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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi everyone,

This board is so active I spend a lot of time reading. I'm on CD9 and we have decided to do every other day this cycle to make sure we are not wearing out the swimmers. I also want to try the immune suppression just in case it works.

If I conceive EDD is 23/12/13

11 years ago

So my regular ovulation date is CD17, now I know every cycle is different but for the past 3 months I have had a regular 30 day cycle ovulating on CD17. However, my OPKs are still coming back negative. Is it safe to assume I will not ovulate on CD17 which is tomorrow? If I do not ovulate this week I will so blame the Fertiliaid!

Carla that would be neat! I would hold off until Christmas Eve :-)

11 years ago

So many newbies....I'd say I love it, but I hate that so many of us are struggling :( are just about where we were when I finally had had enough last year, and got referred to an OBGYN and not just my GP. We had been TTC for 9 months....that last cycle before I had what could probably be termed a nervous breakdown, my cycle was 42 days long, when the longest it had been to that point was 37 - so I was CONVINCED we were pregnant. Fortunately, or unfortunately I guess, I was able to get some more specialized treatment before the "one year" mark that so many GPs will make you wait if you're under 30, due to my periods being SO irregular.

I have to also say....there's a fine line between doing all the research you can and making yourself crazy (a VERY fine line)....information is good, but like anything else, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing! Definitely educate yourself, but so many websites have varying opinions and thoughts of what you should take, shouldn't take, can't do, can do, should & shouldn' is all so confusing. So...I guess what I'm trying to say is to just be smart - you know your body! :)

I didn't see your history (don't know if I didn't read far back enough), but if your periods are regular, and you are consistently getting +OPKs every month, your BFP is probably coming very soon! :) But if not, the things that my doctor checked right away were testosterone, prolactin, progesterone & thyroid for me - which is when we found out my progesterone levels were low & probably hadn't been ovulating correctly (if at all). The OBGYN also made DH get a SA done BEFORE my first appointment with her, just to rule that out. He actually has had 2 SAs, which some doctors might recommend (since so many factors play into the little guys!)

After a couple of months on Clomid still hadn't gotten us anywhere, I had the HSG scan...and 2 months after that (when they say your chances are higher due to the dye kind of "cleaning out" your tubes), I was referred to an RE. Right away I had my blood type tested (good thing to know when TTC, I wasn't able to remember mine) as well as FSH and AMH levels. just gets more intensive (and expensive) as you go....fortunately my company's insurance is pretty good, but they cover no fertility treatments, so all the Clomid has been out of pocket (generic is only $18....not bad), and then the HcG shot next week is out of pocket (like $80), and obviously the IUI procedure itself is out of pocket - somewhere around $400. Eesh! Just one more reason I'm hoping for it to take on the first try......

and for all of you/ us. Love!

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11 years ago

So no more sporting. Temp went back up a lil bit today but I still don't know. I think AF is on her broom with her monkeys about to make an entrance. But like DH said this morning, it ain't over till the 13itch comes full force. Soooo

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago

@Bama: Keep positive hun. Its not over until af shows up in full flow....

@Robertsbaby: How was the temp this morning and have you tested yet??? Fx'd for you hun and baby dust :)

@Cazh: Sorry that you had a cp. Hugs and baby dust for you hun

@Miracle: Sorry that the witch has shown up for you. Fx'd that your cycles are just resetting themselves and become pretty regular again :)

@NsKing and wbsb: Good luck for this cycle ladies. An xmas baby would be a brilliant present for you all :)

@Christi: Your stories about your DH and yourself are so comical. Make me laugh every time I read them. Good luck and I hope you catch the egg :)

@felurian: So sorry hunni and lots of virtual hugs to you both

@Beatles: Good luck and I hope they can tell by a blood test :) I know what you mean about not having been with ya other half long. Ive been with my DF since Jan 2012 and we was trying for a baby from march 2012. When you know, you know. Noone really knows that we trying as we don't want to be told it was too soon etc etc so keeping it from our families. Though we got engaged a week after valentines day this year so our families may not be too shocked lol!!

Afm, I am doing ok. Wasn't feeling great yesterdal afternoon at all. Had a headache and felt really sick since about 2pm. Was hungry as tummy felt like I hadn't eaten in days but I had no appetite. Forced down a jacket potato about 8pm which I didn't fancy but halfway through, started to enjoy it. few hours later, back to feeling sick again and empty feeling in tummy plus pressure. Kept burping too. Then about "am this morning, I woke up and chucked up a few times then was fine. Been eating (mainly toast) and drinking today and feel fine though my stomach again feels sooo empty and keep losing my appetite. Visited my SIL sat night and she was looking after her stepson (my nephew) and I found out today that his sister (my niece) seemed to have had a stomach bug middle of last week..... Maybe I just caught that mildly lol.
So due to a possible bug, I had to cancel my drs appointment this morning. Hoping I can get one for end of the week/Monday as will still be a few days before af due to show her face (2nd april) so may still be able to check ive ovulated/get forms for other hormone tests incase she does show if I sweet talk my dr nicely :)

Sorry for the long winded post. Good luck to everyone testing in the next few days :)

11 years ago

Booooo...just took my first HPT this cycle and BFN, I'm only 10 DPO, but I was SURE I was gonna see a faint line with the way I've been feeling the past week...totally gutted today....and of course not 5 minutes after I've taken the test, my SIL sends me a picture of her beautiful daughter, born in December. I want to go hide in my house and cry instead of being at work.

11 years ago

Elleno....oh, that SUCKS. I totally know how you feel. My SIL (DH's sister) and her husband are pregnant and due in August. She had 2 MCs last year....actually got pregnant in November and didn't even know it until NYE b/c her last MC was in October. Anyway, it is ALL that ANYONE in my husband's family can talk about, since it's the first grandbaby since my husband's nephew, who's 12. Thankfully, we live 250 miles away, but that doesn't stop her (nor should it, but UGH) from posting "my pregnancy countdown!" on fb (which I've hidden), and sending me sonogram pics. It SUCKS. The first sonogram picture she sent me, I was sitting in a month-end close with a bunch of higher-ups and had to pretend that I had to use the bathroom so I could get myself under control. Hang in there girl!

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11 years ago

What an active active board - it is hard to keep up!! I am enjoying reading everyone's experiences and remain hopeful for everyone on here that they get their December babies!

Cristi - your DH cracks me up! He sounds exactly like my DH - I am so thankful for my DH and his positive attitude and sense of humor. If it weren't for that, I would've gone crazy a while ago :) GL to you and I am keeping my Fx'd for you!

Pbc - You've got such a great attitude and it has definitely been rubbing off on me. Fx'd for you too my dear!

Carla - Looks like we are on the exact same kind of schedule :) My EDD is December 23rd and DH and I plan on BD'ing every other day too. Hopefully we will be belly buddies too! What day to you typically O? At what DPO do you think you will start testing at? Fx'd for you!!

AFM - I am on cd 9 and still had AF spotting as of yesterday. That is so abnormal for me - I hope it is just some freak thing and not a sign of something else wrong with me. I typically O around CD 13-15 so we are going to start BD'ing every other day soon and hopefully that will work for us this time around! Thank gosh that DH's back is better...I was freaked out after he hurt is last week and was thinking that we might miss out this time around!

Baby dust to all!!

11 years ago

I'm out too now, day 28 and have just started spotting, so I'll see some of you ladies in a 'new years baby' thread!

Onwards and upwards. I'll have a big glass of wine tonight for you all xx

11 years ago

I'm out! showed up with her flying monkeys in full force

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago

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