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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Okay finally got off my butt and went and got my lap top from the living room! LOL! Beatles how awesome would that be if we could get together and have drinks (or juice if we all happen to get our BFPs)! Shaun (my DH) always walks through and says "you talking to your girls" LOL! It is too funny! If I am in a "mood" or just got a positive OPK or a BFN he knows you ladies are going to be the first to know besides him! It is like a extending family who is so supportive and to know we are all going through this together! It is just awesome! I am so glad I found this site.

PBC I am sorry that the DH is missing out on the best EWCM Ever!!!!! I also am sending thoughts and prayers as he grieves with his family. I think sometimes all we can do is smile.. what we are all going through and dealing with is emotionally heart wrenching and sometimes smiling just makes us feel like we can fake it until we make it! With this being the first AF ON HER OWN (without using provera) I am super worried at how much of a real *itch she will be!

So I am sitting in bed, watching tv and typing this I started thinking about something that I thought you ladies may or may not get a good laugh at...

When my son was in 1st grade he came home each week with a new spelling list. We always sat down and practiced them, then looked at his pre-test (the test they did on Monday) then his spelling test on Friday. Well one Monday he came home and handed me his pre-test and as I was looking at it I started to freak out... I saw 13itch... well with a 1st grader writing it... the #13 formed almost a perfect letter "B"!!!! I of course called the teacher and she she was about to die. She said I never thought about that... not in a million years! I was rolling after I she explained that it was #13 and the word was itch. LOL! So if any of you ever see me type 13 itch you will know exactly what I am saying. :)

Okay obviously AF is kicking me while I am down, because I am so bored and lonely! The DH wants me to watch TV with him but I just want to be alone. UGH stupid hormones!

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11 years ago

hey ladies i'm jumping ship from the nov board as the ugly old turned up this morn, of course she waited until i had wasted two first response preggo tests!!!! y does she always do that to me????!!!!
so i'm not sure that i actually o'd last cycle as wen i look bk at opk i don't think test line was ever as dark as control, i suppose i should have waited out that cycle after my m/c to save myself the dissapointment but then i've never been one to sit around and wait patiently
sooooooo where is everyone at in there cycles now?? i have briefly looked through but the laptop is soooooooo slow!
@cristi - i'm soooooo sad to see you ova here i was really hoping u'd got ur but then on a selfish note its nice to have u here for ur inspirational positive outlook that seems to keep a lot of us ladies going through the dark moments of this TTC journey!

11 years ago

Cristi, that story is hilarious! I'll have to steal that, too. 13itch haha!

Janey, that totally always happens that we waste the good tests and then AF decides to show up! Was she late this cycle, giving you nasty false hope?

I have a follicle check tomorrow, and hope to see a bunch of mature ones on the right! If they're ready, I'll trigger ovulation.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Janey, so sorry the witch go you! Big hugs to you my friend and praying for your December baby! Let's make this our month!

Felurian, thanks! I thought it was very funny and still do this day (he is now in 8th grade) I laugh about it. Haha! GL at your appointment tomorrow and hope you get to trigger soon! :)

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11 years ago

In the words of Cristi's son, who had no idea what he meant, AF is a 13itch! AND SHE NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM US ALL!

felurian, hope they are mature and ready to become your future BFP!

Still having EWCM and my OPK last night was still not yet positive, and today a little ovulation spotting, which I choose to take as a good sign. DH is 3 hours a way and I need him to not be tired b./c we still could have a great chance and I would find out if I was preggo on my bday so I am HOPING HOPING HOPING!

Now I gotta figure how to energize him when he gets home, red bull in his Coke? LOL

11 years ago • Post starter

Welcome to all the new ladies. Hope you find this forum very supportive and helpful :)

Sorry to hear that the witch has turned up for some people. Good luck and lots of baby dust for this cycle :)

@pbc: Ive always wanted a baby in the few months after xmas so that for their 1st xmas, they are actually more aware of whats going on. But like you, i will take any month for a baby right now too. Hope you get your positive opk soon :)

@christi: That is a funny story. Made me laugh lots.

@felurian: Hope that your follicles are good and a trigger gets you your bfp :)

Afm, im now nearing the end of cd7 and looks like af has gone completely. Hoping to bd at least every two-three days for the rest of my cycle, every two days during my fertile week. Going by my average cycle of 32 days, ovulation should be on cd18 but can be anywhere from cd16-21.....
I also get my blood test results end of next week and hopefully my hip xray results. Painkillers are not really working and im taking the max a day, but now my left hip is atarting to hurt now and again so looks like my RA is very active right now which means a delay before my dr will do the hormone checks as she wants my RA and pain levels under control first. May just see another dr and see what they say. It wont hurt to check my hormone levels in my eyes. I just want to know they are within normal range and i do actually ovulate!!

11 years ago

pbc - he can not be tired, it is not aloud!! BIG mug of coffee with a red bull chaser??? lol

cristi - thanx for the prayers,sending some right bk at ya!!! and this month will surely be r month!! bring on the s

felurian - i know, she is sooooo annoying to make us waste those hpts we were saving for r bfp's!!! i think someone should make AF tests so we can be prepared for when she is going to show her ugly face lol. i'm not totally sure if she is late or early as this is 1st cycle after my m/c but i had some really strong symptoms which tricked me into testing :(
fingers crossed for ur appt :) let us know how it goes

11 years ago

pbc910: lol good luck to you this cycle! I'm glad you still have a good chance this cycle for your bfp :)

Me on the other hand im not too sure. We bd cycle day 6, 7, and cycle day 8 which is today. I'm having creamy/watery cm and cervix is high and soft today. I'm really hoping i o early this month! but even if i o on cycle day 13 (which is my usual) its still a very slim chance i think. Well it's 5 days away from today but i've heard people say that those little spermies can last 3-5 days in you...... i still am very doubtful about this month. and no more bding for me this cycle since my So has left for a week!

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11 years ago

Hi! A little late to the thread, but I'm on CD 15 with an EDD of Dec. 1st if we conceive this cycle. Would love to make as many friends as you all seem to have on here. I keep getting active in discussions and then everyone else gets a BFP and I'm stuck starting all over again.

I've been TTC for 7 months now with my second husband (I have three sons from a previous marriage). Best of luck to everyone this month!

11 years ago

Hello Ladies, I see some ladies from the November Mommy page and now I too an hoping for some great and .

I am 33 and DH is 37 we are the parents of three boys I have 1 son from another relationship and he has 2 from another relationship. We are trying for little girl . I am looking forward too hearing all the BFP stories at the end of our cycles. Im wishing to everyone

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11 years ago

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