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Calling all November testers!

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Just thought all of us on the tww at the moment could buddy up and get through it together! Would love to have some company on this looonnngggg 2w journey and beyond. I'm currently 7dpo and itching to test! This is my third month Ttc after a 20 week stillbirth. Would love to hear your stories ! ð???ð???

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172 Replies • 11 years ago



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You ladies are hysterical!! Armywife and Goldenchild, you are cracking me up. Shanster, I'll be looking for your update. Good baby vibes to you today!! Hopefully there will be good news soon for at least a few of us on this thread.

This TWW reminds me of waiting for Christmas when I was a little kid--excitement paired with impatience and a touch of agony. Only in the TWW, we're never really sure if "Christmas" is going to come. Aye aye aye.

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11 years ago

I am in need of some advice - now 8dpo, first cycle after 6 week miscarriage, and today had small amount of brown discharge. I'm actually cd 29 but ovulated late this cycle because of miscarriage.
Has anyone here had implantation spotting? Or do you think at is coming?
Thanks for your help

11 years ago

I'll hop in! I'm currently 6DPO and am trying to decide if I want to pick up cheapies and start testing now so I can see differences or lack thereof. I have OCD so it's more of a feed the beast kind of thing with me. I compared my control cycle to this month and there are a lot of differences! Right now I'm having mild cramps which I had my last pregnancy (lost the baby at 13 weeks to T13). My periods have been irregular since the loss and maybe due to thyroid hormone hiccups as well but either way I know it's still a while before my period is due. I just need to get this out of my system so here I am. Hi errbody.

(Teacher, 22) (Army Active Duty, 22) T13 angel

11 years ago

Ciao girls, 7 dpo and my boobs are huge and full!

my shirts fits great now

MrsRev, I had implantation spotting 2 times before at 9 dpo, mine was like a pinkish discharge... First time it lasted for 3 days, second time just one day... but AF arrived just on time anyway... What was that, I have no idea.. maybe my progesterone levels were to low to support the pregnancy, maybe it was not implantation spotting after all...
I guess its not AF if your progesterone levels are fine and if you know exactly when you ovulated.

8 dpo looks like perfect timing for implantation spotting

btw, anyone tracking their basal temperature? Mine is 37,1C or 98.78F every day since IUI

11 years ago

I appreciated the humer of this borad to get me through this crazy time.

Hiya HelloGoodbye! I was thinking i'd try a cheapie too! But I am so scared of the dissapointment and at the same time I'm feeling the pull! I already have some test at home but DP has them locked away so no getting my hands on them. But...I think I can waste a buck on one from the Dollar Tree if you're gonna do it. I'll just be doing it to support you, UHMmmm?

MrsRev- I'm not help to you as I've never had this particular symptom. But I did look at a chart and you are in primetime for implantation! GL!!

Andi - I am even bad at waitng to open presents! I thought up the family tradition to share the stockings on the 23rd,open one gift on the 24th and DP and I open up "special" gifts to each other 12 am on the 25th.
don't know how I can last the full TWW.

AFM- if spelling and grammer issues were a positive sign of pregnancy then I am so knocked up!

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11 years ago

Aagoldenchild- Lmao, yes for that reason only!
angelica_- I had that happen to me as well! First time, I was pregnant and the second well who know why, maybe chemical since I got a faint positive that month.

So I went to the store yesterday (6DPO, I'm nuts, I know but I'm a POASA) and grabbed a bunch of dollar tests. I took one yesterday evening and of course but once it dried it looked really funky, like there was a line or the outline of one? I don't know. I took a pic and left it at that. This morning (7DPO) another but this time there was a faint shadow of a line at the end of the time limit. It wasn't dry and the control was still a bright pink. I put both of them side by side for comparison if anyone'd care to join in my line eyes.
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So there's that. I'm just going to test every morning since they're cheap.

(Teacher, 22) (Army Active Duty, 22) T13 angel

11 years ago

hellogoodbye: that defintely looks like the start of a bfp to me! wishing you a sticky bean! xxx

Angelica: your temps sound great! im temping and my temps where unusually low from 8dpo to 11 dpo and now on 12dpo and they have shot back up again to 36.9. although i did a test this am and it awas a bfn. im hoping maybe the low temps was part of imlantation? hoping my temp stays up tomorrow as thats when it usually drops. gl to everyone xxxx

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hey everyone. I'm currently 6dpo have tested twice just to ease my poas curiosity and of course bfn which doesn't surprise me. This is my first cycle back after having a lap, hysteroscopy & d&c. We used clomid this cycle as well and I got my +OPK on Oct 27. We've been trying for #1 for 3.5 years so hoping this is finally it. I have had cramping, feels like I have the flu with a runny stuffy nose and sneezing and few pokes and pains here and there. trying not to go too crazy though.

<a href=

11 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and looking for some people to share things with. I am now about 10dpo and getting the itch to test I took a test at 7dpo and it was a N. I have some lower back pain and cramping real low. I also have a runny nose and my nipples are very sore/sensitive ...sorry about the tmi....anyone else have similar symptoms or any others,? Please dust to all!!!!!!!!!!Ohhh I almost forgot I'm also kinda nauseous and my acne is off the wall this last week or so.....I also took a test at 9dpo and also N.

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11 years ago

Happy Saturday Ladies!!

I miss you all so much! I was on a business trip the last 2 days and have been dying to get back here and read how everyone is doing.

Mrs. Rev... Im thinking we should start a boob poking anonymous support group since many of us tend to poke our boobs a little too often . Howre you doing btw? Sounds to me like your experience may have been IB!

Shanster!!!! Where are you girl? Whats the BF_ fill in the blank with a "P" please!

Aagolden... Cramps are so dang confusing in the TWW. How are yours today? Have you taken any tests yet? If spelling and grammar issues were symptoms of pregnancy I would be right there with you!!

Andie... How's it going girly? Any symptoms? I sure hope that AF stays away for Christmas! I loved your analogy for the TWW. That totally explains my impatience! I could NEVER wait for Xmas. I was one of those kids at 3am Xmas morning asking mom "Can we open presents yet?" Any other day of the year they couldnt get me out of bed before 8 am

Hellogoodbye... Welcome!! Umm so I can definitely see a line!!! lady!

Angelica... Some of us definitely have to enjoy the time where our shirts fit better due to our boobs being bigger, haha! How's your temps going? I think if they stay up that its a good sign. I temped for a few cycles before my MC. And mine were always 97.8 and above in my TWW. No temping right now because Im trying to not over analyze every aspect of my TWW

Maybebaby... How are you doing? What is your status? Any tests yet? Tell me tell me!

Losinghope... Welcome!!! So sorry to hear about your MC . You have just joined a wonderful group of ladies... many of whom have experienced loss as well. Hope you will have better luck this month

Katie... Welcome . Your symptoms sound promising. We all tend to be watching for any sign of hope that this could be our month. Join the craziness!

AFM,,, phew I love that this group has grown. I love reading everyone's posts. It makes this craziness a little less daunting. Im 12 DPO today I think and caved. I took a test and . With my MC I got my BFP at 12 dpo. So Im feeling a little discouraged. The only weird thing is that my cramps have completely disappeared! So not sure what in the heck is going on. AF is supposed to be here Tuesday. So we will see I guess! In the meantime ...

11 years ago

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