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June 2016 Babies ????

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This is a forum for all the precious ladies, anxious and enthusiastic ladies hoping to conceive this month with hopes of having a baby in June 2016. Join me to discuss strategies, share the pain, obsess over the symptoms and celebrating !!!

Loads and loads of and ...
for conceiving the baby !

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311 Replies • 8 years ago



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Thanks for the kind words, ladies, I appreciate it!

Jeskalillis, the follicles are good news. Good luck on Thursday!

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8 years ago

Hi everyone! Ive read all your stories.
I am sorry to all of you that have known & experienced loss, my condolences.
Congrats to those who have gotten your positives after trying for so long.
About me:
My husband & I have been trying for a year.
My cycles have been crazy, last month was 56 days. Which really stinks.....
A friend, who just so happens to be a nurse at a OBGYN, told me about this stuff called Pregnitude..... She swears by it.
So of course I bought some & started taking it on CD1.
Well on CD 14 I got a positive OPK. :)) even when my cycles weren't 56 days they were average on 30. so I usually don't ovulate until CD20. So this is exciting.
I am a little worried though because I normally have some pain during ovulation but I didn't this time. I did however spot 4 days before I got the positive OPK. By spot I mean a tiny tiny bit of dark blood mixed with discharge. I googled it & apparently it is quiet common for women to spot around ovulation.
So I am in the dreaded two week wait now. 3 DPO.
I normally start testing super early, but I am going to try to wait till 10DPO. <<I know that's still early but I normally start on 8DPO.
So let's just enjoy this two week wait together. Can't wait to read everyones symptoms & hopefully see some BFPs!

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8 years ago

WelCome MMcalli , and hello ladies, let s stay positive and strong. I am so happy for the follicle good news. I am on my 3DPO today as well, my temp took another dip today 97.1 so weird , is it not supposed to stay hi for at least 3days? I am so confused. Anyway , I got these cramps mild lower abdomen for almost 3days now, they come and go. And jeez hot flashes, and some warm feeling in my palms and feet. Too weird. My Cm is still watery but less abundant. Any symptoms for my fellow tweeters-ears?

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8 years ago

Lalou3tt3 : I'm not sure about the temping. A few months ago I tried but learned real quickly I wasn't very good at it. I would already be up in the shower before I remembered I was suppose to check my temp before getting out of bed.
I love reading TWW symptoms. It's probably not healthy for me considering I always compare myself to others but hey whatever can make this TWW go by faster I will do it.

Symptoms for me: ACNE.
I usually break out during my period. Then clear up during my cycle.
Nope my face was clear during my last period and now my period isn't due for 11 more days and I already have my concealer out.
That's the only thing I've noticed that is truly unusual at the moment.

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8 years ago

Hi Ladies

MMcalli - I hear you on the acne. I've been breaking out like crazy this cycle.

Lalou3tt3 - FX you caught the egg. Yes your temp is supposed to stay elevated for atleast 3 days after O to confirm. I've been told that a lot can affect BBT though.

purelex - I'm sorry you had to deal with those comments and questions at work. I had someone ask me if DH and I were going to have kids and if we were trying already. I told them yes but I really didn't want to get into our fertility struggle with a random person at work.

MrsRabren - Welcome! FX you don't have to wait long for your next BFP.

ali110884 - Welcome!

clarabelle31 - Welcome to the TWW I hope you caught the egg and that it goes by quickly for you.

dsinha - FX you caught the egg. Good luck in the TWW.

Contemplating - I'm glad the tests are getting darker. Have you scheduled a DRs appointment yet?

jbean123 - Good luck in the TWW. I hope you enjoy your long weekend.

AFM - I had my follicle scan today. My lining looked great, though she didn't give me any numbers, and I have 3 follicles, all around 19-20mm. The down side is that they wouldn't give me a trigger shot because they're too worried about multiples. I tried to explain that we've had a lot of difficulty with timing but I think my clinic believes it's better to risk mistiming than it is to risk multiples... I'm torn really. I'm happy that it probably won't disrupt my work, and we're really busy this week, but I'm frustrated that I'm relying on my unreliable body to signal O. FX that it all works out.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

welcome ali110884! where are you in your cycle?

welcome MrsRabren! hoping you get your positive opk soon!

purelex, so sorry to hear about the insensitive comment from your coworker!! Try not to let it bother you, though I know it's hard!

jeskalillis, very nice size follies! Good luck with the trigger/IUI!

MMcalli, ooh that's exciting that you got a positive opk on CD14! I have had long, irregular cycles so I know exactly how you feel. welcome to the tww!

Lalou3tt3, my temp dipped a little today too, but I am wondering if it's because I fell asleep with the a/c on last night, brrr. Keep us updated on your temp tomorrow morning!

Margie_M, you are so good at replying to everyone's comments! wow, your follies/lining situation sounds great... too bad they wouldn't give you the trigger. were you planning on an IUI if you had gotten the trigger? hopefully you'll O on your own soon!

AFM, since I triggered last Sat, I still have the hcg in my system which means hpt are showing up positive. I think I have another week or so to go before it tests out of my system. I can't help but test every day though, I'm waiting for that 2nd line to start fading (and then hopefully show up again)!

8 years ago

Thank you Maggie's it is really comforting.

Clarabelle is it not weird though? That temp dip?

And guess what ? This afternoon I noticed some EWCM but with a negative OPK. Well anyway? I will let you all know about the BBT in the morning.

Let's stay positive.

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8 years ago

Margie_M - test strip was a little darker again today :) I have my first appointment with my Dr on Friday morning and my US booked for 20th October... so we will have to wait until than to confirm that it isn't ectopic. They will only do it sooner if I get pain or other signs of a rupture... so for now just over analysing every cramp.

Right now I just feel like I do just be fore my period, which makes me paranoid... check every time I go to the washroom for signs of AF. I feel a fullness in my pelvis and discomfort when I lean forward and my usual right sided endo pain.

We told our family last night, everyone cried! even my 1 year old great niece she just cried because everyone else was. They are all super excited but know the risks and how early it is. It was my MIL's birthday and my mom's mom's (she passed away before I met her) birthday so it was a special day to announce to our core family.

for everyone and lots of

8 years ago

Hello contemplating,, again congrats !! I will keep you and everyone else in my prayers that everything works very well.

About my BBT it skyrocketed this morning , again like 4 days ago from 97.1 to 97.9 (last time it was form 97.1 to 97.7) . And the differences between those are that: the 1 st time , my OPK was positive and I had cramps almost 3-4 hours and my CM was watery.

But for the 2 nd time , I had very mild cramps (for almost 3 days now anyway) and some EWCM and a negative OPK.

I am trying not to overanalyze. I am just discovering how living with PCOS is crazy.

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8 years ago

Contemplating - the paranoia for me lasted well into my second trimester with my first! Crazy how much we can obsess over what is largely out of our control. I hope it doesn't consume you and you can enjoy this journey (even the morning sickness, which oddly I welcomed since it was a sign of a healthy pregnancy). Also glad you were able to tell your family on such a special day ????

Lalou - do you have your chart available for us to see? I almost always get a dip below coverline 2-4 days post ovulation then it shoots back up. Hopefully now it will stay up (unless you get an implantation dip like some)! Good luck!!

Clarabelle - sure hope that line reappears after it fades!

Margie - I'm having the same problem with timing since my cycles are so screwy right now. What signals do you go by for timing? FX it works out...not having the added pressure in addition to a crazy schedule may make timing perfect.

MMcallie - hope the acne is a good sign for you! Amazing how we can analyze every single thing about our bodies, most of which we'd never even noticed before, isn't it?

Purelex - hope your work week has gotten better!

AFM - started getting ewcm yesterday so we did an insemination last night even though my opk wasn't yet positive. Our incredible donor is a high school music teacher so he's quite busy after school most days (band practice for football games) and yesterday he was free. So glad we did because this morning my opk was as close to being positive as it could be without actually being positive. I'm sure it will be this evening. He's not available today or tomorrow so glad we got a little insurance. And if I ov Friday as I expect to (my first positive opk typically comes a day and a half to two days before I ov) then timing will be the same as when I got my bfp last time! Here's to hoping.

Side note....this group has good signs for me. My DD's name is Marjorie (Margie_M!) And if we have another girl her name is going to be Clara (Clarabelle!).

Anyone testing soon??

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

8 years ago

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