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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Second interview went well and AF is starting to show. Everything is ok though, just hope to see the doc prior to leaving for FL!!

Hope the rest of you are doing well ;)

10 years ago

Hey honey I'm glad to hear about the interview and at least she should be gone by the time you hit fl....right. I'm doing ok I'm still playing the waiting game. We will see. I'm hoping everyone is having a good day.

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10 years ago

@jlhart: yay for good interviews! Boo for AF. I too hope the doc can get you in this week.

@cam: what cd are you?

@luv: I hope AF isn't too hard on you!

Afm: of the 10 or so applicants there were 1 or 2 good ones. I emailed then back then didn't get responses :( I'm getting really nervous!

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10 years ago

@So_much_hope- Hopefully they email you back! It's so hard to find good child care. And it's so expensive! (here anyway)

@JLHart22 - Glad to hear your interview went well!! Sorry about af.

@luvtowalkfast - Good luck with the IUI this month! Hope af isn't too rough.

Af seems to have showed up today. Ah well, I figured it was only a matter of time happy my cycle was only 32 days. I honestly miss my cycles I had on birth control. This will be cycle 18 of ttc. As time goes on I feel more and more like giving up and just going back on birth control.

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10 years ago

On CD 26

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10 years ago

JLH wow you've got a lot of good stuff going on! FX that you get some good offers! :) What's your TTC plan this month?

Cam FX that AF stays away!

bluerose I know what you mean about wanting "pill cycles." Things were so simple back then. I'm going on cycle 20. Christ, at this rate there's as many "America's Next Top Model" cycles as I've had TTC cycles. Sorry about AF hun :(

SMH I hope you hear back today from your possible nannies! I'm sure you'll be relieved to be done with the search.

AFM CD 4. My friend who's pregnant from IVF has finally responded to one of my texts for the first time in TWO MONTHS. Honestly, I am just really pissed at her. I just want to scream "don't bother acting like you give a shit." It is very upsetting. Kind of emotional right now as you can guess. Gonna walk 10 miles tomorrow and just hammer out the disappointment.

10 years ago • Post starter

Sorry blue and Jada. Luv I wish I had it in me to walk I'm just too lazy. Florida heat is stifling at times. I feel af is coming.

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10 years ago

Joining the bloody women I'm glad I bd last night.

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10 years ago

Cam so sorry about AF :( And yeah, yikes, FL heat is crazy! You basically have to work out at 4 AM to avoid it. Even then the humidity is bad.

AFM CD 5 and just spotting now. 10 miler went great today, 2 minutes faster than last week. I feel much better too. Saw lots of baby geese. Even the douchebag geese are breeding like crazy, dangit. :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

@luvtowalkfast- Haha what are douchebag geese? Glad to hear your walk went well! And sorry to hear your friend has been a jerk.

@Cam- Sorry about af :(. I will take some Florida heat, though, please. It's cool out today. I wanted to relax outside in short and a t-shirt.

Apparently it wasn't real af yesterday. Just a couple drops and then nothing today. Which has happened before... it just prolongs things ugh. Trying to find a seamstress today.

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10 years ago

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