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Private Testers Support Group Part 6!

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Continuing from part 5 for our little band of sisters :)

Dev sorry about the BFN and the spotting :( Did you retest this morning? How sucky.

bluerose that is a long cycle! Hopefully AF doesn't show. Sounds like you have a crazy weekend ahead, hope you are able to nap today!

Hi to all the other girls!

AFM Not much going on, only work for a tiny bit today and then it is just relaxing. Hoping I can take a nap myself because I've been up since 5 AM for no reason. Boo.

272 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hey Luv I'm getting ready for work. Girls are cute and boys are handsome either you will have a little you or a little version of your hubby.

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9 years ago

Gm ladies and belly. .... We haven't heard from the new bellies I hope all is well.
work went by smoothly last night. Now I'm up getting ready to drop the girls off then chai tea and a lithe study time before class. How's everybody!

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9 years ago

Hey ladies!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend! :)

I called and made my first appointment with a new OB today since my last one was of no help during my MC in August. The appointment is for the 17th at 9:45 (I will be 7 weeks). It makes me feel better knowing that they will be giving me an U/S that day. I am getting really excited/nervous!!!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Congrats Bumpin4baby for making the appointment with the new Dr.

Off topic I just saw 3 new stories on the journals with bfp. Sigh***** what's a girl to do. Oh well back to my stats class.

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9 years ago

Cam I think our baby will be funny-looking, LOL. Actually DH has some features that would probably look good on a baby, like big eyes. He hopes our baby looks like me, though, which it probably will because I have super-dominant Polish genes :-P Sorry about the new BFP stories...just the other day I was thinking about how all these celebs are getting pregnant and how annoying it must be to read about. It's like, you're happy for them, but when is it your turn dammit?? It is definitely your turn, if you ask me. Wish I could give you a hug, lady!

Bumpin yay for an early u/s! That is always reassuring! How you feeling?

bluerose I hope you are doing okay, thinking of you hun!

Hello to everyone else as well! Come back, the weekend's over ;)

AFM worked this morning, now I get to chill the rest of the day. Got some awesome new yoga pants at Old Navy, I have like a 35" inseam so it is nice to find pants that actually fit. Oh, and every year DH and I look up the new Hallmark NFL ornaments to see if there's any we want, and this year there are two awesome ones: Aaron Rodgers, and the Immaculate Reception (amazing Steelers football play from the 70s). We bought THREE Immaculate Reception ones so we can also give them as xmas gifts to DH's family, LOL.

9 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

So happy to "fall back" that extra hour is awesome!

Luv, look at you scoring great deals!! When do you all start decorating for Christmas? This will be the first time in about three years that I am decorating, and excited because it will be at the new house :)

Cam, hey lady! How was Starbucks? Get in that studying?? Know that your time IS coming!! I just hope and pray to be right there with you :)

Bumpin, that's awesome about the appointment, so exciting! Keep us posted :)

Blue, how are you?!

Jan, you still around??

AFM, I am doing ok, feeling pretty good for a Monday. Our heating element in our dryer went out last week, so they came out to fix it this morning, thank God! The weekend went pretty well, just two more Saturday's of Tax looking forward to that :) Well after three mornings we were able to take one off from bd'g, LOL...but it's scheduled for tonight...purely for fun as that time has come and gone for this month!

9 years ago

Hey Jada...when I can manage to keep my eyes dry, I pop in.

Hey ladies: Cam, Luv, Blue, Bumpin. Hope everybody's great.

9 years ago

Janise hi sweetie I am sorry you've been so upset :( Have you guys made any other decisions re: TTC again? I've been thinking about you and hoping you are doing okay. Hang in there hun.

JLH yeah my yoga pants were a sweet deal, only $20 :) Glad you are in the TWW! Now the sex can actually be fun, LOL! I'm sure your house will be gorgeous for Christmas! We will probably put our tree up around Thanksgiving or so, we don't do too many lights or outside decor so we just worry about our tree. At this point we literally have a whole football team of Hallmark NFL ornaments. I like to set them up in various game situations on the branches ;) So if you need the IUI this coming month are you doing medications/follicle tracking/trigger shots? Anything fancy like that?

AFM today I finished up getting all my continuing education credits to renew my personal training certification! Woohoo! Now I don't have to do that again for three years :-D

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

Just wanted to say hello. I have a lot going on, but hope all is well with all of you!


9 years ago

I am also so overloaded with work to do, with little time remaining to complete it. I will be back on Thursday. Smooches Ladies and Bellies!!!!!!

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9 years ago

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