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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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471 - 480 of 697 Replies | Last Page

law: the only thing i dont like in that list is artichokes...haha but i have had them in other dishes and not realized they were in there and been fine.. i think its psychological more than anything, and possible the one time i did knowingly try them i hated them . could of been the way they were cooked. I am Very close with my family. i always have been and plan to keep it that way. I loved growing up in a big family and having them always around. i want my kids to have that as well. My DH only has one brother and a couple of cousins but he really is not that close with any of them. His brother lives in boston which is about a 2 hour drive we really dont see him much. We are trying to change that but everytime we get a chance to go up there it seems like he is out of state for work for the week so its hard we really only see him when he comes home for the holidays. i know i am very lucky in that sense i do have a very large support system. its going to kill me when my parents move but i understand why they want to!!

10 years ago

devlan: No not yet we usually dont make one until december !! we still have several people here that will test in November so we all stick around here until then before we move to a new forum.

10 years ago

@amag: I cannot believe your ex married your cousin!! Wow! How long did the two of you date? Why are your parents moving away from you kids? I love the holidays too and I just can't imagine them without my whole family. It has really been a struggle spending time between my family and dh's family for the holidays... Oh, if you see littlebee over the holidays or talk to her, let her know I'm thinking about her.

@luv: lol about the litter box! We have it in our basement and I haven't stepped down those stairs since I got pregant. I am scared to see what it looks like! DH vacuumed down there yesterday thank goodness. I am so sorry you had a night full of chills. That is the worst when you can't warm up. I sure hope you implanted though! Happy Sunday to you too! I am bummed.. Seahawks have a bye today and don't play again until Monday night next week... And I can't stay up late enough to watch the game.

@beyond: Wow.. you are really going to go through the ringer with your pregnancy... That all sounds so scary. Yes, subQs were the worst. I am so sorry you've been through it both with an animal and a loved one. Sorry about the bfn yesterday. Why do you have to wait until April to try again? Glad you got a date night! OMG your thanksgiving sounds like hell. Will his ex be at her parents house? That sounds awful! I am sorry girl! And like waaaaaaaaaaaay too much work!

@cam: Hey girl! I hope your weekend shifts aren't too draining on you!

@1st: Good luck on you pregnancy :) I've heard of Ramzi's but when I asked at both my 7 & 8 week u/s they weren't using high tech enough equipment to see what side the placenta was on.

@law: Your brownie cookies and all other baked goods sound great :) I've never thought about taking icecream into the theater. That just might be incentive enough for me to go! You guys too would be totally welcome at my parents for Thanksgiving. I can't believe your dh doesn't want the whole turkey spreak. He's a turkey! The cheesecake sounds delish though and the rest of the meal! Holy smokes! Btwn, how are classes going? That is definitely the beta of a pregnant woman! Right on! Can't wait to see what the next # is!! I can't believe they called on a Sunday!

@luv: I am getting even more excited for you with your nice and high temps! I am very happy that you've been able to poop too! Lol! I agree the men should take the vitamins without complaining. Luckily my dh took vitamins well before I started so I've never had that battle. And that is so awesome you'll get to be a stay at home mom. I am so jealous! I can't believe its just the two of you for thanksgiving! It wouldn't be thanksgiving to me without a huge family gathering and a few friends. If you lived near by I'd invite you guys over for sure! Our Thanksgivings are the very best!!!

@mamak: You go above and beyond! I am all about canned pumpkin puree!

@rbk: I can't imagine being in a country without turkey for the holidays. You poor thing! And I am sorry about dh being a grinch regarding traveling :( And sorry about his arm and the fighting. That is no fun. OMG that brioche sounds amazing. That is what I miss most about Paris - the pastries! My favorite is the pan au chocolat. YUM!!!

@devlancaybeth: We most likely won't make the December board until 12/1. You should definitely hang out here until the board is created. Tell us your story and live out the tww with us! A lot of us have aleady tested for the month and got bfns or bfps but will hang out here until the new board is created to support those who are still testing in November. :) and welcome!!!

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10 years ago

Oh wow! Once again there is so much for me to read and catch up on!

I just wanted to say that I am currently 8 dpo and took an internet cheapy (one step urine pregnancy test with the blue handle). Looked at it at about 3 mins. There was nothing. So I laid down for a few minutes. Looked again at about the 20 min mark before throwing it away and there is a line. So now I have all day to stress about whether it's an evap. or not. haha

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10 years ago

smh: lol when i said my ex bf i meant best friend. she was the one i confided in and everything and then when i was away for a couple weeks for a soccer tournament in ireland she repeatedly tried to get my BF then who is now my DH to go out with her or hook up. He never had any interest in her that way just friends. i a actually the one who introduced them in highschool. he was my ex boyfriend then but we always stayed on good terms. well she liked him after in introduced them and he never would go out with her. then when we started dating again after highschool she was wicked jealous and mad at me for dating him after i knew she liked him. well she tried to hook up with him a couple times and called hinm non-stop while i was gone. we got in a huge fight when i came home and barely talked for a while. i started to just let it go and talk to her again. we went she met my cousin who was going through a divorce and they hooked up and then they got married!! she has been a thorn in my side ever she even went as far as putting up a picture of my DH and her on her laptop computer from my wedding even though she is married to my cousin. its just all soo weird!! oh well what can you do. I am sure i will see littlebee around and i will definately pass on your sentiments to her. i know she misses a lot of you on here!! She has been doing well they adopted another fur baby a couple months back and she loves them soo much. i just wish things would have worked out better for her with TTC!! she is the one person in my family i can talk to about all this with no judgement and i feel awful doing so now!!
My parents are moving for alot of reasons. When they grew up here a lot of the area was farmlands still and not as populated and they really enjoy that lifestyle. Definately not the same here. plus as they get older they really hate the snow. my mom calls out of work when it snows because she just hates driving in it anymore. Plus my mom has really bad arthritis in her knees and back and the cold weather here does not help. the dont get me going on taxes. we nickname the state taxachusetts. You cant do anything here anymore. So they baught 50 acres on the side of a small mountain in sparta TN with my dads brother and sister. they have both moved down there already and built houses .. my parents have both a few more years to retire so they want to finish working here because they make more money here, so when they retire they do the last two years of income and average it usually for what you make on reitrement. So once they retire here they will sell their home here go stay with my aunt or uncle while they are building their house there. its a beautiful area and quiet i love it there.. but my DH would never

10 years ago

bluerose: that really sucks... im hoping its not an evap line. i have never gotten one so couldnt begin to tell you !!! i will be keeping my fx for you though and try not to stress all day. i know its easier said than done. If you can i would wait a couple days but again i know thats going to be tough. Why must these test do this to

10 years ago

@blue: Have you ever had an evap before? I really really hope it's your BFP but it sounds like a stinking evap :( The good news is, is that it is still super early. I have everything crossed you get your BFP!

@amag: lol - so at first I was like ok.. Ex best friend.. Not as bad a ex boyfriend. But man, your ex bestie sounds like a psycho! Having a pic of her and your dh on her laptop!? I feel bad for your cousin! Wow... I'm so sorry. Losing a best friend like that is the worst. You think you know someone then they so very much prove you wrong. I can understand why your parents want to move but it's heartbreaking none the less. Do you think your brother and sister will follow them? Their land in TN sounds amazing tho - how far of a drive will it be for you? Please tell Littlebee I'm thinking about her. I am glad she is doing well and loving her fur babies. That really sucks you don't feel comfortable talking to her about ttc anymore. I wouldn't either. I mean no matter what we go through her situation regarding ttc will always be worse. For those of you who don't know Littlebee's dh's SA came back with a zero sperm count. I didn't know you are a massage therapist too! Gee girl, you are busy and talented!! Happy tww to you :) I hope it ends with a bfp!!

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10 years ago

SMH--thanks girlie. I want to scour the web for others' numbers. Yeah, I was shocked that he didn't want any of the traditional stuff like turkey, stuffing, rolls, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole. Since I wanted green bean casserole and rolls and he doesn't want either I'm not going to make it.

10 years ago

@law: If I were you I'd still make greenbean casserole and rolls. You can always half or quarter the recipes so you don't make a ton of them. I am such a stickler for tradition I'd go insane if I didn't get my holidays how I need them. It was a huge adjustment for me working in dh's family's gatherings around my family's. luckily we've more or less made it work.

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10 years ago

SMH---well, green bean casserole can't easily be made smaller since you use a can of cream of mushroom soup and what would you do with the rest of the can? lol. I'll be okay with eating normal food I guess.

10 years ago

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