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October Testers Part 2!

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AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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SMH I just messaged you but I wanted to elaborate: AAAAAAH A GIRL!!! I am so excited for you! Funny how we all predicted it ;) Your husband will come around. He probably sees how most teen girls act and is horrified. I know a lot of studious, talented, chaste, modest teenage girls who are wonderful and I'm sure you will raise your daughter to be that way :)

Shawnna I was so excited to see your three-digital-BFP picture! That is so awesome and congrats!!! When are you gonna see the doc? Some doctors don't do betas but it's a nice way to see progression :)

clove hello hello! Where are you in your cycle? Hope you hear nothing about that glucose test!

lawbride I am behind you, let that RE know you mean business and get the trigger! I'd be like "I'm paying you for it, dammit!" haha!

1stTTC I am glad your doc is so great, and it's nice that AF is on the outs. Since you had a pretty early MC it probably won't mess up your cycle too badly! Like I said before you might ovulate late, so just BD every couple days and you'll catch it! :) Shawnna is right, it's a very good sign that you were able to get pregnant, that rules out a LOT of problems, such as blocked tubes, overly-hostile CM and anovulation. Other possible problems will be easy to fix if the time comes, but I think you'll get pregnant right away!

Holly hiya! Agree that men are afraid of having daughters because they think they'll get pregnant at 13 or something :-P But sons can get a girl pregnant at 13! Double standards ;)

3lil ooh contractions! It's so exciting to see all this happening so fast...seems like just yesterday you announced that BFP! :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Shawnna--yippee. so excited for you. I can't wait for you to get confirmation. The trigger basically forces you to ovulate. Generally you'd get an ultrasound to see if there are any mature follicles and if there is then you take an injection and ovulate ~36 hours later. Since my body doesn't ovulate regularly I need fertility treatments to assist us in getting pregnant--next cycle I'll start injectables with a trigger but since I'm doing the HSG this cycle I'm pretty sure they won't allow me to do any injectables.

luv--I'm probably a bit too much of a pushover because I don't want to "make her mad at me" for being so adamant about doing certain things. Some people take offense because they think "I'm the professional so you need to STFU and let me do my job." But I will definitely express my desire to make something out of this cycle.

1st--do you plan on waiting or still trying this cycle?

SMH--I think I should get my results immediately since an ob-gyn is performing the test. Although, I'm not certain.

10 years ago

@Luv: I'm hoping we ovulate this cycle. Going to do opks, keep charting, and e.o.d!

@Law: yea, at first I wasn't sure if we were going to try this cycle or not, but after me and DH talked, we decided we are.

10 years ago

hey ladies i found my way over i miss two days and there is ten pages of stuff to get into and i know i am going to miss alot but i promise to be better at keeping up this past few days AF really got me i have been laid up in bed with a heating pad on almost all day the past couple. Im glad i had a long weekend to recover or i would have missed work for sure.

Lawbride: sorry its taking me so l ong to get back to you, the HSG did not really bother me. the part they say some women feel discomfort didnt hurt at was just some bloating from the liquid going in but it didnt hurt. I did have a little pain when my Ob was inserting the tube because my cervix was off to the side and very tightly closed at the so he had to force it in which hurt a little he said most people do not feel any discomfort for that so hopefully you will not!! Good luck and relax its over within 5 minutes and they can usually tell you right then if it looks like everything is clear.

SMH: yeah congrats!! so happy to hear its a little girl!! you must be super excited and im sure DH will come around especially when she arrives.

3lil: it must be any day now that you are going in and your newest additon will be here!!

holly and cloves: glad to see you ladies are still around miss seeing your smiling avatars on the forum!!!

shawna: congrats you will have to let us know how the appointment with the OB goes!!

natalie: welcome to the forum as well !! these women here are soo supportive and if it were not for them i am sure i would have completely lost my mind with TTC already!!

AFM: I just got off the phone with my Dr. was able to get my appointment switched to next friday so i will be going in to see him then. im not sure if i will be able to know anything before i leave or if he will have to call me with the results. is it wrong for me to wish there was something wrong with the mucus so i can go straight to IUI!! i have been trying for almost 1 1/2 years and i just am so ready to start a family!!

10 years ago

lawbride: My Dr. told me with having the HSG test done we could still try that cycle. so who knows maybe you will still be able to do something else this cycle as well. it does not hurt to ask and let it be known you want to move things along as quickly as possible with out really pushing her. Hope you get soem good results. what day do you go for the HSG?

10 years ago

1stttc: glad to see you are going ahead and trying again!! i cant imagine going through what you did and admire your strength. Hopefully your numbers will be back to normal and you can get right back to trying again. You really do have unbelievable strentgth!!

10 years ago

Luv I am almost 28 weeks pregnant I think that is why I don't post much. Just wanting to stick around to see all of you get bfps.

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10 years ago

clove oh my lord I totally forgot. LMAO. Now that you mention it I knew that. I blame the ovulation hormones! They are a bit kooky this month! Do you know if it's a boy or a girl???

amag I understand wanting to do the IUI right away! Anything with a high success rate is good! Hopefully they can get you knocked up ASAP no matter how they have to do it! ;)

1stTTC I'm glad you guys are ready to try again! Good idea to do the EOD BD, it's the way to go :)

lawbride being a "pushover" isn't a bad thing, it's good to keep the peace but don't be afraid to express yourself. If I had a personal training client that wasn't happy with our workouts I would want them to say something, it's the doctor's job to make you happy and keep you healthy so if it wouldn't adversely affect you then it should be okay I'd think!

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv: I understand I forget things all the time. It is a little boy. Which makes our family even we have 2 girls and a boy right now. As of right now his name is going to Ezra but it might change. We are still thinking of a middle name.

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10 years ago

Amag--thanks for following up. Tomorrow is the HSG and usually even paps are painful for me so that's why I'm nervous about the pain. I won't see my RE until cd12 so I has a feeling she will say it's too late for injectables.

Luv--I'm going to tell her. If my follies are tiny I don't see why I can't do injectables this cycle still.

So ladies...anything fun planned this week? WHat about for Halloween? Any parties?

10 years ago

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