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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies!!

Holy cow! I can't believe how many have come out of this forum so far!! I am so excited for all of you! Keep that flying! I could really use some!
I'm somewhere around 11 dpo. This was my first month on clomid after a year ttc with 0 success. I'm trying really hard not to stress or worry as the last few cycles had just about killed me with so many disappointing emotions. I usually have a 35+ day cycle so I'm waiting to test until later this week.
Cristi- good luck on Thursday!!!

to everyone else still waiting to test! You're all in my thoughts and prayers!

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11 years ago

Schulme - Thank you so much! Keeping my FX for you and sending lots and lots of baby dust! Can't wait to hear how you fare this cycle!

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11 years ago

@Schulme - this was also my first month on Clomid. Just curious if you were on it for the same reason. With me, I had a "regular" 33 day cycle and I was O'ing every month on my own. But bc my cycle was longer than average, I wasn't O'ing until CD20. My RE said that could be a problem and put me on clomid to shorten my cycles. Similar to you at all? I guess the Clomid worked bc I O'd on CD15 this month. RE told me I can test tomorrow (which I tested early yesterday and got a bfn). Should I assume since I O'd early on Clomid that AF will also come early too? It's either due tomorrow or next week if its like my other cycles.... Makes since to me that it will come tomorrow but I was kind of hoping I tested WAY too early and that's why I got a bfn. GL!!

Me (26) + DH (32) TTC #1 since January 2011

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Congrats to all who got BFP this cycle.
Happy and healthy 9 months to you all! :)

Unfortunately I think I am out this month. After
The 1 faint pink line I got on 8dpo I haven't seen
Anything else. But that's ok. It's only cycle 3 for us
And that's perfectly normal.

I just joined the site this week and I have to say that
You ladies make this much easier to go through. So thank you all :)

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11 years ago

TTC is a tough process and can definitely take a toll on you. I know I feel bad when I complain that this is our 8th cycle trying when other ladies have been ttc for 2+ years. These ladies on this site are full of so much wisdom and the do's and dont's and they are there when you just need a pick me up. GL to you next cycle, but your not out until AF arrives.
AFM- I am holding off on testing until at least friday. I am going to try anyway, easier said than done. We have kind of relaxed this cycle. We are like everyone else bed their socks off before o and o day, but then fizzle out after o day from before. I guess when its supposed to happen it will just wish it would hurry :) My bestie is already 7 months and we were supposed to be prego together :( but just glad everything is going good with hers and she is healthy.

GL to the rest of you ladies!! BFP's soon hopefully!
TTC-trying to conceive
GL- good luck
AF- aunt flow
just in case you haven't caught up with the abreviations yet.

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

Hoping to be an aug. mom this will be pregnancy #2 if so, EDD is 8/19/13
Just waiting to see if I get that BFP

11 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I did post to the thread when it was first created and just reading all your post keeps me smiling. This is my second month TTC (not as long as some) i've have been ready for at least 12 months but my now DH and I agreed to wait until after our wedding.

I think I am currently at 7dpo and I have felt all sorts of symptoms the last couple of days especially very sharp pains but these don't last long and cramps. I don't normally suffer any of this through AF.

Is this normal to feel like this if I am pregnant?!! It could be just my mind playing silly tricks.

If I do get a little sticky bean this month it would be due on the 20th Aug (My birthday)!!! Eeeekkk

Congratulations to all the ladies on their BFP and to the rest of you a MASSIVE good luck!!

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11 years ago

Interestingly, AF was so weird this month, almost like it used to be...I mean its always been "normal" but I did notice after BC it was heavier longer. This time it was only heavy for a day and a half then pretty light. Also, my skin broke out like crazy, not a fan of that. Maybe my body is trying to somehow regulate itself better. I don't know. I bought a bunch of ovulation and pregnancy tests so this is the last cycle before I just quit for a while and stop tracking.

Let's hope month 17 is the one!

11 years ago

hey again ladies :)

a HUGE congratulations on those BFPS!! :D
The whole deal of creating a baby is difficult other than the fun part :P But you shouldn't feel bad because youre struggling or feeling out at a few months. Even one month takes an emotional toll. My hubby and I have been trying for 13 months now. Seems like forever to me, and yet just yesterday all at the same tme...Anyways, we're all in similar boats :)

As for AF is TWO days late!! aaaaand I woke up groggy and totally forgot to test. That's actually a pretty good sign for me :) Normally I'm a test hound. So we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Baby dust showers for you all!!!

11 years ago

Jshriv, we would be due the same day! We are also trying for #2. How old is your first child? My daughter turned 2 mid November. I know we are all in the same TTC boat but its exciting to see someone on such a similar journey. This is our 10th month TTC. It seems as though some months are harder than others. I am feeling hopefully with all the BFPs we have seen on this thread. Do you do anything 'special' to track your cycles? i just had acupuncture on the day of ovulation last week but thats the first thing we've done besides look at the calendar. I may start tracking BBT next month, along with more acupuncture. Are you experiencing any symptoms yet? I feel like I am, but I've definitely thought that before. Baby dust!

Coral, we are pretty close too! I am also 7DPO. I haven't had any sharp pains but I have had some dull cramping and a little tugging. Mostly I just feel uncomfortable.. I didn't track anything with my first pregnancy, and I didn't find out until I was 8 weeks along. I feel blessed that I didn't suffer through any TWWs, (like the 10 TWWs I've been through now) but I wish I could recall how I felt in the beginning so I could compare. Not that it would even be th same because every pregnancy is different. My mind has been known to pull some pretty fancy tricks! Fingers crossed for you!

Good luck to all of you testing and waiting to test and HUGE congratulations to you all with BFPs! How exciting! Each pregnancy is the journey of a lifetime! ENJOY!

11 years ago

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