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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Ok girls, I have a question and would appreciate your thoughts...I had a really bad cramping on my left side that lasted about 2 hours on Thursday night. Then on Friday there were two times that after I used the bathroom I had a tiny bit of pinkish blood on the toilet paper. Do you think that this could be ovulation or implantation? I don't chart or use OPK's so I have no idea whats going on. All I know is that I have a normal 29 or 30 day cycle. Next month I need to start temping so I have a better idea of what my body is doing....

11 years ago

@Sweetnsour: How are you hun? Fx'd that you get ya bfp :)

@Katie: It could be early ovulation or even you are ovulating later than you are used to. But I would say that as long as you have bd'd often since af went, then you are still in with a very good chance. Good luck

@Pbc: How are you hun? Hope you had a good easter and managed to get in lots of bd'ing ready for your bfp this month :)

@Lacey: Good luck for the tww and fx'd you get a bfp

@Christi: Glad you had a great day and you enjoyed the treats off ya diet :) I know. No idea why he thinks its mad of me asking him. Hmmmm lol

@Nsking: How did the scan go today hun? Hope that you ovulate on time and ya body didn't decide to go by the text book 28 day cycle instead....

@Princess: I was told by my dr that if you don't have the text book 28 day cycle, then have it done when you are 7days away from af showing up. That way, it will be able to give a correct level of progesterone to see if you have ovulated. Day 21 on a 28 day cycle, is 7dpo, so on a 33 day, 7dpo would be about cd26 if you go by the average lp of 14. Hope this makes sense?

@Ally: It depends on what cycle day you are to have a guess at implantation or ovulation spotting...

Afm, im now on 14dpo and no signs of af. Leaving it a week to test again just incase I failed to ovulate 1st time round and im actually only 6dpo going by my new positive opks..... So af either tomorrow or a week weds/thurs....

11 years ago

@ beautiful, yes, that info would be helpful. I am on CD 21 today so the cramping happened on CD 17 and spotting on CD 18. Thanks for your input.

11 years ago

Ally - what cycle day are you? If you are around the mid point, I would say this was ovulation spotting. If you are a week or less away from your next period, it could be implantation.

Princess - when I had a progesterone test (CD20) my level was 5.3 and the doctor said that was good enough to show I ovulated and I always have positive OPKs so I wouldnt be discouraged with that number. I wish I had the info again, but I the normal progesterone levels after O can range greatly. Maybe your dr has different standard levels than mine do. I believe I ovulate each month as I always have the signs so until a dr tells me I don't, I choose to believe I do.

katie - my cycle tool tells me expected date of ovulation but I never go by it, I give myself several days that I could O. I generally start testing with OPKs no earlier than CD10 and usually around CD12. In the past 23 cycles I have never O'ed earlier than CD 14 and no later than CD 21 so I have a general idea of when to expect to start getting positive opks. I would test tonight and again tomorrow. And I wouldn't rely too much on what these sites are telling you even if you are inputting temps and all the signs b/c more than likely you will never ovulate when they say you will. Plus if you give yourself a window, then it will be less stressful and you can spread out the BDing.

11 years ago • Post starter

@Princess - I don't have a 28 day cycle either, so when I was doing Clomid last summer, my OBGYN always had me go have blood drawn 7 DPO. I'd say either that way, or like someone else said, 7 days before your anticipated AF date.

U/S was good....2 good ripe follicles that are ready to go! (DH saw that and went "oh sh*t." Haha!) Shot tonight plus some 'ing, per doctors orders, then I go in at 9am Wednesday to get 'er done! Lol....I'm so overwhelmed by all of this all I can do is laugh. The nurse told me to "think fertile!" as I left and I about peed my pants laughing. I may be losing my mind...........

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11 years ago

nsking - great news! I hope this works for you! I wish I was at the stage instead of all this waiting around, it's quite frustrating but you can at least take comfort in the fact that you are trying as hard as you can for the moment and I am throwing all the baby dust in the world your way!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi all,I am so new on this forum,I am still in school and My husband and I don't stay 2gether we going to start TTC this april. Fingers crossed.

Baby dust to all.

11 years ago might have already said, but where are you in this whole process? I think you and I literally started TTC right around the same time (August 2011?)

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11 years ago

I do not temp. I have been very achy on the right ovary side....I just hope I bed enough ...march,25, 28,29 ...will again tonight...and maybe every other day until closer to AF....but other then that there is not much that I can they say, it only takes one my sister in law said that I should stop with the opks and everything else and just bd every other day or whenever and just see what happens but I think that easier said then done...but I really will try my best to next cycle to go whatever happens. Happens...

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11 years ago

Katie - in the perfect world I know DH and I would BD every day all the time, BUT we both work, a lot, I go to school, we have kids in the house, lots going on, so we are so tired by the time we are alone we know we can't BD every other day. Sadly if you looked at when we BD its always around my fertile time. For the ladies on here that BD regularly, I wish I could be you, but it just isn't going to happen. I use OPKs, track my CM and cervical position to know when I am about to ovulate then we go for it. It does only take one time, you are right about that!

nsking - I tried for a year then saw my primary care dr who referred my to an ob/gyn....she had me get an ultrasound on my thyroid b/c it was enlarged and then referred me to an endocrinologst. After blood tests, he diagnosed me with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Antibodies attack my thyroid so it tried to fight them off and becomes enlarged. It also elevated my thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level and he thinks is the cause for my high prolactin. I am taking medication (been taking new dosage since Feb and getting rechecked this month). He seems to think its the prolactin but my problem with this or the thyroid is they interrupt ovulation and I appear to be ovulating (my progesterone test in Nov confirmed I was). My cycles are ALWAYS normal. However, this is some scientific evidence that prolactin may also affect other hormones and implantation. We shall see. DHs SA came back decent, good numbers, mild motility issue. Our next step based on these factors alone would be IUI later this summer. I plan on making a follow up appt with my ob/gyn for further testing to rule any other problems out but I am just tired of being in this holding pattern and not knowing 100% what is keeping me from getting pregnant.

11 years ago • Post starter

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