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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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So I broke down and took a test and BFN :(

11 years ago

im so cranky today and feel a little bit of jealousy. i dont wanna be mean, but when i see already 7 friends of mine in the last year not even ttc and having babies or showing bellies i feel like life's not fair to so many of us. im happy for them indeed and wish the best for them but it puts me down in the same time. before i didnt even imagine when i wanted to have a baby i would be frustrated without results at cycle 12 (13 if this fails).

im sorry for ranting i just needed to let it out and i cant tortue my husband again with my whining

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11 years ago

missy, keep your head up... you will figure it out and the BOOM you will get your bfp! You can rant anytime.. you ladies have let me for the past couple of weeks! That is what we are here for. We are all in this together! Big Hugs!

SMP, I am so sorry hun. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. There are people that don't want them that are popping babies out like crazy, but here we sit! Big hugs!!!!

Jess, I am sorry you are feeling down today... just know that we are all here if you need to talk at all!

Clarice, it's okay don't be sad... maybe still a bit too early... call the dr and ask for a blood test. Keeping you in our prayers!

AFM, today was horrible. Woke up with cramps so bad I couldn't stand, sit, lay down and get comfortable... even the heating pad didn't work. Finally was able to keep some food down so I took 2 vicodin and I was OUT! My hubby kept checking on me to make sure I was still breathing. I woke up and passed another HUGE clot... thought it was all done with that part but I guess not! Had some great dreams on the vicodin though... LOL... I woke up laughing my butt off, my hubby came running in the room to make sure I was okay! I dont' ever take pain meds and this is why!

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11 years ago

No my AF showed up a couple hrs after I tested.... so I'm out for this month .
We weren't trying this time around anyhow... my BF is quite a bit older than me(mid 40s) no kids , but I have one from a previous relationship. Before our may miscarriage he never thought he could have kids. So yes even though that was deviating, he was thrilled at the possibility. But now a slump... perhaps a trip to a Dr.

I wish all the best for all of you! I will continue to pray for you and ill hang around on here for a bit.... I'm thinking we need a break. Whatever happens, happens!

11 years ago

I have been following this for a while now, but haven't posted yet.

I am hoping to be an August mom! I am pretty new to all of this. I don't use opk's or anything. I am not sure when I ovulated, but if I get pregnant this cycle I would be due August 25th! My cycles are irregular, ranging from 26-35 days! I'm not really feeling confident in this cycle because we missed 3 days in a row of bding! I'm hoping it wasn't when I ovulated, but I am not sure!

I am holding out hope for all of us :) Good luck!

11 years ago

Awww Clarice big hugs... sorry the witch got you but there is always next cycle! :) I am positive it is coming... I just know it!

momlove, fx for you... Sounds like you are getting into the grove of things... GL!

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11 years ago

I got a positive opk tonight.

11 years ago

Oh Carla FX for you.. bang it out! Baby Dust and Sticky Vibes!

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11 years ago

Good luck ladies!

Sorry Clarice. :(

Go Carla Go! BD like crazy! :)

5 dpo. Painful gas, neck aches (but no recent car crashes or marathon phone calls), and one amazingly large pimple on my chin. What the heck?! An hour worth of stabby pain in the left uteran/ovary region. Probably just my body being angry with me for something. Testing the 22nd.

11 years ago

GL Sarah... can't wait for the 22nd!

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11 years ago

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