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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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beatles_i recently did this. for me i hadn't had a period for several months so i used that as a strting point. they always ask if you have any questions or concerns and just say yes and say uyou want to get tested for infertility issues and tell them why you think you may have problems. they will doa blood test and posibly an ultrasound. thinking of you and hope everything turns out alright.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

11 years ago

Still no AF and still neg HPT. At what point does one call the gyn to see what's up? The last time my cycle was 31 days was in July when it was my first one off BCPs. I got pregnant Aug. After D&C in Oct cycle went right back to normal exactly 28 days after procedure. Guess I'll give it a week.

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11 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'm new to the board but am so excited to get to know you all - what a great group of encouraging ladies!

I am 26 years old and my DH is 27. July will mark our 2nd wedding anniversary and 7 years together. I stopped taking the pill after being on it for nearly 12 years in November and did not have a regular cycle until late December.

After checking in with the doc to make sure there were no medical issues going on I decided to buy an OPK kit to see if I was ovulating. Last month I had a normal 31 day cycle and had a positive OPK on CD20 which was a lucky catch as I only tested 4 or 5 times randomly during that cycle. I'm hoping that means I am on track for regular cycles so excited to see what happens this month! CD1 was March 1st for me, so if I were to conceive I would be due right around December 6th!

This is a whole new experience for me and I feel like I have so much to learn but very excited for the journey! Best wishes to you all!

- Nicole

11 years ago

@Nicola: Welcome to the board. I hope you find out everything you wish to know. Everyone is so helpful and encouraging ive found. Good luck for this cycle

@Husky: I would give it a few more days and do another test. If you are pg, you may not have enough hcg in your urine for a hpt to detect. Fx'd for you though :)

@pbc: Oh yes, light over heavy wins any day. Just really strange. Practically off now when usually i bleed for around 8 days....

Afm, im now on cd4 and looks like af has slowed right down to practically nothing/spotting. Also, managed to get a drs appointment this morning and she has ordered a hip xray to see how the RA has affected my hip and some blood tests to see what my inflammation levels are like. Also got some co-codamol for the pain when its bad which though it isnt recommended during ttc/pg, its on the lower end of the scale compared to anti-inflammatory painkillers i would usually be put on. When i mentioned that my fiancee and i had been trying for 12/13 cycles with no luck, she said she would do tests but to wait and see what is going on with my RA and get my pain levels sorted etc. Which is fair enough. She also reminded me that ttc with RA can take a bit longer than a couple without RA. Usually an extra 6 months on average.....

11 years ago

@Husky - I had a strange, long cycle once and my OB/GYN wouldn't see me until I was 2 weeks late, at least 14 days. Some actually make you wait longer if there are no known fertility issues. (I have a known issue.)

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

11 years ago

Thanks so much Pbc and SMC. That really helped me gather my thoughts and write some things down on paper.

Also, my appt. is for March 18th and I would be right around 4 or 5 DPO, so that would be too early for even a blood test much less a urine test to pick up a positive. Should I be worried about that? I am assuming they will reschedule for the HSG anyhow, but an ultrasound would not interfere, correct?

Welcome Nicola - looks like we are cycle buddies. I am CD 7 today.

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11 years ago

Beatles...yeah 4-5 DPO would be too early for any results. I was about that when I went to see my OB/gyn...that's when I had my progesterone tested. Also had testosterone and some other hormones tested. HSG are scheduled I think CD 7-10 so that you haven't O'ed yet but not bleeding from AF....could be wrong, that is what I heard. Any ultrasounds shouldn't interfere. I don't know how your dr works, but I just answered a crapload of questions, had a pelvic exam and had my blood drawn. I haven't been back to follow-up b/c my results are given to me online and I've been working with my endo. Good luck with your appt!

Beautiful - are you doing anything different or taking any supplements? Could explain AF but I wouldn't be worried at all that it is lighter.

Nicola - BABYDUST to you and its great you are being proactive so early. I had no idea what I was doing the first 6 months or so, a big big learning time for me.

Husky - I think waiting a week is fair and hopefully you get some answers one way or another.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,
I'm going to join you girls if thats ok:)
Im on CD11 of normally 26/27 day cycles. I tesedt + this am on OPK will test again later.
My DH and I have been trying since our 1st MC last March 2012, got BFP again In January 2013 and MC again at nearly 6 weeks:(
I would like a December baby:) Dh and I have been married since Sept 11 and we have been together 9 years this month:) I have 2 fury babies at the minute xo
4 of my sisters have all had healthy pregnancy's, so I really hope it will be 3rd time lucky for me. Fingers crossed for us all xo

11 years ago

Thanks all for your wonderful feedback. I hate the suspense! Haha. I have strange twinge sensations very low in my pelvis. Not even an ounce of spotting.

So sorry for your losses Cazh. Really hope we all get those BFPs an that they stick!

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11 years ago

Thank you all for your kind words about my results! :) Sorry I haven't responded sooner but I've been super super busy these last few days!

Beatles- If I were you (I'm guessing you're not quite 35) I would just go ahead and tell the Dr.'s I've been ttc for a year now if they're not already on to you. In any event, here's how it went for me. My ob-gyn didn't have enough knowledge to speak in terms of infertility so she recommended a specialist in our area. When I got in for a consult, she asked me many, many questions regarding my cycle and family history. She also did an internal exam which included an internal ultrasound. By doing this, she is able to feel around different areas to check if you're experiencing pain. Through the internal ultrasound, she was able to see my ovaries and any developing eggs. She was hoping (at that time of the month CD4 ish) not to see the fallopian tubes b/c otherwise if she saw them, that would mean they were inflamed for some reason. Because of my history of pain and 9 mos ttc @ 35, she ordered an HSG. I'll speak more about that procedure in a little bit. She also gave me the paperwork for my DH to have a SA done because if there were major issues w/his sperm, perhaps other testing wouldn't be necessary and it's such a simple process for the guy... embarrassing and awkward yes, but "simple" relatively speaking as well. She also ordered a ton of bloodwork to be done. The bloodwork needs to be done on CD3 and 7dpo (they usually say CD3 and CD21 but that's only if you have normal 28 day cycle... not my case).

The HSG is the x-ray dye test to check for any blockages or pooling of dye which could indicate some sort of adhesion, growth or a uterine septum. If your fallopian tubes are blocked, there's no way for the sperm to meet the egg. Sometimes I guess the procedure can help clear them out. I've heard HSG be compared to "cleaning out the cobwebs" which helps the guys along. They can also tell whether your cervix is tilted which I've heard can make it difficult for them to even do the test.

I will be going at the end of the month for a follow-up appt to discuss all of these results. Other options she has discussed w/me was perhaps being put on Clomid to help trigger or make for a stronger ovulation or more viable egg. I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to try that, I'll wait to hear more about it from her regarding my test results. Lastly, it's always been a question whether or not I have endometriosis for good reason. I've not been tested (the only way is through laproscopic surgery) yet but if I don't get a bean in the next three months, that will definitely be part of my plan. :) During laproscopy, if they see endo, they remove it at that time and this can help tremendously as well.

Sorry to the ladies who's DH's won't be around for your fertile window!!! Try to have a great month otherwise and find things you know you won't be able to do when you're in the tww or actually preggers!

AFM, CD7, still waiting for all the dye to exit (sorry tmi) but got DH to promise to BD for the next 4 days! I usually O CD10-12 so I'm keeping FX. Maybe we'll take a day off in between and I'll still hit fertile window. :) Every month I feel he's more on board since he's seen all the trouble I've gone through trying to figure this all out. 3 days in a row has been our max so far! Lol.. I'm doing OPK's and temping as well as usual so we'll see!!!

I have a hard time remembering who is who and replying to specifically one person. Sorry about that but I wish you all good luck and sticky beans!

11 years ago

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