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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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lawbride I think the problem is it's so hard to research this stuff, the internet has so much conflicting information and it just sucks! At this point I feel like I have to kind of trust my doctor and figure they've gotten lots of women pregnant so I'm forcing myself to be more positive. I hope your plan works for you as well! ASAP! :)

SMH you got pregnant with an IUI/Clomid cycle?? If I knew that, I forgot it :) I didn't see too many typos either and I'm glad you were able to get away from your crazy work week and say wazzup :)

Holly I'm sorry you've been having conflicting tests :( I hope it's not a chemical pregnancy, I will say a little prayer for ya and knock on wood and all that. Stick, little bean, stick!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

smh-good thinking. I think we will ask if we can do an IUI. DH needs to get his bloodtests done then--they can't handle his sperm until he's tested for STD's and HIV. Maybe we can do that today. I'll have him do them today so that we won't have the blood test issue. I was shocked when I saw how much these drugs costs. I think each vial of follistim is $900 and it only has 900iu in it. Crazy! Some people take 150IU a day so that's 6 days worth of injects--and some people require well over the average 12 days of stimming. EEKS!

Holly--keep up posted! FX'd!

10 years ago

Morning ladies

My opk tests

What do you think?

I think it looks darker. Bottom one is from cd17 pm. BD on cd16. Due to work will only BD again on cd20.

Hope everyone has a kick ass day !!!

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10 years ago

lawbride WOW that's pricey!! I wonder why they make them cost so much? ("They" being the drug companies!) Maybe they have some super-proprietary formula whose patent will expire soon! On the plus side your plan is more aggressive than my plan because if all my stuff doesn't work, I have to go to a hospital 2 hours away to see a specialist...that's the closest fertility specialist to me. Eeek. And they're the only ones who give out injectibles around here! So I think your plan is pretty good and hey, they wouldn't charge so much if that stuff didn't work like a charm right? :)

Nicolene looks like they're getting darker, do you usually get a gradual increase? Some ladies just shoot on up there right before they O :) FX that it's on time!

12 DPO and my temps are still up, so far I'm not an emotional wreck but I did just wake up :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--yeah, it's pretty insane though to pay a couple grand in medication costs--fortunately my insurance covers some so I wasn't out the $4500 that they actually "cost" ...whew. wow, 2 hours away--that would be really really sucky! hoping you don't need that kind of treatment.

Nico--are you temping? how long do your cycles usually last?

AFM ---appt this morning showed 2 dominant follies, 1 on each side. a 12x10mm and a 9x11mm. Quite a bit behind what I thought they would be. So, I'm guessing I'll need another 4-6 days of stimming. So at least until saturday (triggering Sunday) and maybe as late as Monday (triggering Tuesday). i'll find out when i have to go back in later today and whether my dosage will increase.

DH's blood test were ~$1000 so we decided against doing it right now. He doesn't have insurance so we have to pay for everything for him out of pocket.

10 years ago

@Nicolene: Bottom opk is definitely getting darker! :) Keep testing girl! :))

10 years ago

@Nicolene: Definitely getting darker! Are you guys trying this month?

@luv: We didn't do iui the cycle I got pg, only timed intercourse, but we were moving to in the next cycle. And I was on letrozole in lieu of clomid.

@lawbride: Why is your dh not on your insurance? Sorry your follicles are not growing at a full steam ahead pace.. hopefully they up your dose. You shouldn't have to wait so long.

@Holly: I am praying your BFP comes through strong and clear today!

@1stTTC: I realize I didn't get you last night. So sorry! How are you? I am hoping you get your bfp!

@3lil: You out there? How is baby Ollie doing?

AFM: Going to be another crazy busy day....

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10 years ago

SMH--we just decided against it. It would have been an additional $5500 for the year and the odds of us spending that much for any medical expenses that he has are quite low. I didn't expect the bloodwork to be that much--it sounds like a few of the tests are bogus.

10 years ago

Morning ladies,

It's quiet here in the the

Luv, I am so sorry you had a rough day, I do love your attitude of remaining positive in spite of the news. And as mentioned we are here for you!

Law, GM to you...are you resting any better??

SMH, So good to hear from you! Sounds like we are both busy. How's the baby girl doing??

Nico, GM!! Love the kick ass day wishes...same to you ;)

Holly, FX'd for you!!!

1st, How are you??

AFM, I am doing well...taking off on Friday so this is my Thursday. I am here at work but already ready to go...just want to be elsewhere ya know? In terms of my ttc journey this month I am so confused due to that week of mid-cycle I am just waiting to see what happens in a week. AF due 6 Nov...

10 years ago

@lawbride: That sucks the tests are so expensive :( I just think IUI gives a better chance. I forgot did your dh have an SA?

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10 years ago

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