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June 2018 Babies

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TTC Group

719 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Vettechgirl11 -- Don't count yourself out until the officially shows. I'm trying to follow my own advice here as well. Try not to lose hope. Hang in there!

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6 years ago

Ladies... spotting and feeling like you’re getting your period isn’t a terrible sign. I had heavy brown spotting for five days, then it just magically stopped and I got my bfp! Spotting doesn’t mean you’re out! @Burn2Ash - I feel like you could end up with a BFP!

I also had other normal period cramps in my lower abdomen and lower back like pms! So feeling like you’re getting AF can be a good sign! It was in my case.

@MePlus1 - how far along are you now?

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

Hi ladies,
Wondering if I may join your friendly group. I had a FET yesterday and really need some support. This was my 4h transfer this year, 2 ended in mc, one BFN. So I had my last remaining embryo transferred ,graded 4BB and I'm not too happy with the quality.Anyone have words of wisdom? I'm already feeling out :(

6 years ago

@Sirocco -- Welcome to the group! We're a very supportive bunch. What's making you feel out? Are you having any symptoms? Try to stay positive. for a sticky bean!

@Ruby0709 -- Thanks for the optimism. The spotting stopped (again). was due today, but she could pop up tomorrow. Today is CD 28 and I rarely have 29 day cycles. So, if she's not here by tomorrow, then I will know something is up.

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6 years ago

I got my progesterone results it was 19.11 which they said was good. I have my ultrasound on tues!

@Dragonfly23- Don't feel like you are out, I had all sorts of weird stomach feelings prior to and since my BFN.

@Vettechgirl- You are not out until AF shows!

@Sirocco- Welcome to the group! This is a very supportive group.

@Burn2ash- Spotting could mean good things, don't lose hope!

6 years ago

Aww, thanks Burn2ashes for the warm welcome. Good question, why do I feel out already? It's that my best embies didn t work out, why would the worst quality one turn into a baby? I have no symptoms, nothing. I will update for sure. Crossing fingers for you and all the others here!

6 years ago

Welcome Sirocco!!! A friend of mine just did a fresh transfer with a similar graded embryo. She only has that one to transfer from stimming. She's now 18 weeks pregnant with a baby girl! Hang in there! I'll send some prayers and good vibes your way.

6 years ago

@Burn2Ash. Just a quick reply. More like a pullness as all day I felt pulling down my back. Went to hold my daughter and my left hip felt like a cramp like when one has a workout. My right side now has a pullig ache. If its implantation on both sides, that would mean twins? Explain flops pleae.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 -- Oh, yea. The pulling. That too. Flip Flops. Like your stomach churning. Not really gurgles. More like being flipped upside down. Almost like butterflies.

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6 years ago

Thank you cronins, I so appreciate your encouraging words and will hold on to that!

6 years ago

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