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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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You aren't different... you are YOU! Love it! So you have O'd for sure.. now I would try and squeeze in one more if you have it in you! Just for good measure! :) Oh my hubby is on cloud 9 because he is going to get to have sex everyday for at least the next 5 days! Haha! So glad your DH is so understanding... I would have given up a long time ago if it weren't for my hubby!

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11 years ago

You're not different Missy. You're unique. You're you. Plus "different" is what makes the world go round. I'm a lil different too trust me. I just look normal lol. But these clothes hide artwork etc :)

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago

hello lovely ladies - been trying to read everyone's post and keep up...I'm going to need one of us to get that BFP soon...who is going to the lucky winner? Any takers!!???? :)

For all those getting ready to O, as a wise woman on this board once said, "bang it out!" Wonder who that was ;)

My mom, husband, two brothers, sister-in-laws, friends at work and close friends know I am ttc but I think they are tired of hearing me complain about it. I don't go around announcing it, but I do tell my close friends and mom about how hard its been. I haven't talked about it publicly (on FB and the like) b/c I am friends with my stepkids and other people I don't feel need to know my business but I am an open book and if someone asked if I was, I would tell them yes. My opinion is that no one ever discusses it openly, how hard it can be....yes you hear IVF stories but never nothing else, not about the everyday struggles, the testing, the drs appts, the mood swings, the getting pissed off everytime AF shows. If I could get away with it, I'd bitch every day about it, but that doesn't help....anyway...CD 2 for me, yeehaw and the 13itch is being kind, THANK YOU WITCH! Today is also my 30th birthday and I did nothing but lay around all day and then dinner with the fam. It was spectacular. I am low-key and hate being the center of attention so it was my kind of day. Also, I figured after being a busy bee yesterday, I deserved it.

If anyone wants to Facebook stalk me or be my friend, lol, that sounds weird, you can find me on FB:

Hope everyone is having a good or at least decent weekend!

11 years ago • Post starter

oh i gotta do it again? hahaha. my husband was next to me i told him what you said and he was like "oh really??????" and made his eyebrows dance. he cracks me up

well.. different in meaning that not many people would expect a metalhead to want a family and 3 kids hahaha. artwork you say bama? that got me interested :D im not covered but my back hides ink as well

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11 years ago

I have a question on the immune suppression. Does it work even if you never had a CP or m/c?

11 years ago

missy - I find that it's the most "normal" people you have to worry about! I hide a good amount of ink too, I enjoy it that way!

Carla - I dont think so, just those that have experienced several cps or miscarriages may have issues with implantation b/c the body attacked the embryo thinking its a foreign body. I plan on trying this approach this cycle.

11 years ago • Post starter

Honey, we see different all the time down here and you aren't "different!" Glad to have ya! Christi, it has to be a southern thing :-)

11 years ago

I am trying the Benadryl this cycle!!! I have had 2 miscarriages so I am going to see if it will help! I am going to take it 3DPO to 9-10DPO.. I am not taking it 3x's a day like I have read some people do cause I would be in a coma! I am only taking in the morning and in the evening.

11 years ago

pbc/lindsay- I'll take it! I'll take the BFP! Hahaha we'll see. I'll be 13 DPO tomorrow, and I'm going for a blood test in the morning. Wouldn't that just be so funny if I did get a BFP? I will totally give you the credit! And happy birthday! I'm glad it was relaxing. PS your friend request from Allison is from me :)

I am open about my infertility, but I try not to bring it up because I know that a lot of people don't really want to know. My family asks occasionally, and I keep a blog. I usually tell people if they want the up to date scoop to check it out. Especially for news, because it's hard to tell bad news over and over again.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Felurian, I read your story on your blog and I am so inspired by your perseverance and faith. I am praying for your BFP tonight. Good luck to you and thank you for sharing your strength with all of us!

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11 years ago

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