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Calling all November testers!

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Just thought all of us on the tww at the moment could buddy up and get through it together! Would love to have some company on this looonnngggg 2w journey and beyond. I'm currently 7dpo and itching to test! This is my third month Ttc after a 20 week stillbirth. Would love to hear your stories ! ð???ð???

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172 Replies • 11 years ago



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yaaaaay! So happy for you. I totally see the 2nd line. Your picture said 9 dpo... is that where you're at today?

8 dpo today for me and I want soooo badly to test but I know the likelihood of getting a bfp is very small. I'm not ready to be disappointed!

Have a lovely day ladies! Anyone want to cave and test on Sunday with me? If I can wait that long!!!

11 years ago

Yes im 9 days past today,I did one yesterday and it was bfn,I know it sounds weird but on the test I have posted if Ishone my phone torch under it and tipped it so it wasn't bright in my eyes you could see it so clearly... Lots of luck,keep us updated x

11 years ago

I'm new to the board as of last night! I am 38 ,TTC my 3rd after losing twins in April at 23weeks. My partner and I are using an RE in Portland trying an unmediated IUI with donor sperm. Our first insemination was on October 23rd. We did test last night even though it was way too early and the urine was not my FMU. But we just wanted get some of the anxiety out of the way.Heck we have 46 of them!
The only symptoms I have had is stomach cramps,nausea,lots of CM and some constipation. My boobs do feel "off" however this isnt a pronounced symptom sooooo.....i'm not gonna count it yet.I know all of these things could be PMS and after my last lost I am not having tons of hope for a BFP on our first cycle.
I love love love reading the post on this thread. I feel like I can relate to it. Good luck to everyone and tons of baby dust to you!

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11 years ago

Congradulations Abi!! You're test look beautiful!!

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11 years ago

Hi agoldenchild - so sorry to hear you lost twins! That must have been awful. Really hope you get good news. How long have you been trying? X

11 years ago

A big hello to all the wonderful ladies here! I love this thread. I just read through it like a novel and I'm pulling for everyone in here! Armywife, I think we are TTC sisters. Hubby and I are TTC #1 since April. Had a MC over the summer and we're back to trying now. A huge hug to all the ladies who have lost pregnancies in 20+ weeks. My MC was at 6 weeks and broke my heart, so all the love in the world to you ladies. I'm 7dpo and trying to hold out until the weekend to test. Thank you all for posting such wonderful, supportive messages!!

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11 years ago

Abi: congratulations hunni I knew it was positive i am so thrilled for you!

Andie: welcome! i so sorry for your loss! there seems to be a lot of losses on this thread! its great that we all found each other! because all of us lossees need extra support! I swore i wouldnt test til the weekend but ive been testing twicwe a day since sunday! will have my real answer at the weekend also (im 9dpo right now) let me know if you test early

Aagoldenchild: I am so sorry for your loss> i lost my baby boy in july at 20 weeks! so i kinda know how you feel but losing twins must have been so hard!
My doctor firmly believes that when you lose a chikd during pregnancy that the soul of the child goes into the next pregnancy and makes that child all the more special! I dont kow what your beliefs are but when my doctor said that to me it comforted me a bit so i just thought id pass it on......are you 7dpo today? im 9dpo today and getting bfns which is depressing but im still always hopeful this might be the month! when i look at my two girls and i think of when i was trying to get pregnant with them i always think how lucky i was that for what ever reason, i got pregnant with them. if it had of been any other month i would have had a totally different baby and i never would have met them! but for whatever reason, they where chosen to be my my daughters. so for anyone including myself doesnt get pregnant this month just remember your just waiting on the right sperm to meet the right egg to make YOUR perfect baby!
anyway im rambling. will let you all know how i get on with my test in the morning xxxx
fingers crossed xxxxxx

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11 years ago • Post starter

Oh my post was so full of spelling issues. I hate auto correct sometimes. I wish it would give me a chance to be dumb on my own! LOL!!!
Sorry ladies.

Thank you all! I think losing a child at any gestation is hard.It just does some thing to your soul.
We were given the go ahead to start trying in October.

I have a question. The RE told us to come in the day after we had a positive on the CBE OPK. We were a bit over zealous so we used both the digital test and the CBE fertility monitor. I also don't trust my l OPK ine reading abilities just yet.
Does being inseminated the day after positive OPK lessen our chances? I know I am paying the RE to be the expert and I should trust him but I keep reading that most women are more concerned with the day of positive OPK.
Any feed back would be great!

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11 years ago

Aagoldenchild: once you get a positive opk you will ovulate within 12-48 hours. A positive opk does not guarantee that you are ovulating. It simply means that your lutenizing hormone ( the one that makes the egg release) has had a surge which means in the next 12 to 48 hours one of your eggs should be released. So don't worry, going in the next day of your first positive opk should be right on time . However I would be using the opks twice a day if you can. Hope this helps xxxxxxx

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11 years ago • Post starter

Oh and once the egg is released it will live in your Fallopian tube for 12-24hors so you should have plenty of time. But if you can, do opks twice a day ie. once every 12 hours. You could be like me and have a night surge. Eg. This cycle @cd14 am - opk and at cd14 pm + opk and cd15 am+ cd15 pm -. So if I was only testing once a day I would think the start of my surge was @ cd15 when really that was the end of my surge., so that could cut it tight for you if that where to happen and then not going in until the following day. Hope this helps xxxx

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11 years ago • Post starter

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