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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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71 - 80 of 697 Replies | Last Page

Cam: hey there. 5DPO woop woop. FX for Monday.

Writer: Congrats again on your bfp. And yes please stick around and keep us company during our ttc journey. Support each other

law: I am so happy that you finally got to trigger. Excited for you to start testing next week. Wow was it that long? After all of those injections you deserve a bfp girl.

rbk: I am rooting for you HUN.

afmedic: Sorry the is kicking your butt. i am CD4 today and AF has left the building.

amag: So happy that you got a app soo quickly with the RE. I hope you can go straight into IUI and grt your BFP.

Holly: Got my fx for you that, "that" feeling you have is your lil bub growing and moving along.

MamaK; Goodluck with your scan next week.

megan: Welcome again. I am not sure about the ferning saliva way. I think most of us on here use poas opk and temping to conform O.

blue: I hope you O on schedule this month.

jlh: I'm Cd4 and AF has left the building. I think this is our month cycle buddy:).

smh: Enjoy your weekend with your family.

I just want to give a big shout out to all of you sending me hugs and good vibes over the last couple of days, while I was going through my work nonsense.
As I mentioned I mad a complaint about a supervisor. The union and HR department became involved. I was offered a package to resign. The union stated that if I don;t take it that they will get something else to get me on and then sack me. I consulted with the fairwork ombudsman and jobwatch. I decided that I am not taking the package as it will be very stressfull for me to find another job over christmas. The amount of money they offered after tax would only cover me for 4 months of pay. Why should I leave and the bully gets to stay. So, we will have a mediation and take it from there.
Now I ma wondering if I did the right thing???

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10 years ago

@Nicolene: I am sooooo proud of you! I cannot believe those a-holes would offer you a resignation package in lieu of actually dealing with the probably. What a chicken shit move. Excuse my language. Though 4 months of pay sounds nice I am glad you are standing firm and not putting up with what is not fair. When is the first day of mediation? I will be sending good thoughts to you through this. And of course I am pulling for your BFP!!!

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10 years ago

Thanks Smh it's going by pretty fast.
Nico thanks hunny. I believe you did the right thing why should the bully win if it's not you then who would be next. Bullying is serious business. I'm praying for favor in thus situation! :-)

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10 years ago

Nico--what a shitty situation. I wish you didn't have to deal with this but I think you did what was right for you and you would probably feel worse if you had succumbed to their bullying. Thank you for your optimism and kind words about this cycle. Yeah, it was rather long. Right now I'm on CD 35 and won't be expecting AF until CD50 or so since I have to take the progesterone until 16dpo.

SMH--since I'm on the progesterone I'm trying not to put any stock in hard as that is.

10 years ago

Wow law I had forgotten how long your cycles were. I'm pulling for you! We will be pregnant students!
Jada I'm happy af is gone baby dust this cycle sweets.
Luv come on tww!

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10 years ago

Hey beyond I hope your tww goes by fast with positive results!

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10 years ago

Hey ladies!

Cam, sooooo happy you're back;) praying for ya!

SMH, we are flying out to Houston for my sorority sisters wedding! And another is pregnant, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

Megan, glad with temping!

Beyond, welcome and gl..

Law, getting excited for you...have a feeling AF won't be showing for awhile ;)

Nico, hey cycle proud of you! Make them own up to this crap and save someone else from having to go through it. I think once that stress is gone it will do wonders for your body and a LO!

Luv, hey lady! How re you feeling?

Holly, any new symptoms??

RBI, how's it going?!

AF,M, how are you feeling? Hope she has calmed down ;)

Blue, how are things?

Mamak, can't wait to hear about the scan!

Amag, I know time is probably moving slowly, but I can't wait to hear the plan the re will have...think you will be up soon on the bfp train!!

Rice, hey lady! How are you?

If I missed anyone, please blame my head and NOT my heart;)

AFM...need to be asleep...flight leaves at 6am, but I can sleep on the plane right? LOL. AF always "slows" down making me think she's close to leaving, then BOOM...comes back for one last push. Should clear up tomorrow...feeling pretty good though in spite of. I may not be on much over the weekend, but will check in soon!

10 years ago

JLHart--Thank you. I appreciate the optimism. You are one lucky girl if you're able to sleep on a plane--I am not so lucky. How long will you be away? I hope you enjoy the wedding!

10 years ago

Good Morning ladies,

I am 11dpo today and took the frer this morning. It was negative. However, I didn't start spotting until 2.5 days ago so I am thinking it is probably a bit early still. My temps took a slight dip today but my chart is erratic due to pcos. It was 36.44 from 36.63 yesterday. However, I did not get a good night's sleep (DH is working nights so I am alone and I don't like it). I kept waking up, and woke up a bit earlier than usual, so this might be contributing to the crazy temps. I admit I am feeling slightly discouraged though. I have been stalking the picture galleries and so many people have BFP's at like 9dpo. AF is due on the 20th, so I still have a few days of hope left. If it is a bust this cycle I am going to the doctor for tests and see if they will give me clomid since I have a long history of anovulation and crazy cycles.

@ hope - I am open to fertility medication but IUI and IVF are against Church teachings (I hope that doesn't offend anyone here, no offence intended - I'm not looking to start a debate on religious teachings, just answering a response). However, we aren't just choosing adoption because I have known fertility problems. We both have always just wanted to adopt and give children a family they deserve. My husband and I both have close family members that were adopted, so it is something very dear to us. Our faith just deepens this calling and gives us the strength to pursue it. My father in law was adopted, and my own father was adopted by his stepfather (lived with his birth mother). My grandma is a true heroine to me because she got pregnant in the 50's, out of wedlock (was engaged, but turns out her fiance was already married so he took off), with a bi-racial baby (my father is 1/2 native american and has very dark skin). Her story is just incredible and I even wrote a paper on it in my feminist ethics course during my undergrad. Anyways, I feel like mothers, whether birth or adoptive, are incredible people. A lot of care and sacrifice goes into loving a child. I have 4 nieces and nephews that I love to bits and for whom I would do anything. I cannot wait to be a mom. My husband is also just amazing with kids. He gets tackled by them in the driveway whenever we visit. I cannot wait to see him as a father!!
Anyways - Baptismal classes sound awesome. We plan on having our kids baptized at the same church in which we were married. Originally we wanted the church where my husband was baptized but unfortunately we do not approve of the priest that is there. We love the priest that married us, it is just unfortunate that our families are both so far apart. I am from Niagara Falls area and my husband is from Quebec City (10 hour driving distance between the two). We got married at a church 20 minutes from my hometown, so his family will have to travel a long ways to attend (which they probably wont since most didn't come for our wedding - long story). There is also the language barrier his family being from French part of Canada and my family being German/English speakers from the English part of Canada. I have been looking at baptismal gowns though - I can hardly wait!

@law - Currently my husband and I are living in Kent in the UK. We are originally both from Canada. We are both here on work visas, but are not enjoying it at all. I've been to other parts of Europe and loved it, but England (at least where we are) is a very different species. My husband (a native French speaker but perfectly bilingual) has a hard time understanding the British accent here. I am having a hard time finding food that I enjoy. God help me should I be pregnant here and have horrible morning sickness. I don't know what I will eat...

I hope everyone is doing well and staying positive. Have a great weekend full of family and relaxation! (I'm sorry if my post was a bit of a rant but I'm feeling very discouraged today.)

10 years ago

Oh btw - has anyone had issues with the day that countdown to pregnancy has given for their ovulation? I have been using charts on fertility friend and countdown. Fertility friend has my ovulation day on CD21, which is also the day I tested positive on opk's. However, countdown has my ovulation day on CD 25. I have been using the ovulation day according to fertility friend since it was backed up by positive opk's. I'm just confused as to how the programs could have ovulation days 4 days apart despite having the same data entered into them. Ideas?

10 years ago

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