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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Congrats on the . Christi, my friend had this with her daughter. It was really odd but her doctor said sometimes the sac will continue to grow and that she could just deliver a water sac, however if it truly is just the sac then usually it miscarries. I am praying for you. I know things like this are tough, bu just think about the positive: God is bringing you a perfect baby. It may not be this time, or it might be, but even though we don't always like his plan, it is the best plan for us.

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11 years ago

bjohnson - Thank you! The amount of support from this forum is amazing.. that is why I could never leave! God's plan is always perfect... just not sure about this 10 day wait! :)

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11 years ago

So a +opk actually doesn't confirm Ov. It just tells you that you had a luteal hormone surge. So basically it confirms that your body went through the mechanics that can lead up to O, but not the actual O. (Pretty much the only way I know of to truly confirm O is BBT temping or u/s.)

O doesn't always happen on the day of +opk. If you do O after a +, it can be anywhere from 12-36 hours from your +opk. But sometimes even if you have a +opk your body may not O. If you don't keep checking with opks for a few more days you may miss if you have an additional LH surge a few days later. So you could end up Oing a few days after that first + because you really had two surges (or sometimes your body can't pull it off and there's no O at all that cycle even if you have LH surges). I actually had two surges last month and I ended up Oing about a week later than normal.

So that's a long-winded way of saying you definitely could have Od a few days later than you thought!

Fingers crossed hun. Hoping it's just a young bean.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Grantsmama THANK YOU!!!! I never thought of it that way. I do know that my blood test came back positive on November 6th but only at 25 so I was just barely pregnant! Maybe I am a few days behind... that would be AMAZING! However, the doctor still wouldn't change my due date or how far along I am because they are going strictly off my LMP! I o'd from the right this cycle.. they told me on my first u/s!

Thank you for lifting some tension! You are sooooo full of knowledge! You are a God send!

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11 years ago

Good morning ladies..

@Cristi78602-i totally feel you.. i am 5 weeks and 3 days preggy just a week behind you. I never knew such things exist and now this really worries me too. i just met a general practioner to confirm the bfp and she put me on folic acids only. Here wherewe live, we don't see a gynae till 8 weeks into pregnancy so im going to make an appt with a gynae 4 weeks from now and do a u/s too.

My finger and toes are crossed and i feel confident ur little bean is here to stay. You are in my prayers..Don't worry or stress yourself ok.

@grantsmama- Ur the best person for all this advices. At least i know there is someone here whom i can count on if i have any problems as well

@mommawannabe: Maybe its just too early to test dear. Don't stress yourself. you know ur not out till AF arrives.. im praying really hard for you too..

@miracle80- Thanks for ur wishes. Don worry so much about the AF ok. Take a little break and restart on everything with a stressfree mind. Sure it helps..

im just having real bad nausea but no vomitting yet. Appetite is really bad and i don feel hungry at all. I just look forward to eating all over again.

to all...

11 years ago

Hey ladies,

I just woke up from the most amazing nap of all time!!! The nausea med seemed to have done the trick. The only problem is it gives me a headache. My hubby went and got me the subway daily deal and I pretty destroyed it on sight. I hope it stays put for the night. Still no Af so I take that as a good sign. Thanks so much for the support ladies!!!!!!!

@grants......I didn't take another opk after I got the first one so Ihave no way of knowing honestly. My hubby said the same thing in the car on the way home. He was like maybe you ovualted later than we thought. Yea my chart has me really confused. I seriously doubt it is a stomach virus since my boobs feel like they are ten pounds a piece. So I figure that if I make it thru the week without my Af I will buy a test and see what it says.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Sha-rk..... the only reason they did u/s is because of the fertility drugs. I am still with the reproductive endocrinologist and stay there until they feel confident enough to send me back to my gyn! Honestly I can't wait to get back to my gyn.... these other ones are making me mad! LOL! I am hoping that I O'd a day or two later and implantation took a couple of days longer.... my hubby and i sat down with the calendar and paper and went through all options... took a break from it for a while, but we will start back soon and hopefully I will be able to sleep peacefully tonight! :) Thanks for all the support... again this is why I refuse to leave this site and this forum! LOL!

Lots of Baby Dust, STicky Vibes and FX for all in the TWW!

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11 years ago

Tomorrow is the big day...either AF will come, or I will test. All previous months I have tested ahead of time, but I decided to hold out until the day of so I am not disappointed or waste a test. Not really any symptoms. My left breast is tender and definitely bigger, but I am not reading into that much. I hope a lack of symptoms means something. Hopefully the won't show. I may even wait until Thursday to test just to be on the safe side that she won't come.

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11 years ago

Hi ladies. I took a HPT this morning and it was negative. I'm probably out this month I hope the rest of you get your BFP this month.

11 years ago

I'm pretty sure AF is on the way for me. Had cramps this weekend which I hoped were implantation cramping, but I think its just AF...CM is getting more abundant, another sign of AF. At this point, I would literally be shocked to see a BFP.

11 years ago

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