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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

571 - 580 of 1246 Replies | Last Page

Wow I have missed a lot today! Time to catch up!

Thanks Felurian... we have been "busy" for the past 3 nights and continuing on!

TDubbs, Big hugs. I know it is so hard to not think about it and even harder when you are surrounded by what you want the most! Prayers you get your BFP very very soon!

Wiggy, LOL I am glad to know I am not the only one that does things like that! :) I try to share our funny parts of the journey as well to try and keep people hopeful and if nothing else, keep them smiling! WOW, IDK about the FM and how it all works. Sorry!

Carla, FX for you that this is your cycle!

Mandy, last cycle was weird for me and I didn't get a positive OPK until O day... really weird. I hope and pray you O tomorrow or maybe one day late!

Nsking, has your RE suggested Letrozole? Clomid did not work for me at all but Letrozole did without a trigger shot! I am hoping to not have to do IUI because it is going to cost $600 each time! I really really really would love to not have to spend that money but we will do whatever it takes to get us a baby! It really sucks that insurance won't cover these expenses. :( Prayers for you!

Bama, I want to that that witches broom and beat her and the monkeys to death! :( So sorry and great big hugs to you! My heart is breaking for your SIL. I will be saying extra prayers for all of your family and for them as they go through this tragedy. Big hugs!

Beatles, at 12 dpo my blood test was good! Hmmm! How did everything else go? How was u/s?

Robertsbaby, I think I might see a very faint shadow of a line... test again and again and again! FX for you!

Beautiful, whats funny is that is how my DH and I are all the time... just goofy and fun loving! It sure makes marriage and TTC so much more eventful! :) I really hope you get to feeling a lot better soon so you can get into the dr!

Elleno it is still early, you aren't out just yet! I'm sorry about your SIL sending that pic... it is so hard! Big hugs!

Hopeful, idk about you but I am so super blessed to have him and so thankful he puts up with all my crap! LOL! Glad your DH's back is feeling better and praying AF was just a freak thing this cycle!

Zoolisa, sorry that AF got you... drink a couple of glasses for me LOL! I really need it tonight!

WBSB GL with your marathon next week! LOL! :)

SMC, you can always request a blood test just in case! When I take provera I have some nausea but none of the other symptoms you spoke of. I have also had my RE tell me that Provera (in the dose I have to take and for the short time I take it) should not hurt me if I am pregnant and missed it! I hope that gives you some kind of piece of mind! Let me know how your blood test goes.

nicola, I hope you get your BFP... I mistakenly took an OPK instead of HPT last cycle... it was positive but then all my HPTs were negative and AF showed up right on time! I pray that is not the case for you.

AFM, today is CD 19 which is my normal O day... still getting a positive on my OPK, although I think the line is starting to get a little lighter... FX it happens tomorrow!

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11 years ago

P.S. I did another OPK tonight (this makes 3 today LOL) and it was negative... so I did officially O this evening... and I believe it was while i was cooking dinner because I had a sharp sharp pain! So we will BD again tonight and again tomorrow and then the wait begins! :)

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11 years ago

@Christ, TWW is near :-) Yahhhh!
Now lets see if I can get a +OPK today at some point, I am going to test in a bit and then again this afternoon and maybe before I go to bed! I should ovulate today, usually I would. Maybe tomorrow? Either way I am hoping tomorrow cause we didn't BD last night! Ughhhhhh we will have sex every damn night of the week when I'm not ovulating and lo and behold we both fall asleep last night! The one night we soooo should have done it and we couldn't this morning cause he left at 4:45 to haul ass to the office to let the guys in so they could head to Austin. We will BD our butts off today and every day until I know I ovulated so if I don't ovulate today maybe it is a good thing!

11 years ago

Morning all, sorry I haven't been around. I've been battling the POAS demon.
Witch was due yesterday and did another test like the one on the pictures, again could see something but was faint. I've done another one this morning with first morning pee and again; faint but I've got AF symptoms!!
Driving me mad. I just wish she would appear.

@zoolisa - how's your head buddy? I'm sorry the witch got you. She's an itch with a capital B.

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11 years ago

thanks Cristi, it does give me piece of mind. i don't want to be pregnant and hurting my baby by taking provera.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

11 years ago

hey ladies sorry i haven't been around lately its been pretty damn crazy over here..... i was involved in a bad RTA last weds in which they thought i had broken my neck was pretty damn scary i can tell you!!!
anyways i'm finally back at home and fortunatley not with a broken neck but with two twisted vetibrae!! i ovulated when in hosp so i know for sure that i'm out this month which i actually pleased about,don't think i could handle the stress right now!!! i'm trying to look positively at the fact that i had my m/c as i would have been roughly 10wks now and god knows what would of happened to the baby if i was still pregnant now, i guess these things really do happen for a reason!!!
i hope all you ladies get ur BFP this time around, i will defo be popping in to check up on u all!!!!

lots of love and baby dust ur way!!!!!

11 years ago

Hi ladies,

Have spent last 2 weeks trying nt to obsessively symptom spot and over excite myself (but privately patting myself on back that the signs were good). Truly thought this is it I'm having a December baby, alas af came 2 days early last night :(

However on the sunny side according to countdown I could still be in or a shot with a December 31st baby next cycle!!!

Clutching at straws much???


11 years ago

@Trying, how awesome would it be to have a New Years Baby!!!

11 years ago


I know right!! That's what I shall keep telling myself today, thanks!!

11 years ago

Good Morning I am giving an update as of yesterday I took another OPK and it was neg so I ovulated yesteday and we bd yesterday and will dtd today and I will pray for my little blessing to come. Good luck ladies and Cristi we are the same path
wishing eveyone

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11 years ago

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