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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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Holly FX for a BFP!!

Cam howdy!

3lil yay for Oliver! Glad you guys are doing well :)

afmedic glad you have a plan for the blood tests! I'm sure the vaginal temping will work great this month :)

lawbride glad you overcame your fear and just did it! I was just trying to be encouraging earlier, it's best not to think about such things and just do them :-P (Nike slogans are fairly accurate after all!)

1stTTC if that's not positive it's very close! Definitely fertile time!

JLH glad you got it checked out, has the bleeding stopped at all? If not I hope it does soon. Sucks that this happens during your fertile time :(

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--you were very encouraging. I was just freaking out. I'll probably freak out every day for a while. I so hope it works though!

10 years ago

JLHart-- thank you. In glad you checked out and that's a really great attitude about the bleeding coming during your fertile time. Can the fibroids be removed?

10 years ago

Well, my due date if I get pregnant this cycle will be the same week as the bar. EEKS! I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

10 years ago

Hi ladies. I had my procedure. Scope, D&C and Pap test.
I had a bad reaction to the anaesthesia and am totally exhausted. Tnx for all your good wishes ladies. Will update tomorrow. Off to bed.

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10 years ago

Morning ladies cd 24 nothing to report. I added beginning Spanish to my winter term. I will be pretty busy come January. My 4th wedding anniversary is Jan 4. It's pretty gloomy down here in Florida as we say baby making weather hmmmmmm.
Today I'm off and so is the dh this is our day to court each other no school books on this day. I'll check on everyone later smooches.

Stay away witch for nine months......please!

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10 years ago

Luv, it has gone away for the most part, thank goodness! I believe everything happens for a reason so I just pray it was a good one, lol. How are you?

Law, hey there. How are you? Getting any rest? I am home today and doing just that! In terms of the fibroids being removed, yes they can. I had 12 removed in 2009. That gave room for the ones they couldn't get to grow, hence my problems now...but my OB/GYN says they aren't were if we get pregnant will harm the baby. So that's the up side along with not needing another myomactmy first! But they can still die off, which is what I am hoping for! As they can grow along with the baby.

Nicolene, I'm sorry the procedure wasn't completely smooth, but so happy it's behind you know!! On to your bambino/a ;)

Cam, hey lady! ENJOY your day :) whew your winter is going to be crazy, but you are sooooo capable!

AFM, I'm home in bed trying to relax. Bleeding has stopped pretty much, jumped on the DH this Wishing it was Friday, but will enjoy this time...

10 years ago

gahhh. I hate thursdays. I have class from 11-4. It sucks because it spans lunch time and is really hard for me to eat and just stay calm throughout the day.

10 years ago

@Holly: FX'd for a BFP! Keep us updated!!

@Law: I have noticed some weight gain since we have started ttc too. Not anything really noticeable to others yet, but I can definitely see it. I really need to start walking and watching what I eat more closely. And sorry about the long classes today!!!

@3lil: Glad to hear all is good :)))

@Afmedic: Yay for time off!! Glad the witch is gone! FXd you catch that egg!! :)

@JLHart: You are always so positive!! :))

AFM: Think I may have finally got my positive opk yesterday, but still really unsure because it's my first time using wondfo opks... I really hope what I thought was a positive was because I took another one later than night and it was definitely lighter (negative)... Going to take another one in a hour or so...

10 years ago

hey ladies sorry i have been MIA been trying to update but every time i tried i could not get on hmm? been away on vacation with the DH we just got back and i have my DR appointment today which i'm hoping i will find out something today! i just want some answers to why its taking so long. my best friend just called me yesterday to tell me she just found out shes pregnant again. they have been trying for 3 months!! said she now knows how i feel !! I was trying to not get upset with her because she doesn't know. she tried for 3 months before she got pregnant i'm going on 20 months big difference there...but i am really happy for her and her family!! i just really need some good advice soon.

im going to go back a few pages and try to update as much as i can to get caught up

10 years ago

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