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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

511 - 520 of 1246 Replies | Last Page

felurian- thanks much hunnie and Pbc I cant wait either I feel this will be a good month for alot of women on this forum and what your experiencing sounds very promising wishing to ya !!!!!

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11 years ago

ttcfirstbabe- Thank you so much for your kind words! It's been a bumpy ride, but we're surviving! All the best of luck to you :)

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Hey ladies, I went out of town this weekend with the hubs and yes, the 13itch came right on time 11DPO.... so my cycle was 19days ... WOW! I had full flow on the first day of 11DPO so my LP was 10DPO... I ovulated on CD9 this time. I hope I'm just re-setting... and I don't have a problem.

So anyway, CD3 today and still sticking around here as if we conceive this cycle the EDD will be 12/28.

Sweetnsour- TEST ALREADY!!! I'm so excited for you.. I really think you will see 2 lines this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PBC- Looks like you and I are close!! Hope we get to be belly buddies! Good Luck this cycle sweetie!

Cristi- BOTTOMS UP lady! Did you get a full Positive OPK yet? You are so strong in photographing that baby shower... I don't know how I would handle it!

Bama- crossing everything for you!!

xomandy- I hope Benadryl does the trick for you!

Felurian- can't wait to hear!!! Good Luck!!!!!

Beautifuldisaster- Good Luck at the doc! Hope you get good news sweetie!!

Wiggy- I've never joined a discussion group either.. It's just not my type... I too think it's karma! I hope we all get our long awaited soon!!!

I don't have a fb account... I hate it really... I'm a little more private. I wish I did so I can be friends with you guys... but it's ok.. cause I get to talk to you on here!! Lots of love to all!!

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11 years ago

Miracle - sorry to hear about the evil witch .... Can't believe you had a cycle of 19 days!!!! Hope u ok ....

I am twinging away this avro - hope its not ovu yet with DH away ....

11 years ago

pcb, love that you have continued these boards! It stinks that so many of us are still TTC when many of us were on the original WMM board (wannabe-march-mommas). :( Oh well, I guess...

About me: 29, 30 in November
DH: 28, 29 this Friday
Married: since 8/30/08
TTC since: our 3rd anniversary, 8/2011

All tests have come back good (2 SAs for the hubby, prolactin, thyroid, testosterone, FSH, AMH, HSG scans for me) except for progesterone, which is when my GYN put me on Clomid, last May - thinking I wasn't ovulating correctly (if at all).

My last cycle with Clomid was September (after being on since May), when we were referred to an RE....the plan was to take Oct/ Nov off, and then 3 rounds of IUI starting in December. Well, between the holidays, and me working for a landscape/ snow removal company in Ohio, the timing hasn't been right (or stress levels)! However, when AF showed up AGAIN last Tuesday, I told DH I had had enough and want to move forward.

So....first IUI next week. On a round of Clomid now (forgot how much I HATE this drug), ultrasound Monday (CD 14, since I normally ovulate day 15-16), and then assuming follicle(s) are good, IUI procedure Wednesday morning.

REALLY hoping it takes the first try.....if we conceived this cycle, EDD would be Christmas Eve...what a present! But also trying to not get my hopes up....we've been told there is literally no reason we haven't conceived yet, the only possibility at this point would be "hostile" CM, so this obviously would bypass here's hoping!

After 3 rounds of IUI the next step is laparoscopic let's pray it doesn't get to that point. :(

Baby dust to all! So glad to be back and active on a board! :)

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11 years ago

Hi Gals! Hopping over here from the November board, even though I got my . Hope you don't mind. I want to keep up with all you ladies.

AFM: Hoping to have my first U/S tomorrow and then first prenatal checkup next Wednesday. I'll keep you posted.

XOXO, STACIE \User Image

11 years ago

Hi Ladies and HELLO AND CONGRATS Stac, of course you can stick around! We need your positive support :-)

11 years ago

hi ladies, I dont know most of you but there are a few familiar faces from the original WMM board. It is sad that we still waiting the BFP but we live in hope. I am CD6 today and if I conceive this month, my EDD would be Christmas Day, wow what a brilliant Christmas present.

Anyway fingers crossed for those of you waiting for your BFP Im sending lots of good wishes to you all.

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11 years ago

Miracle I have 2 days now of Positive OPKs!!!! Strong ones too! We are Bottoms Up every chance we get! Haha! I am super sorry the 13itch got ya and I am praying you are just resetting! I am glad we get to chat on here! :) Big hugs and lots of love my dear friend!

nsking83, welcome back! Praying this IUI is all you need! Big hugs and lots of baby dust!

Hi Stacie... gl tomorrow at your u/s can't wait to hear all about it!

Wiggy start BDing now! Woohoo... your time is coming! :)

Bama big hugs my friend... I am so sorry... lets keep up hope that maybe just maybe she will forget to show up!

Beautiful, I hope you have so much fun this week! Your symptoms sound promising... hope the dr will do some tests and accidentally find out you are pregnant! :)

PBC, I am so glad to see you back fully into the game! This is your cycle!!! I agree with you on the paid leave... it is stupid... we devote so much time to these companies, the least they could do was pay for leave! But again like you said... that is whole different can of worms! LOL! Big hugs!

Okay so is everyone ready for a laugh... my DH is so special! Haha... okay so most of you know when I am close to O time we will give the hubby's swimmers a pep talk along with a pep talk to my egg and uterus. Just something we do to verbalize positive thoughts really but it has turned into a game! I hope you have all seen the movie Finding Nemo.... so when I got pregnant in October the pep talk consisted of "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" LOL! Dorky I know but funny... LAST NIGHT however I am laying there with my A&* up in the air just chilling (Yeah right) and out of nowhere my DH puts his hand against my tummy and said "Welcome to the EOC, the Eastern Ovulation Current" I almost peed all over the bed... I was dying laughing. He was talking about the turtles in the EAC on Finding Nemo! Oh my I have no idea how I am going to handle him, my 13 yr old and a newborn... LOL! My life is never dull. Anyways I just wanted to share in case it makes someone smile! :)

AFM I am now on day 2 of very positive OPKs! I test in the morning and afternoon and it is still positive so we are going to continue... O is coming soon because I am having O pains on the right side! FX we catch this one!

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11 years ago

Hey WBSB glad to see you back on the forum... FX and lots of baby dust!

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11 years ago

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