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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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531 - 540 of 697 Replies | Last Page

@luv: Hey pretty lady back at ya!! I am bummed work is still crazy but I don't see it letting up anytime soon. I technically don't get any maternity leave but my company offers short term disabilty which is 12 weeks paid at 60%, then I can couple that with FMLA and hopefulyl get another 6 weeks off unpaid. I hope we can make it work financially so I can take the whole 18 weeks off!! Holy smokes! 25?!? That is amazing!!! Did you ask them if that was indicative of more than one follicle rupturing? That is friggin awesome!

@blue: Gosh, your cycle is confusing!! Are you taking opks?

@beyond: Sorry about AF but I guess closure it good. How do you like the ovacue?

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10 years ago

SMH oh yeah I think I remember that policy now that you mention it! Well that isn't so bad, at least you get 12 weeks even if you won't be taking home the full income. Plus another 6 weeks unpaid! Plenty of bonding time with Baby Girl :) I did not ask about multiple follicles but I strongly believe that I did this month, based on the fact that both my ovaries were going crazy! My husband is like "don't get your hopes too high!" and I'm not, but I am just so glad that the Clomid did its job and I know that it's an option for next month if I need it!

10 years ago • Post starter

I just would like to apologize to all of you ladies. I know that I have not been as supportive since finding out about my pregnancy. I am truly sorry for any hurt feelings, that this may have caused. My worry about MC may have caused me to become more self-centered lately and though I know that doesn't make my self-centeredness any less selfish, I hope those that are upset, can find the understanding in their heart to forgive me. I do not want to leave this forum and I definitely don't want to have to leave it on a bad note.

Hope and pray each of you get your bfp soon! And if I am able to stay, I will try to do better and follow each of you more closely :)

10 years ago

1stTTC, welcome back, kiddo. :)

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: I hope you won't need another cycle!! I hope you will get your bfp in a matter of days!! I am so flipping curious as to how many follicles you had though! I wish there was a way of knowing.

@1stTTC: Hey! Welcome back! Glad you are back to support these wonderful ladies as anyone ttc needs all the support they can get! I've been sending sticky thoughts your way!!

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10 years ago

Hey Ladies,
OMG, Ive only missed a couple of days and I feel like I havent been on here in a week!! How is everyone today?

Beyond---Im sorry that the damn showed up this month. My fingers are crossed for you in December.

Luv---Im so happy that things are looking good for you. I have high hopes that you will be joining Law and I by the end of the 2013 :)

SMH---Your short term disability is sooo much better than mine!! I only get $300 a week for 8 weeks. I also dont get paid maternity leave. So I will need to use all of my vacation and sick time that that I have saved by then and also do a 10% voluntary reduction in pay just to accrue enough to be out 10 maybe 12 weeks :(

Blue---Im sorry to hear about the BFN :(

Law---How are you feeling? Are you experiencing any symptoms yet? Im sure your results will come back great ;) So, telling your parents on Thanksgiving will be awesome!!

AFM---DH and I decided that it would be best to tell our parents separately and since our family eats together on Thanksgiving we did this past weekend. I put together a slideshow for both parents. Since this will be the first grandchild for my parents I presented it to them first. The slideshow had a song by Elton John called My Greatest Discovery playing in the background and it said:
Slide 1-- Mom and Daddy
Slide 2 --Thank you for everything you have done for us over the years andâ?¦
Slide 3-- For everything that you will do with as new Grandparents! (with a picture of DH and I kissing and holding the test)
Slide 4-- Little Baby Rice, Estimated Arrival Date July 27th 2014 (with a close up of the 2 tests)

Their reaction was priceless!! And I was able to catch it on video :) We did a similar thing for DHs parents last night and my mother in-law started crying!! I loved every minute of it. But, I did make them promise not to tell the rest of the family until after our first OB appointment. I am way to nervous that something could happen this early on.

10 years ago

SMH I am curious too! I wish they could have done an u/s when I got the IUI but oh well. We may never find out...unless I have twins :-O

Rice that is very creative! Adorable that they were freaking out so hard! If I get pregnant I know MY family will be thrilled, but I have no idea about my husband's family...they have never ever mentioned wanting us to have a baby or anything related to that. When is your first appt again, is it at 8 weeks?

10 years ago • Post starter

@Rice820 - What a wonderful way of telling family!

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10 years ago

Thanks Luv and Blue :)
Our first appoitment is on December 13th, which is close to 8 weeks. I still find it strange how they calculate the weeks by the first day of your last period. I didnt ovulate until CD 22 (Nov 10th) so I feel like I will really only be 4 weeks.

10 years ago

Rice they do it that way because a lot of women don't know when they ovulate (or maybe even when they got pregnant) so this keeps it more "standardized," of course when someone ovulates earlier or later it isn't totally accurate! But when they know the O day they'll usually do 38 weeks from that day as the "due date." :)

10 years ago • Post starter

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