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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Jada--YAY! That's great news!

Cam-- one day at a time is a great approach. It's too easy to get overwhelmed, discouraged, etc. when we start thinking too far ahead. I hope all is well! :)

SMH-- you've got a bit of time. I hope finding a nanny comes easily and that she's absolutely perfect for the job!

10 years ago

Hoping everyone is ok?!

10 years ago

JLH colors sound awesome! Hope you got a good night's sleep after all that work!!

SMH good luck finding a nanny quickly! FX for you :) And wow she is a tall little thing!

lawbride hope the test prep is going better now! Yikes. You have so much going on it's not even funny. Get anything good at your shower?

Cam hang in there!!

Hello to everyone else!

AFM I dunno, 8 DPO I guess? Not really keeping track. HPTs are still positive at 9 DPT so my "experiment" is still going. So one thing is really pissing me off. In the last few months, I've sat down with my friend/supervisor a few times to get caught up on what's going on in our lives. Last time I updated her on our fertility problems and was interrupted mid-sentence by another coworker who was complaining about being 9 months pregnant. This time we were interrupted by a different woman complaining about how her 6-month-old isn't sleeping well. SERIOUSLY. Do these people have a "talk about your baby to infertile people" radar?! I don't even KNOW these women, really. I mean I don't even know their names. They know my supervisor/friend though and they feel the need to come up at that moment when I am talking about my infertility and bitch about their pregnancy or baby. I was seriously thisclose to saying "wow, that SUCKS. But I can't get pregnant, so....I win, bitch."

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey all! Thanks for the well wishes on the nanny. No luck yet.

Luv: you TOTALLY should have said that!!!

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10 years ago

Luv, I'm with SMH, that would at least bring to their attention how ungrateful they are being!

SMH, hoping you find the right nanny and soon!!

I am supposed to show my friend the house at 5 and it started raining about 15 minutes now I just want to go home and get on the couch! LOL. Hopefully it lets up soon. Luv I am terms of not really keeping track, but I am with you in the cycle...guess we will know something soon! Praying this is your time :) Honestly with everything going on right now and knowing that I have a great medical team and that the meds work, I am ok if AF shows. IF not I will be ESTATIC!!!

10 years ago

Hello ladies just popping in really quick.

Luv- I am sorry people are being so insensitive. I would address it to them, let them think what they want but until they have walked in your shoes they do not understand. And sadly some people just do not realize what they are saying.

Jada- I hope She does not show!!! That would be the bestest news ever!!!

SMH- fingers crossed you find a good nanny. It is hard finding someone to care for something so precious when you are not there. I am glad I do not have to do that again, I got a good day care provider who I see more as family then anything.

Law - miss you hun, sorry you are stressed, but just think of the great things to come in the future.

Sorry I did not go back to far, things are crazy as always. Unfortunately had a good scare. As some of you may remember with my first pregnancy I had SVT where my heart races high and can't come down. Well it has happened again. So much for a normal pregnancy, I have started beta blockers to control my heart rate, and now am considered "high risk", I am sad I can not continue to see my same provider due to her only being a Nurse Practitioner, but I luckily know a really good Doc that is gonna start seeing me. The meds make me very tiered and slightly dizzy, but will do what I need to do, to not have another episode of SVT.

10 years ago

@afmedic109- Sorry to hear about the complications. Happy to hear you've got a good doctor by your side, though.

@JLHart22- Yes, I am very well thank-you! I hope you won't be seeing af. Did the rain let up?

@ luvtowalkfast - Sorry to hear about those people being jerks. There has got to be a good come back line to get people like that to shut up haha.

@lawbride88- Hoping you can find time to catch up with your prep!! Hope you baby shower was good!

@So_much_hope- I had the same clothing issues with my son. He had a good start and was born at 22". Which is really quite large considering I was 18" at birth and am only 5'6 now Haha. Good luck finding a nanny! It's too bad you have to go back to work so soon!

I have just been working steady at yard work and work work. Going on a walk to raise awareness for those struggling with mental health problems, in memory of a friend who took his life two years ago this weekend. And other than that I think things have slowed down. I haven't heard from my health care provider nor have called her. We have pretty much given up on the whole thing. Not preventing though.

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10 years ago

@afmedic: oh no!!! I am so sorry!!! Glad to hear things are under control now and that you have a great doc now too. Hugs and prayers!

@blue: 22" at birth is HUGE. Rella was only 20.25" at birth. That baffles me your doctor never got back to you... Sorry girl. I hope the relaxed approach is what you need for your BFP!

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10 years ago

SMH hope you hear about a great nanny today! :)

JLH I totally agree about being okay with AF. There's something about being in the hands of a good doctor that makes you feel more at peace with it :)

bluerose I am still so mad on your behalf that your doc didn't call you. I mean WTF is that. They charge you for all these tests and then don't bother to call about the results?! It would make me reconsider ever going back to them again! 22" is a big baby, by the way. I was 21" and I'm 5'11" now :-P

afmedic hey girl! So sorry about the issues you're having. Yikes. I really hope you don't have another incident. Sounds scary!!

AFM not much going on, just chillin'. Taking the Wondfos every other day to see how the trigger leaves my system. Part of me is hopeful that they'll stay positive forever (well for 9 months) but I'm trying to be realistic. Only a 10% shot with IUI.

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: I really hope they stay positive too!! What DPO are you? I think the trigger is usually out in 10 days.

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10 years ago

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