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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi! Sorry to hear things have been a bit stressful with the pregnancy. I think things will be similar for me towards the end as they are already talking about the likelihood of an early induction depending on how well the diabetes is managed. I had my appointment with the diabetic midwife today. She was superb! I have my glucose monitor and will need to take readings 4 times a day for the rest of the pregnancy. The trickiest thing will be to remember to take it 2 hours after starting each meal. At work will be the hardest as some days I will need to do it in the classroom because of the time when lunch is. Still, I will do what I must! Today she got me to measure it in front of her. It was really good even though it was only an hour and a half after my lunch. That shows my diet is right and so far I am managing it well. I actually got told to add a few more carbs back in! (Not the bad sugary kind of course!). I have another appointment at the hospital tomorrow with the dietician, then another next week with the obstetrician and the physician. I will be well taken care of during this pregnancy!!!

With the glucose test, it is still important for them to know before the baby is born if you have an issue. Otherwise he could have a sugar crash right after birth when he is no longer getting high levels of glucose from you but is still producing lots of insulin. At the least checking your blood glucose level a coupe of hours after a meal should give you an idea. I hate the GTT test itself. They only do the one hour or two hour one here. I had the 2 hours one both times. Turns out if I had been in a different country then I would have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes after my first one which was 6 weeks earlier. And perhaps even earlier than that when I had a higher HbA1c test (average glucose attached to red blood cells). So obviously this has been a problem for a while. She did say that it was likely to get worse through pregnancy. I am only at 25 and a bit weeks so far!!!

Anyway I hope you are feeling as ready for the birth as it sounds like your baby is. That is a big baby indeed! I could end up with similar...

9 years ago

Glad to hear you are adjusting well to the glucose testing, That is half the battle!
My doctors don't seem too concerned with making me take the glucose test again since I passed the 3 hour. I have taken it upon myself to make some healthier choices and watching my carbs even though they said I don't have to. I feel like this far along that it wont change too much either way. My husband was a large baby too so that could be part of it as well. At my last appointment my doctor decided to give me a NST and an ultrasound once a week until delivery to keep an eye on his size so we can decide how I am going to have to deliver. Since I have such a small frame I'm concerned he won't be able to "drop" into my pelvis which is a common thing with large babies. But we will see! I have my next appointment Thursday.
Im glad to hear everything is going well for you so far! I didn't know they waited so long to test in your country, but the important thing is you found out soon enough that you can still correct it! And it sounds like you are doing a great job keeping on it so far :] I see how that could become difficult to check while you are in class. Maybe you can take a trip to the restroom or to a teachers lounge to give yourself a little privacy? Im sure you will find a way to make it work. I know you were concerned about working as you got farther along in your pregnancy, how is it going so far?

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi! How are you doing this week?

With the GTT I think it is not common to test earlier as most women only develop it between 24 and 28 weeks so if they did the routine screening earlier they might miss some who actually do develop it. I only got tested earlier (18 weeks) because of my medical and family history. I am very pleased they did! So the glucose testing is going well. I haven't forgotten to do any readings and only forgotten to start the timer twice!!! So far y trends seem to be the after dinner one is always high. Or was... We sorted that one last night by going for a 30min walk after dinner :) So yesterday was the first day all readings were good! Hopefully we can continue this. I did get very frustrated early on when I had some high readings after being careful with food and doing some exercise. But maybe not enough :) We will have to play around with it to work out what works best. It will be difficult when I am back at work next week.

I had a good long chat with my lovely little sister last night. She has a 7 month old so is a wealth of recent pregnancy information. She is amazing and wants to organise a baby shower for me! All I have to do is give her a list of names and addresses for those to invite. She is planning it for after I have finished work, but before I would be likely to be induced (if that is necessary). I am so looking forward to it! I am still amazed I am even having a baby after all we have gone through.

Today is a beautiful day!!! We are having a scan and an appointment with the obstetrician and physician in the afternoon, but this morning my husband will go to the gym and I will read my book in the sun by the beach :) I am LOVING this holiday time! The most relaxing ever. I think I needed it. Last chance to relax while still not too huge. Once I finish school I wlll be almost ready to have the baby!!!

9 years ago

Hi! Glad to hear managing your GD is going so well! How did your appointment go yesterday?

It has been another eventful week for me haha. MY little man just keeps trying every chance he can to come see us early!! I went to my ob Thursday and I passed the NST and went in for my growth ultrasound and where they do some kind of visual test. We were able to see him already breathing on his own which is awesome! BUT the doctor said I had hardly any amniotic fluid left! It was a 4.6 (10 is normal and 5 is an automatic admission into the hospital) So he told me that my husband needed to take the next day off and I needed to go get admitted into labor and delivery that morning! So we went in that morning and they gave me the steroid shots for the babys lungs in case I had to deliver. And I got ultrasound monitored for about 45 minutes and was given an IV to help create some more amniotic fluid. I was hooked up to the contraction monitor and I was having contractions that I just couldn't feel, my stomach wasn't even getting tight but I was definitely having them! The nurse checked me and said my baby is as low as he can possibly get and I am 1cm dilated and about 50% thinned out! And he weighed 7 pounds! I am only 35 weeks so thankfully they were able to get everything under control and he will get to cook a little longer :]
Tomorrow morning I have a follow up with the childrens hospital about the babys brain and I am really not looking forward to it. I feel like my baby is just find and they are just a really pessimistic group of doctors there. My whole second half of pregnancy has just been one thing after another and I just want to enjoy the last 4 weeks because at this point what is going to happen is going to happen...

That is really exciting about having a baby shower! I had so much fun at mine and it was a great opportunity to see everyone before we become parents :] I hope you have lots of fun with it!!

9 years ago • Post starter

I know exactly what you mean about the doctors being "pessimistic" and wanting them to just leave things alone. I think in many ways it makes all so much worse if they are concerned about uncertainties. I remember before we had our miscarriage we were perfectly content, taking things as they came. Had an inconclusive scan, and then one of the nurses started going on about miscarriages. It made us feel things were way worse than they actually were! The scan 2 weeks after that showed a heartbeat! It certainly meant we had a much more volatile journey than was needed. That's why with this pregnancy we took a long time before telling anyone, even medical people, that I was pregnant. We didn't get the NT scan because whether or not there is a problem with the baby, we are having it so why worry if they were to give us a high risk designation?

Our scan the other day was great! Everything looked good. Baby measuring above the 90th percentile for everything, except tummy size which was 55th. That means my diabetes hasn't yet affected the baby which is good news!!! I am certainly getting better and better at the diabetes management. Had a couple of full days of good readings. This morning's after breakfast wasn't good, but I didn't get out of bed!!! So understandable...

Wow you are certainly having an interesting time with your boy!! At least you know if he was to come early he should be perfectly fine. I have read about the amniotic fluid decreasing and needing to be induced early as a result. Did the IV make a difference to the volume? Hopefully he can stay in there another 2 weeks! That would be best. But wow, contractions already! He's smaller than the projections though ay? We saw from our scan that our baby is about 2.5 pounds already! Not quite 27 weeks yet. Long way to go though! Definitely want to cook for another 10 weeks at least! But growth should be accelerating now.

9 years ago

Well I'm back in the hospital! I went to my appointment at 9am and they sent me straight to labor and delivery. Little man's fluid was lower than last time. Now it's 11pm and they are keeping me over night. I've been on iv fluids all day and will continue to be on them throughout the night. The doctor said if my levels aren't satisfactory by 8am I will be induced tomorrow. And even if they do improve he will only let me stay pregnant for another week since his amniotic fluid keeps disappearing. I have my scan at 8am and will know then!

So glad to hear your appointment went great! And I don't blame you about the testing. I opted not to have it until all of these brain issues started showing up and they said I needed to have them so they can rule out problems and of course they came back negative. We are the same way and will love our little one regardless of what any tests say :)

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh my goodness! Thanks for the update! I hope you are not too stressed. It must be a relief that they found out about this and are prepared to do what is necessary for the health and safety for you both. Wow. I hope you are all prepared for an early baby!!! Let me know when you can how things are going and I will be praying for you!!!

9 years ago

I hope you are doing okay!!! I keep thinking of you.

9 years ago

I hope all is well with you and bubs!!!!

9 years ago

So sorry it has taken me so long to respond! It has been acrazy week! Thankfully I'm still pregnant, he hasn't had to come out yet :) just about every time i go to an appointment tho they send me to labor and delivery. I've been sent twice for having super low amniotic fluid levels and i was sent yesterday for fetal monitoring. My doctor has me going to his office twice a weekto get monitored with an nst and ultrasound. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and my doctor is going to strip my membranes tomorrow to try and induce labor "naturally". He says it's the most non invasive way if it works. At my last appointment i was having contractions 8 minutes apart and wasn't even feeling them and I've been having them since, they think I'm starting the very early stages of labor. And little man is 8 pounds! He is definitely trying to start his way out and my doctor thinks he's ready and will benefit more from being out despite only being 37 weeks. So iguess we will find out more tomorrow at our appointment. Thank you for thinking about me and sorry again it took so long! I hope you're doing well! How's your pregnancy going?

9 years ago • Post starter

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