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Pregnancy Support Group

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So, congrats you got your BFP. This thread is intended for those who love CTP and want to continue giving and receiving support throughout their pregnancy. Share your fears, baby name ideas, symptoms, and announcement stories (just to name a few things)--anything really! We all know how exciting even the most inconsequential of details can be.

Im looking forward to experiencing this beautiful pregnancy journey with all of you!

186 Replies • 10 years ago



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61 - 70 of 186 Replies | Last Page

Rice--I'm confused by how they dated the pregnancy. did you ovulate late? I'm sorry you weren't able to get an ultrasound ...I can see why that would be frustrating. You can always go on your own for a 3D u/s at 16 weeks and you'll likely know the sex. I'd be bummed too. I hope th next 4.5 weeks fly by.

10 years ago • Post starter

Cam--that makes a lot of sense. It sounds like you enjoys pregnancy. I hope I do too...I guess a lot of it is attitude and i pray every day thanking god for this blessing. I know it's coming for you! How old is your little one?

10 years ago • Post starter

Law---Yeah, I ovulated on CD 22 and they did ask me how long my average cycle is, which is 32 days. Im hoping the appt I have in a couple of weeks will make it seem not that far away.

The 3D ultrasound is a great idea. I will have to look and see where they do it locally. Thanks Ladies :)

10 years ago

@rice: The places around here won't do 3d u/s until 20 weeks.. I am not exactly sure why but I think its because babies still look very skelital prior to 20 weeks and it can be quite alarming. We had a bit of 3d done at the 20 week scan and she still looked pretty darn skelital, but still 100% beautiful :)

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10 years ago

Rice--I hope you find somewhere. I know there's somewhere near me that does 2d-4d. So hopefully you have somewhere similar. Now I see why they dated you off. I would be s whopping 9w4d if we went by LMP. At least you'll get your u/s a week earlier :)!

10 years ago • Post starter

I am pretty behind lol.

Rice: Sorry about only getting 2 u/s, my insurance is the same way I got one at 10 weeks and another at 21.. but since at the 21 week she wouldn't cooperate they couldn't see her left side of her heart so I got a 3rd :) I know there are private places that do u/s but only in some cities. MY next appt is Jan 2nd too lol.

smh: I have been craving pizza, chicken bacon swiss sandwiches, and vanilla malts lol. Craving pizza and having the worst heartburn of my life has not been easy. I get heartburn just drinking water!

I love being preggo too! Probably why I'm on kid #4 haha! I love that people want to feed me and I can get my dh to go get me food at all hours of the night :) I love feeling kicks even when they are in odd places or hurt lol. I could do without the heartburn but I love everything else! The heartburn is so bad I think my baby is going to be a fur ball lol!

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10 years ago

My baby is 10 and my oldest is 12 both girls

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10 years ago

@mamak: Prilosec is safe to take during pregnancy and there is also an Rx you can get. I had my OB give me an Rx for protonix and it has changed my life. The Rx was cheaper than the prilosec OTC. TOTALLY worth it! You should do it!! Its amazing!!! Chicken bacon swiss sandwiches sound great!! I've been kind of off pizza luckily. A vanilla malt sounds delish though!

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10 years ago

smh: Doctor prescribed Pepcid and said to take one a day and if that didn't work then try 2 a day (tums when needed) and if that doesn't work she will call me in something stronger. I just switched to 2 a day today because they worked great for about a week and then the past few days they just haven't! It's Arby's chicken bacon swiss too and they are yummmmmy lol!

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10 years ago

@mamak: Request protonix next time. Its wonderful. I've had to supplement with tums a couple times but like I said, its changed my life. I love Arby's! I could totally go for some curly fries and a jamoca milk shake! I haven't had any caffeine since I entering into the tww or else I'd totally go for a jamocha shake, and to be honest the fries too right now!

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10 years ago

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