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'Pregnant 1-2' yesterday, followed by 'not pregnant' today?!

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My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 5 months. I am 34 (nearly 35) he is 38. Previously I was pill for 18 years!

Yesterday I was 11dpo. With FMU I tested two cheap internet dip sticks and they had VERY faint lines. I uploaded the images to this site and 84% of peeps said it looked positive, so when I got home (after not drinking or peeing for 3 hours) I did two more dip tests and again a very faint line appeared, so I decided to use one of the Clear Blue Digitial tests that I had bought a few days ago. It came up 'pregnant 1-2'! I was so happy and told hubby when he got home from work, who was also really happy!

I have been charting my BBT and my temps have been going up and up, this morning (12dpo) it was 36.85, it has never been this high, and this time last month it had dropped back down by 11dpo ready for period a few days later (I have 29 day cycles average). So a high reading this morning looked really promising!

However I did another Clear Blue Digital test this morning with FMU and it said 'not pregnant', and the dip sticks had faint line, but looked a bit fainter than yesterday I think, but hard to tell.

So now I'm confused! Have I had an early loss and would it show a difference that quickly, just over night? Although I was having some crazy cramps yesterday evening, but then I've been getting mild cramps through whole of luteal phase.

Or was one of the tests lying to me? Remember the positive test was with afternoon pee and the negative was with first morning pee! I'm stumped. I'm assuming this morning's 'negative' is correct though as in theory the morning pee should be stronger?

Hubby is off work today, so he's going to go and buy me some more tests to do when I get in from work this evening and tomorrow morning. If they come back with a mixture of answers then I will see doctor, if they all say negative then I think I will believe them.

Has anyone else experienced this? Could I still be pregnant, or is a negative a 'negative'!


89 Replies • 9 years ago



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Haha! Not as much as me! :)

Nope, last time I just got line similar to that of 11dpo , then it got fainter and disappeared. Never had a line as dark as yesterday's, and definitely nothing like today's! :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Lol!!! I bet not!!!

So have you told the sperm donor (ha this is what my mom refers to as my husband or significant other what have you). She's a funny one. ????

9 years ago

Yeah, hubby knew from the moment I saw a faint line on 11dpo and then I've been showing him the tests each day!

No one else knows though. I think we'll tell our parents and siblings next weekend. And then everyone else after first scan!

It hasn't quite sunk in yet that this is happening?! :)


9 years ago • Post starter

That's great! My hubs was always a part of it from the beginning too!

Scan :) you must be outside the US! Well unless lingo has changed.

9 years ago

Yeah I'm in the UK! ...what do you call them over there?!


9 years ago • Post starter

Lol we call them ultrasounds or sonograms. I'm from Texas so the lingo can be even more different than up north.

Aww I'm just so excited for you. How do you feel this time compared to last? I don't remember if I started to feel a little nauseous around that time. Thankfully I never threw up with either!

9 years ago

Yeah we call them Ultrasound scans ...or just a scan for short!

Last time I had loads of weird cramps and nothing else.

This time I only started getting cramps about 3 days ago. But since 7dpo my digestive system has been completely messed up, very loose one day, constipated the next, very bloated, with severe gas!! Lol!

No sore boobs, but I never get sore boobs during AF or any other time!

I've been quite fatigued in the evenings these last two nights, and two nights ago I had a massive headache and severe fatigue and felt a bit sick. But not since.

I've also been a little short of breath today, very bloated, lower back pain and gassy still!

I'm actually pleased to have symptoms, not matter how uncomfortable!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hey chick, how's it going over there?

8 years ago


All good so far thanks! :)

I'm currently 9 weeks and 1-4days (not sure exactly!).

I paid for a private ultrasound scan when I was 8 weeks and 1 day to put my mind at rest that everything was ok so far. We saw our little peanut and saw a heard the heartbeat! ...amazing! :)

She measured the little 'blob' and said that it was more sized to be 7 weeks and 5 days, so just 3 days behind what I thought, but she said that it's not that accurate measuring so early on, so I'll see what they say at my next scan!

The next one, which will be my first scheduled NHS scan is on 3rd August (seems like ages away!) and I'll be 13 weeks or just over, so I can't wait! :)

I've got off pretty light with morning sickness too! Just the odd feeling of nausea here and there, and it disappears with about half an hour, and no sickness! yay! ...very bloated with lots of cramps though, but midwife says that's normal!

Exciting times! :)'s things with you?!


8 years ago • Post starter

Awww!!!! That is so awesome!!! What an exciting time :D I never had much morning sickness either...just like you said, a wave here and there.

I finally made it past my 6 week surgery recovery and the whole ordeal made me feel like my family is complete. It's always good to keep the option open, but it's far from my mind right now! LOL

I can't wait to hear if you're having a girl or a boy! I know every one wants a healthy baby, but any guesses yet? All girls for me, but I'm sure I already mentioned that! HA

8 years ago

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