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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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@luvtowalkfast- Thanks, I am feeling out though. That is really silly that they didn't suggest at least attempting something to thicken your lining!

@1stTTCMommy - Yes, my temps are still up. And the last few months I had spotting from around 10 dpo on. Not this month. So hopefully that at least sorted itself out.

@amag11 - Hope your bowel situation gets figured out! And I hope you moms surgery goes well.

AFM- It's not the pregnancy tests that get me down. I have anxiety issues and if I don't test I begin to feel quite anxious. So negative or not, testing helps me haha. It's the "another failed month" that gets me down. And either a test or af is going to tell me that. :(

So far so good though. I haven't had any of the usual spotting I have had by this point in my cycles! Pregnant or not that has to be a good thing.

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10 years ago

Luv thanks honey I'm soooooo glad that I'm in a happy place within myself seriously because my aunt who just finished school with her master's degree, texted me this morning to tell me that she's expecting. Lol I'm very much so genuinely happy for her. My aunt is three years older than I am. Anyways I got a 78 on my written exam 3 for micro lab today. Now about to make study reviews for my anatomy lecture test on Monday and micro lecture test on Wednesday!!!!
Blue sorry for the bfn.
Amag I can smell a BFP coming soon!!!!!!
Jan I hope all is well with your test.
JLH I think this Miami weather is just what the Dr offered my dear.
Smh how's everything?

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10 years ago

@1st: Thanks for the welcome back! So excited for you! Not too far away til your little one arrives. I think I'll countdown the weeks with ya.

@JLH: It's good to be back. I hope you have a good time while in Miami. I'm actually jealous.... I'm so sick of this cold weather. I just want it to be in the 50s at least instead of yesterday mornings 11 degrees.

Sorry ladies that I'm way behind. Gotta catch up on everything going on with everyone.

AFM: Well today is CD22 and I'm 10-12 DPO. I guess 3 days of positive opks will make O day kinda tricky. Today is the first day I've had off since last Tuesday. Ugh... been so tired every single day for the last 4 days that I easily slept at least 10 hours each day. Also every hour to hour and a half I've had to run to the bathroom to pee cause I've had to go so bad. Felt really happy when I could make it to 2 hours without having to pee over the past two days. Idk anymore but I have had some weird pain on my left side for two or so days just once in awhile. DTD earlier today.... which is nice when not worrying about ovulation.

10 years ago

@michgurl30 - Glad to hear you are finally getting a break!

@ Camasia - Good luck studying! And congrats to your aunt!

13 dpo. Temp still up and cramping today.

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10 years ago

@BlueRose: I am hoping that it is a good sign for you that your temps are still up and you haven't spotted from 10dpo like usual!! I still have my fingers crossed for you girlie that the cramps are not AF!!!

@Michgurl: You are very welcome! And thank you :) When are you planning on testing?? :) FX'd!!

@Camasia: I am so glad you are in a good place :) And congrats to your aunt on her little one.... Your time is coming girlie!! Keep your head up! I got my fingers crossed for you!! :)

10 years ago

@blue: It's just a one day break from work but it's better than nothing. Tonight it's back to work and then I'll have to see what's going on with Friday night. I'll kmfx for the witch to stay away and you get your bfp.

@1st: I caved last night and tested with an FRER... bfn. It's possible that it's still early. I do have plenty of tests still. I'll probably give it a few more days before testing again.

How are all of you lovely ladies doing?

10 years ago

Luv--I eat loads of veggies I love them. I'm hoping I'm not actually expanding as quickly as it feels. I don't weigh myself so I'll find out at my appointment next week I guess. I definitely feel like it's been more rapid than it's supposed to be but it could be that my belly is really popping, as it should, and it's so drastic that my perception is inaccurately affected. I sure hope so, that would be great. I really don't like the idea of "watching what I eat" but a girls gotta do what she's gotta do. I'm 100% comfortable with a healthy weight gain...and that's what I'm striving for.

1st--I meant more substantively, what does your research entail? Diabetes? Recovery after certain procedures? The impact of certain drugs on recovery? Ya know, those kinds of details.

Amag--how did your moms surgery go? Well is hope! Feeling any better today? I love fiber one bars. Yum. The oats and caramel are good too.

Smh--any news on the BFing front? Did you ever see a lactation consultant? How do you like your pump?

Blue --fingers crossed for you girlie!

Cam--when is your semester over? Do you plan to take summer classes?

AFM--I to a fall yesterday and landed on my belly...hands were in my pockets and I barely braced myself. My doctor basically said that since I'm not 24 weeks and the baby isn't yet viable that they wouldn't do anything even if something terrible happened. I about lost it just thinking about losing Harper due to being a klutz. It was a very scary couple of days. I couldn't get over thinking about it so I went in today for an ultrasound since I don't feel movement yet and she's fine and my placenta is fine. I'm so relieved and grateful. I've never been so terrified in my life. Anyway, been studying up a storm for the test i have on Saturday and I've had a group assignment that's due today so I've been working in that. It's been nonstop craziness and will continue to be for a few more days. I'll get through it though. Hope you're all well!

10 years ago

Omg law I'm so happy Ms Harper and yourself is ok,I fell a couple of times with my first lo. The semester is over the beginning of May and yes I've signed up for three classes for the summer developmental psychology, sociology and wellness.

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10 years ago

@lawbride- oh my goodness that sounds scary! Luckily they are padded really well in there! Glad to hear you are both alright!

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10 years ago

Hey ladies, sorry it has been a rough couple days. I some how injured my back. Doc says she thinks one of my SI joints may have slipped a little, she said it is not uncommon in pregnancy due to your joints relaxing. the pain was so bad I couple barley walk, now it is getting better, but it was a rough few days.

Law- I am so glad Harper and you are ok, I would have been scared out of my mind too!!! Congrats on starting to tell people,!

Blue- I am sorry you are feeling out, I really am praying your you!!!

SMH- how are you?? Hows the supply??

Cam- you are always so positive I really admire that about you!!! Congrats on passing the test.

Amag- thinking of you hun!!! I hope you are feeling well, I am excited for your test. It is also amazing you had 6 great eggys left!

1st- glad you are feeling ok!

Luv- Ugg pineapple, I ate it so much with my previous pregnancy even the though makes me gag...LOL I understand your frustration with you doc I would be frustrated too.

Hello to everyone else, sorry for those I missed. we are going to visit my in laws this weekend so I need to get some sleep for the trip.

10 years ago

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