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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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He he, it is late evening for me here now :) I am actually about to go to bed!

I also think it is lovely how your DH comforts you Dixieheart. Mine is very similar. It is so nice not to have to explain, just to get the desperately needed reassuring cuddles.

Lizhaley, I can realate entirely to your thought patterns of thinking it is never going to happen. Month after month it never does, so I would be surprised if it did! I know you will find it hard to change your mindset, but at 3dpo you can have no possible way of knowing either way, so even if you can't think positively about it, at least try not to get down about it. I really, really hope that this month makes the difference for all of us. How amazing would that be???

I have an issue. We are almost out of our preseed, and OPKs. Sigh. I don't know whether I should be pessimistic and buy them both now to be prepared, or wait and perhaps not have them in time for a new cycle!! I tend to buy over the internet, SO much cheaper that way!

Goodnight. 10pm, sleepytime :)

10 years ago

He he, it is late evening for me here now :) I am actually about to go to bed!

I also think it is lovely how your DH comforts you Dixieheart. Mine is very similar. It is so nice not to have to explain, just to get the desperately needed reassuring cuddles.

Lizhaley, I can realate entirely to your thought patterns of thinking it is never going to happen. Month after month it never does, so I would be surprised if it did! I know you will find it hard to change your mindset, but at 3dpo you can have no possible way of knowing either way, so even if you can't think positively about it, at least try not to get down about it. I really, really hope that this month makes the difference for all of us. How amazing would that be???

I have an issue. We are almost out of our preseed, and OPKs. Sigh. I don't know whether I should be pessimistic and buy them both now to be prepared, or wait and perhaps not have them in time for a new cycle!! I tend to buy over the internet, SO much cheaper that way!

Goodnight. 10pm, sleepytime :)

10 years ago

I'm in a better mood today. I know at this point that its too late in the cycle for anything to change and what has happened is it. I just hope good things are happening in there :] I keep seeing everyone get bfp and its so frustrating! I just want my turn now. Since it was 10pm when you responded I assume its Friday there now? (Its only 2pm Thursday here haha) I hope your test goes well today and you get some good news :]

I also buy my preseed and opks online. I get them from Amazon so the 2 day shipping is free and you can usually get things cheaper. I always get them the week before af is due. I like to be prepared just in case. Better to have and not need it than to need it and not have it :] And if you do end up conceiving you can always still use the preseed as a personal lubricant and the opks after birth to see when you start ovulating after pregnancy :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Evening ladies it's almost 10 p.m. Thursday here in SA .......what an hectic day so glad I will be going to bed soon.......I agree with you Liz for my own peace of mind I like to be prepared.......I can only imagine how it must feel if you been trying for months and getting BFN all the time......I can see what it's doing to my sister so I can imagine how you ladies must feel......

This is our 3rd cycle ttc and truly hope that this will be our month......late afternoon I got the sticky cm again it was still there when I went to the loo about half an hour ago should we bd tonight? With a stuffy nose the whole day, sneezing and then the runny nose, so annoying. I really hope this is not the beginning of the flu......And.....wait for it......the worst acne break out in history.....I have never had any problems with my skin and this morning when I woke up.......BAM!!!!!!!!

In my heart I know this will be the month for the 3 of us.....I have to believe that, that's what I pray for every Shelob said how awesome would it be if we were all pregnant together.....actually a very nice thought.....

Thank you ladies for all the chats and support it really make things bearable and help to forget things that goes wrong in your own life when you read about someone else's.......

I'm so excited my mother in law is coming to visit for 2 weeks. My in laws are currently living in Houston, Texas....DH and I was there in June for a month visiting them.....we really enjoyed our stay and if we ever get the opportunity to go live in Texas we will grab it with both our hand.....

I'm very excited for her visit , she is very dear to me, feels like a real mother to me not the in law type or how do they say monster in she is sweet and also very excited for us to have a baby.....I married smart the baby of 3 boys in the house.......

Well goodnite ladies tomorrow is the weekend and family looking forward to the weekend going for a sewing class.......

Goodnight......thanks again for all the support....

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10 years ago

So weird that you say that bc I have had the fertile cm for the past two days too and im 3dpo. And have been having acne break outs too. I usually have clear skin and will get one or two around o time but it seems a lot worse this month. We haven't bd the past two days because i have just been feeling down and we are already post o so I figured it wouldn't matter. Im hoping I didnt make a mistake with deciding to take a two day break... And yes that would be awesome if this was the month for all three of us at the same time! It would be so cool for us all to go through pregnancy at the same time together. :] It sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead of you :] Im glad to hear that your in laws are so supportive! y in laws are also from houston tx! We aren't that close tho. The family time will for sure help your tww fly by! And how awesome if you got your bfp while they were there?! Best of luck to you both :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Good afternoon (for me) girls!!! I am excited and nervous now. My estradiol level is "great". They want to do a scan tomorrow to check on follicles. This is to see number and size. They will then tell me whether I am allowed to have sex. If there are too many then they will say no because the chance of multiples is too high.

Then, of course, I got a positive OPK this afternoon. Now I am worried because I think I will ovulate tomorrow but I am not allowed to have sex! Fortunately the scan is in the morning so we can have a fun afternoon if we are allowed to :)

So this cycle looks set to have exactly the same ovulation day as last cycle despite being on the clomid. I hope at least it causes me to produce better eggs or something (although I have no idea if it really does, or even if my eggs were a problem before!). I seem to be having pains on both sides, but mostly the left which is interesting as I never feel ovulation pains that side.

I am sooooo happy this is the weekend. Turns out I have to drive to the fertility place for my scan, and that takes an hour. If it had been a work day then I would have had to take at least a half day off work which gets awkward. Do you girls work?

That is great you are going to have some good family time Dixieheart. I get on extremely well with my in-laws too, especially my mother-in-law. We are both teachers so have a lot in common and can commiserate frequently.

Glad you were feeling better today Lizhaley. Yep is it Friday here - home after a long and tiring day! I think that's a good plan about the OPKs and preseed. Surely if I buy them I will not need them for a while, and that will mean a baby on its way. If I don't buy them I will probably need them!!!

I will let you know how my scan tomorrow goes :)

10 years ago

Morning ladies......Friday morning in SA.......I'm so excited and happy for you about your positive Opk and very sure that your Saturday will be even better....

I'm not working at the moment but would really like a half day DH wants me to be home with our children not that we have any as yet!!!! So I keep myself busy with house keeping, sewing classes, baking classes not to get bored at home.......I'm really enjoying my time at home would be much nicer with a little baby on the way.......

Keep us posted on the scan result.......good luck!!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies :] So glad to hear your good news shelob! I hope you have good news on your scan! Fingers crossed for you :] And no, I don't work. Dh says the same thing that he wats me to be a stay at home mom whenever it does happen and with his crazy hours(16 hour days with 8 days on 4 days off) If I worked it would make ttc really difficult as we would never really see each other. And thanks I am feeling much better. I get a big hormone rush after o and are usually really emotional the couple days after..i hate it haha.
I hope you both have a great day...or night haha. And hopefully we are all one day closer to our bfp :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Lol yes hopefully we are one day closer.....Shame Liz what kind of work is your DH doing that he is working those hours.....must be hectic.....

Thought my DH was working crazy hours, but yours is definitely taking the cherry on top........

Tell me what is preseed and what you use it for. I never hear of it before I started chatting on this site. I don't think you get it in SA maybe at a herbal store. But I'm not even sure.....

Have a lovely weekend ladies......we start testing next week.....Whoop whoop!!!!!

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10 years ago

He works in the oilfield. He doesn't actually have to do the dirty work he fixes the computers and electronic components on the equipment when it breaks. It was very hard getting used to but hes been doing it going on 4 years now so we are adjusted for the most part.
Preseed is a personal lubricant that is safe to use when ttc. It mimics your natural fertile cm and helps the sperm swim up into your cervix. Also some women swear by it that its what got them their bfp. Its only my second cycle using it so we will see :] I've only seen it in drug stores here in the US but I buy it online because its usually much cheaper. I get mine off of Amazon, I think they deliver all over the world but im not positive. :]

10 years ago • Post starter

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