better to BD and cover bases than to wonder if you missed it because of timing.

MrsRabren - I use my BBT. Its been the most accurate way of confirming O for me. I also look for EWCM and I usually camp around my O day. Particularly when I'm taking Clomid. I find it's really rare to find other people named Marjorie. It might pick up popularity since Game of Thrones has a character by that name.

Contemplating - congratulations. Thats very exciting. Do you know if your Dr will do a blood test on you?

Clarabelle31 - I was planning on doing an IUI regardless of whether they triggered me or not. I was hoping they would because OPKs have been a bit misleading for me so the trigger would help with timing. Hopefully I'll have enough follicles trigger on their own so that I finally get a BFP this month. FX that the second line from the trigger goes away and your BFP shows up soon.

AFM - Temp is still low today and my OPKs are still very negative. I figure I'll be Oing late this cycle. If I'm lucky I'll get the +OPK tomorrow or Friday so I can do the IUI this weekend. I'm kicking myself now. I wish I had pushed just a bit harder for the trigger shot. I don't really want a multiple pregnancy but I would really love to get a sticky BFP. DH commented that atleast if this cycle doesn't work we're used to the disppointment. It's sad that we have to look at it that way.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Hi everyone! I want to join in too as I'm hoping for a BFP too this month. I just bought preseed so I'm hoping that it will work for me!! Today is ovulation day for me. Good luck everyone!!!

8 years ago

Today's hard. Yesterday was hard. This two week wait is horrible. Everyday I wish I could be one of those girls who just have sex and be surprised when no period comes a few weeks after.

So why is today hard....... well for some reason I am having egg white discharge again. Even though I am 4 DPO (based off +OPK) So I am not sure what that means. Do any of you ladies know about this? I googled it. Didn't really help.
I am also having some twinges/little pain in my left ovary.
If I hadn't had that positive test I would think I was gearing up for ovulation. I took another ovulation test today (just to ease my mind) and it was a definite negative. very very very faded test line. So I write this post hoping someone has experienced something like this?

Also to change tune, when is everyone planning on testing? Can't wait for that. :))

Hope you all have had a nice day!

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8 years ago

Contemplating: aww that's so sweet your family was so happy and excited at your news! Wishing you lots and lots of sticky vibes and hoping it's not ectopic!

MrsRabren: ooh love your DD's and potential DD's names! Good luck and hope you catch the egg!

Lalou3tt3: I've read that with PCOS, sometimes your body may attempt to O before you actually do... which would explain the ewcm and varying temps. To be safe, I guess just keep BDing! hahah. I know you took Clomid this cycle; are you being monitored via ultrasound to check your follicles?

Margie_M: I hope you get your positive opk soon!! If not, maybe you can still ask for the trigger?

Shananabooboo: Welcome! hoping you get your bfp this cycle. Looks like you'll be joining the tww soon!!

MMcalli: our bodies can be so confusing! Maybe you should BD just in case!!

AFM: My temp was higher this morning again and I'm hoping it stays high or gets even higher. I'm at 3DPO, so I feel like it's too early for any pregnancy symptoms. I'm trying my best not to symptom spot!

I'm hoping to test (for real) next Thursday or Friday! What about everyone else?

8 years ago

Whoa, the board exploded with replies! I don't have time to go through them all right now but maybe later tonight. I am 8 or 9 DPO so I will be testing on Friday, probably. Better to assume 8 DPO so I don't accidentally test too soon. I am trying not to get my hopes up too high!

Oh, and random question... Countdown moved my coverline up from where it was originally (I think my chart is visible). Does it change if you have a triphasic chart? I haven't had one before but it kinda looks like I do this month!

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8 years ago

This is only Cycle #3 for me and I'm already finding this hard. My heart goes out to everyone who is still on their TTC journey.

Last weekend, DH was away so I took the opportunity to catch up with some friends.

I'm 26 and I'm the only one in my group of friends who is ready to start my family and I'm the first to make the decision.

Friend #1 bought her 10 week old nephew over and he was throwing the biggest tantrum and I asked to hold him and managed to put him to sleep on me. She laughed and said I passed the test. [She can't have kids].

Friend #2 didn't plan on her pregnancy and she suffered severe postnatal depression and to this very day doesn't have much to do with her child - she treats him like a little brother. Yet, she's the most judgmental of the lot. [She doesn't want kids but her partner does].

Friend #3 asked if I was still trying....Nope nope, I've just been telling everyone how much I've wanted this and how ready I am and oh I dunno I changed my mind already. [Wants kids eventually]

Friend #4 said she didn't think I was the motherly type because I'm too much of a girly materialistic girl and that I probably thought a baby was just an accessory. I have my own house, i'm allowed to get excited about buying things for my house!!! [Partner doesn't want kids, she's afraid of becoming like her mother].

Nobody takes me seriously (except friend #1) and the comments from everyone are frustrating. They think it's a big joke and that I'm going to change my mind. It's getting frustrating.

To top it off, my cat is still missing and they had a good time making fun of my cat. If I hadn't carpooled with friend #1, I would have walked off.

I know I should be questioning if these are even my friends, but I think I'm scared that if the answer is no, then I'm on my own. Although, thinking back to all the hurtful comments and actions, I'm probably better off without them. DP has already told me I should stop seeing these people as I always come back hurt. I have a supportive family and DP's family are very supportive too.

Sorry for the rant, it's been a stressful month and I just want my friends to support me in my decision instead of ridiculing me. I think I'm finally 2 DPO which means DP made it back in time...

8 years ago

Purelex - where was your coverline previously? I wouldn't think it'd be as high as it is! I would think it was around 97.3 or so. Assuming that's where it should be, I definitely see a potential triphasic chart. Not sure if this will work but here's the link for my bfp cycle (I tend to trust FF more than here):

I see similarities :)

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

8 years ago

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