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Going crazy with the waiting! anyone else?

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Hey there!
It's so good to be here and know I'm not alone!
Today is CD 24 and I'm about 12 DPO.. AF is supposedly coming in 3 days and I'm soooo nervous, I wish it'll never does! Been ttc for 4 monthes now and this is so far the hardest tww ever!!!
i'm dieing to test.. anyone else to wait with me?

73 Replies • 8 years ago



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Girls I am going crazy!!! I am now CD 30 15 DPO and still no AF. I tested 10 DPO thru yesterday and all were so today I decided not to test, why waste another $10 on a BFN... Now I have a ton of EWCM (tmi) no other symptoms but fingers and toes are crossed!

Queena that is fantastic!! I hope we all get our

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8 years ago

AKHopeful: poor you for this struggle...but if at the end it is a happy ending than worth it....
I think, if I were you than I would ask for a beta from bloodwork tomorrow. ..then you would know for sure!
Fingers crossed


8 years ago

Queena- Such fantastic news!! that's so exciting!!! congrats on your positive!

Danibre33 - your testing just one day before me I am trying to wait till Saturday- good luck!!

Agree its lovely to have the support of everyone on here, don't feel like I am going crazy alone!

Start freaking out a little today, after not really any symptoms this month, except a back ache (which I think was from riding my bike too much) and being really thirsty, and not hungry (but its the middle of summer here in Australia, so its not uncommon to be a bit dehydrated then not feel like eating) so I had pretty much decided I wasnt pregnant this time.

So this morning I was wiping (sorry TMI) and I had one black blood spot when I wiped, nothing more today... is it AF coming early, or was that one spot of implantation bleeding! I'm 11 dpo, so AF isn't due for another 3 days, guess I will find out soon enough, but the wait is killing me !!!

8 years ago

Dear Ladies,

Would you please tell me why on Earth it was needed to test this morning when I am 1-3 days from AF? The last thing I remember is not wanting early testing because of the pain of a BFN...
Anyhow, it happened somehow that this morning I just did this. So I am having that stupid BFN in my hand...
At least I managed expectations... :-)

Danibre33 - learn from me and pls do NOT test early...Friday is coming! :-)

KCL - I think brownish spot is a good sign if it is without pre-AF feelings! Fingers crossed.

Queena- how are you! Keep us posted please! :-)

AKHopeful - So...?

member232496 - I know the feeling of not being sure if there is the 2nd line or not, and put it on forums hoping that even if you are unsure the rest of the community will definetly see stg... :-) And we are called adults... he-he-he

SouthernMommaof3 - how are you doing, any developments? New tests or self-control? :-)

Hugs to all of you and
Have a nice day to you all!


8 years ago

Hi ladies, thanks so much! what's going on with you today!
For me, I had this really AF like cramping last night I really thought it was it and I was so sad i couldn't get out of bed to check.. but there was only one pink dot this morning.. I was sooo relieved!
Im not testing again until Friday or Thursday I think.

Oh and for the one who had a brownish spot.. this could be a very good sign of implatation.. 11 DPO is around the right time, maybe u'll start to feel symptoms after a couple of days from now..

Oh and Szonja, AKhopeful sorry for ur BFN, don't be sad maybe it's just too early and remember what happened with me! Im hoping it's a false one for u dears

And how are the rest doing?
Im hoping to hear of as many bfps as possible..

Take care lovelies..

8 years ago • Post starter

I just woke up so now its 16 dpo and still no AF but of course I took another test and bfn! I am going to hold out until Thursday if I still don't have anything I'll go in for a blood test before the weekend. I've been tracking my cycles for 2 years now and I did go 34 days one time... But I know I ovulated because I took opks and got a pos the 28th and 29th. Soooo frustrated!

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8 years ago

Hello Ladies,

I'm new to this forum and I'm so happy to meet you all. It's great to see that I'm not alone in my journey trying to conceive. I'm 36 years old and I'm 10 dpo. I've been having a couple of symptoms that confuse me cause I don't know if its just wishful thinking or if I'm really pregnant.

For the past week and a half, I've been very exhausted and I've been suffering from extreme gas pains and bloating. Also, I've been feeling cramping on most days. My cm is a creamy white consistency (sorry for the TMI) ;). I'm hoping I'll get a BFP but its too early to test...Ugh..I'm so nervous.

8 years ago

Hello All,

I started to get sore breasts last night, and this morning I broke down and tested!!
So excited!! there was a very faint line!!!! (posted a picture under my HPT images!)

hoping it sticks!, will be waiting a few more days till I retest.

Queena,- glad its all going well, fingers crossed for you, wishing you a BFP for your next test xx

AKhopeful - hopefully its still too early to test, dont give up till AF is there!

Babydreams36 - welcome and your definitely not alone here! hopefully all good signs!! good luck!

8 years ago

kcl1234- just looked at your image! It's defietly positive and I'm so happy for you! That's so exciting!! How long have you been trying?

How are the rest of you ladies doing? Anyone testing tomorrow?

8 years ago

congrats KCL hope all the rest of us will get their BFP soon too!
as for me... I tested this morning and it came out negative!
i'm a week late today.. I can't understand what's happening.. I think i'll just a doctor's appointment in the next couple of days..
best wishes for all of you ladies!

8 years ago • Post starter

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