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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Part 1 of 2:

gds: A faint line on OPK is a negative, the line has to be the same or darker than the control in 99% of the cases to be a positive OPK. You should continue to in case ovulation is right around the corner.
But your CM sounds like very good sign, I hope you are not confusing EWCM with the result of . But is good for everyone so just continue that
If I were you I would temp, because that would tell you if you ovulated already or not and will make your cycles just a little less confusing.
Great test today, this is +OPK, I hope you today and the next couple of days in case you ovulate in 36 hours and the egg lives 12 hours you have 3 days of
Catch that egg!!!!

Baby Crazy: Sorry about the , I know how heartbreaking they are, I hope tomorrow it will be a ! !

rebecca: Missed you! I am sorry you feel out, but I totally know what you mean, but I feel that way every cycle because there is always a time slot missed, we can get it all right?
It is kind of annoying how people just randomly and not even every day or other day and get a within 1-3 months while some here have a whole system down and still trying...
Be positive, I am praying this is it for you!!!! !!!!
BTW, we are TWW buddies now, as I am counting today as 3DPO as well, do you plan to test? If so when?

Cristi: I have a feeling the nipples is just a sign of hormones being more balanced, it started right after ovulation which is early to be a sign of anything else. But hormone balance is amazing news in itself :)
Are you testing today???? I have my fingers and toes crossed!!!
Oh and I think PBC moved to the October board.

If anyone needs the link to the October board, here it is:

Blushing: I still did not get a word about retesting the pap or colposcopy, I hope they will just let me do a normal pap in 6-12 months, but for now I just wait.
The doctor said I need to test progesterone half way through LP, so 7DPO, but because I am not sure if I am 3 or 5 DPO today I will be testing on 6/8 or 7/9 DPO depends how I feel.
I had a +OPK on Dec 31 (and ovulation pains), the next day I had high temp but that is because I woke up 3 hours later and been drinking the night before so I discarded that one. The next day my temp went back down to normal begining of cycle temp so I thought ovulation was delayed, but the following 3 days temps are high. So according to CTP I ovulated on Jan 2 according to FF it was Dec 31. I will stick with Jan 2 just in case.
I know you are sad, but is good for that, sounds like you are about to ovulate, maybe you should take DH on his offer and ?
As for temping, imagine if you will stop temping now and will have no idea when is expected for another few weeks, wouldn't that be so much harder than the anticipation to ovulate? CD16 is still early, last month I ovulated on CD28, not that is what will happen to you, just trying to help, I hope I am not making it worst !!!

sugar: ovulation doesn't always switch from one ovary to the next, you can ovulate from the same ovary several months in a row so don't be discouraged even if arrives, which she might not. Many ladies report symptoms while pregnant.
You should really go for acupuncture and help your body and mind recover.
Sorry got you, I hope October is your month!

floz: Welcome and and . How do you know you are 9DPO? Also, share a little about yourself :)

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10 years ago

Part 2 of 2:

2more4: Thanks, the high temps is what I am going with, it's more conservative. But the two different websites (CTP and FF) each takes a different date. One took Dec 31 as O day the other Jan 2.
I use New chapter Perfect Prenatal, but they have folic acid, but my Advanced B Complex (AOR) and my BloodBuilder (iron by MegaFood) both had folate between the three I get more than enough and also gives me energy and better mood.
As for fish oil, I use NutriSea which is Canadian so I don't know if they sell it where you are, according to the naturopathic doctor it is the best you can get out of the doctor's office, the other one is TriStar Naturals which I also think is Canadian. The point was that the oil is very very pure and is made from anchovies, sardines and mackerel. You mentioned Norwefian fish oil, which brand would that be? Nordic Naturals seems to be a good company. According to the doctor the liquid form is preferred, gives you all you need from a fish oil.
If you are in the US, here is a great option:
And of course what you're taking helps, anything is better than nothing!
I hope I didn't go overboard here .
As for your talk about xrays and all that, my DH insists we will not even get and u/s. u/s is also damaging to the development of the bean, especially the brain. But less risky than other things. Unless I have serious pains or worries, I agree with him. As for Mrs Prego's doctor, you are right, I would switch a doctor if he refused to see me before 8 weeks.
3 more days to testing??? So exciting!!!! I hope your symptoms are a great sign!

Angela: and ! I know how frustrating it is I had a breakdown when cam after cycle #6 about 6 months ago. But I started reading books and sites about natural help and tracking of cycles which gave me more feeling of control and overtime gave me the power to start things like acupuncture and working out and I feel better and more in tune with my body than I ever did, this process is not only about getting a baby but also about getting to know yourself, and you do that by tracking your cycles and listening to your body. I hope you are not one of use who will be at this for over a year, but in case you are now is a good time to start getting to know yourself.

AFM: I am counting today as 3DPO (CTP counts 3DPO today while FF says 5DPO), I'll conservative and will go for progesterone testing on 6/8 or 7/8 DPO depending how I feel. Is 6DPO too early for progesterone test? Does anyone know?
Other than that, going to Mexico next Sunday for a week with the whole family and I'll either bear good news or have the whole time, makes me kind of nervous. Judging by the fact I have had on my vacation every single time in the past 4-5 years, I will go with .
Nothing else to report, the acupuncture and seed cycling seem to be doing great job regulating my cycles, or so it seems so far, we'll see what my progesterone says and how next cycles look like (if I have next cycles, hope not ).
Anyways, to all you ladies here, and to all the s here!

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10 years ago

Thanks kotikd the encouragement helps!

10 years ago

Ttc #1. We have been trying for 6 months. Bfn on 9 dpo but still hoping for bfp. AF due on the 11th. I have been feeling exhausted, sore breasts/nipples (tmi). We did the bd 2nd day of positive opk and following days. I'm sure we are out this month, but I'm trying to stay positive.

10 years ago

Hey ko, Ty for the warm welcome. I think im 9dpo, been checking cm for months now and just figured its when ewcm or watery happens. I am 24, my partner is 38 (doesn't look a day over 29!!) we have been together 3 1/2yrs. Umm yeah we have lived together since our 5 month mark. Never been genuinely happier or closer to anyone. Really want to become mum and dad before he hits the big 40!!

Me(25)&BF(38) Together Since- 6th July 2010 TCC Since July2013 User Image User Image

10 years ago

koti - yay for a TWW buddy! :) If I start taking the progesterone tonight, I'll need to test by 10dpo so I can stop it and get AF on time. But part of me doesn't even want to take it. I guess to me it's all wrapped up in my head with not being pregnant now, but I need to take it just in case that's what's been happening to cause my miscarriages. *sigh*

My dh totally agrees about u/s being dangerous. I think 3 or 4 times my miscarriages have coincided with the first vaginal u/s I've had, and he can't help but associate the two things. The dr always has to talk to him about how it's necessary, and safe, and how they need to see the baby because of my background before he lets them do it.

Your vacation to Mexico sounds like fun. Hope AF stays away and you can have the added joy of knowing you have a special little someone with you!

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10 years ago

Hey ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend! I have a quick question...anyone that has ever had a BFP, did you feel warmer than usual? Like during your TWW time period? I feel warm but I don't have a fever but def feel warmer than I do on a normal every day basis. I also felt a little nauseous earlier today but it went away and I've felt fine other then I feel like I'm going thru menopause with being warm lol. I'm CD19 and 7dpo. Also, what are signs to look for when you go through implantation other than possible bleeding?

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10 years ago

GB1020: I never noticed feeling warmer during my TWW. I've heard that others have though. My only symptoms before a missed period have been insomnia and sore breasts. Neither were extreme though. I've never experienced nausea either. After a missed period, I did experience a great deal of fatigue. Hope that helps. Baby dust to you!!

10 years ago

Kot: fx for awesome numbers on your progesterone test

Rebecca: same to u!!!!!! Also, were u in Virginia? Should have told me!!!! Would have loved to meet u!

Christi: fx for u dear!

Blushing: the ups n downs of ttc journey. .. keep your chin high babe! Its going to happen!

Gb: i have felt warmer than usual. Two healthy pg n two.recent losses.

Fx for everyone else!

Afm, no clue what dpo. My last period was 12/13. Was a 35n day cycle after chemical pg. I normally have 28it days so af will come next week.
i also pulled my last two wisdom teeth friday. The top ones. Now all four are gone. Went well, took iv sedation. Was inly on tylenol until last night when it started throbbing ugh. But motrin is doing the trick. Im allergic to vicodin percocet n tylenol w codeine. Also motrin gets me a bit high since i dont like to take pills n dont take them often. I know, who on heaven gets high on motrin?!?

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Gv - hey hon! Yes, I was in VA. My inlaws live in the Northern Neck, about an hr and 45 min NE of Richmond. Where are you? We come down through Fredericksburg to try to miss the traffic of DC. I'd love to meet you too! Maybe next time we can set something up.

FXd for you! Here's hoping AF stays away next week.

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10 years ago

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