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Who wants a Valentine's Baby

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Soooo here we go again! This is for all of us out for January or close to the end of the month. If I got preggo I would be Jan 31st

I am not posting much here but will be on my blog, if you are interested in following.

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

618 Replies • 11 years ago



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@bama, so how did your doctor figure out it was chemical? I wondered if that might be what it was with your line not getting darker. Is there a way they can test for that? I'm curious about how those get diagnosed.


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

11 years ago

Hi everyone

Sorry I haven't been around. It's been a truly awful few days for me. My lovely midwife arranged an early reassurance scan at 8 weeks for me, in view of the 2 miscarriages I've had. So this happened on Wednesday when I should have been 8w3d, and all they could see was an empty gestational sac measuring 5w. My hcg was 32000, so high enough for 8w. I have to have a repeat scan next Wednesday then it's decision time again.

I'm constantly on the verge of tears. I feel so disappointed, angry, devastated. 3 times in a row- I feel like I'm being tortured. What makes it even crueller is that I still have strong pregnancy symptoms, I feel sick, sore boobs, tired, nose bleeds. The symptoms used to make me so happy, now all they do is remind me I'm feeling crappy for nothing. Again.

We are getting referred to a fertility consultant as this is the third, so that's something. Maybe we can find out what's happening. Right now though, I don't think I can go through this again, and it maybe better to give up.

So sorry to be miserable, and I hope this doesn't drag any of you down, but I really needed to tell you so you didn't think I'd abandoned you

11 years ago

Ohhhh Zoo, I am so sorry. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better but I am sending prayers and hugs your way honey. :-( So so sorry you are going through this again. Do not for one second apologize for writing the things you did.

Don't give up!

11 years ago

Zoolisa, I am so, so sorry that this is happening. Mandy is right. there isn't anything to say to make it better. Just know we are here and are mourning with you. All I have is a virtual hug, and while it's not enough, it's all I can give.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

@Wiggy: So glad that you have finally got a peak on that damn machine lol. You must be so excited and at least you know it wasn't a waste of money/faulty/something wrong with your cycles etc. Lets hope it gets you your BFP now too :)

@While: I am taking it as a good sign. Though I know that a positive OPK isn't a sure sign that I will/have ovulated, hence me doing the BBT charting again too. lets hope your temp continues to rise :)

@Bama: So sorry that you have had a chemical pregnancy. I don't know how you kept your mouth shut. I would have said something sarcastic etc back as I hardly ever keep my mouth shut when its needed!!! Hugs to you both. Also, temping vaginally I find more consistent than doing it orally. Well, at least for me due to open mouth sleeping. Temps are less erratic, though its first month back again of charting.....

@Zoolisa: I am sorry to hear that the baby seems to have stopped growing. Hugs to you both

So im pleased that my OPKs are getting a second line as I thought after last cycle, it wouldn't happen. Hopefully BBT charting will confirm ovulation too..... DF has also agreed to BD next cycle every 36hrs rather than every other day to mix up morning and night sex to see if that gives his swimmers a chance due to the lower motility problem. ATM, it seems its mainly night time sex so if I do O 36 hours later say, his swimmers may have given up already. He has also agreed to try the men's version of the preconception tablets I take to see if that will help improve his sperm motility. Right now, anything is worth a shot before we get our fertility appointment through.....

11 years ago

I tested today, and it's negative. But I expected that because it's still really early :) also, these are not my typical PMS cramps like I thought. They are super mild usually and hardly noticeable (they were only strong when I had a phone call wake me up and scare the bejeezus out of me at 5 am. I attribute that to stress), and come and go when (TMI sorry) I am gassy, but go away completely if I burp or toot. Maybe it's just weird feeling gas? I have no idea what this is. Has anyone experienced something like this before?

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Cristi- I'm happy the bleeding has slowed down for you

Tshido- Good luck with testing! Hope you get your bfp!

Bama- I'm sorry about your chemical :(

Zoolisa- I'm so sorry girl! :( I'm hoping you feel better soon. I know theres nothing I can say to help you feel any better. We're here for you.

So I keep having to stop myself from peeing on another stick! Ugh it's horrible... Last time i tested was 2 days ago with that i'm assuming was an evap so i dont get my hopes up too much.. I just wanna pee on a stick right now! But I know i shouldwait until monday or tuesday in case AF shows up. But I just am "feeling pregnant" I need to pee more than usual, am bloated, stuffy nose, temp is still high. I just wanna test again! But I cant!! Lol

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11 years ago

So I broke down and tested again... Held pee for about 5 hours but had a coffee to drink in that time frame... Tell me what you think ladies. and sorry it is another blue dye test I gotta use up these clearblues anyways lol. I took these pictures about 10 minutes after I took the test. The test was still wet and hasn't dried when I took them.

I swear I see a super faint line...

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11 years ago

sweet, I see a very, very faint line on test #132631.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Lol thanks :) so maybe I'm not going insane thinking I was seeing things!

User Image

11 years ago

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