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LMP 23rd July - Looking for others around the same.

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I just want to test but i know its too early. Who else is around the same time?

28 Replies • 9 years ago



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21 - 28 of 28 Replies

Hey ladies! I am new to this site, I hope you don't mind me joining on in! My LMP was 7/24 however, for the last few months I have been on a 29-32 cycle. Assuming af will come by Monday (but not hoping) as today makes CD 30. I am 11dpo today, I am not charting because I spot lightly two days during O. I have taken a few test since dpo 8 and had nothing but BFN I've been using FRER and Answer Pregnancy test. I am trying to tell myself not to test until Tuesday but it's extremely hard! TWW is horrible!

9 years ago

Blimey,you've got sooo much to think about. I bet your 11 month old keeps you busy. I can't believe my baby is 5 years old! I can't imagine what it's like not to see husband for 9 months. Very proud of what he does and for what you sacrifice in the process.
Hurry up your af so you can plan again. I had a stabbing pain for a minute,low right today. That's it. I know it's probably bad but I had a bottle of fosters whilst I did dinner. Next Saturday il test if I don't start by then. At least it's a bank holiday on Monday so got extra nice family time together. I hope your sister is alright. : )

9 years ago

Welcome crazed to the site of hopes and dreams and looking for lines! : ) how many children do you have already? I am 100% not going to test again for another 5 days as it's too depressing seeing negatives! Will power! Lol. Good luck with ur waiting game and results. Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us on here! : ) x

9 years ago

Crazed--> Welcome to the madness! I'm a confirmed POAS-aholic! I had a beta done at 10 dpo that came back at 0, and I still can't keep from POAS!

Annie--> Don't sweat the Foster's, Love. I know that the doctors will tell you to avoid nicotine, alcohol, and practically everything else while you're TTC, but I will tell you that you need to continue living your life. There are plenty of women every day who get pregnant while putting terrible things into their bodies. I'm not saying that going off the deep end is a good idea, but a beer isn't going to ruin your chances! Relax, Momma! I was on a strong narcotic pain regimen throughout my ENTIRE pregnancy, and I have a GIANT perfect baby boy!


9 years ago

Hi all. How is everyone getting on? Its all quiet with me. Im 10 dpo,apart from the sides of my boobs being sore yesterday. Im feeling normal. Im trying not to think about it too much. If af doesnt come on Saturday,il test then. Im not 100% sure of when I ovulated and I only bd twice. Odds are against me. But keeping positive! : ))

9 years ago

Sometimes staying positive is the only thing that keeps us going!

Sorry girls! I know I've been absent as of late; things went from busy to "Hold the hell on ... HERE WE GO!" Got the keys to the new house, had to go to the post office and get the keys to it. Then went and showed it to Mom; she thinks it's cute! Then today I got a sitter for John for 6 hours (Y'all - I actually got to eat my pancakes AND shop at Walmart in peace!!!!) and Mom and I went and cleaned the new house. It was already cleaned, but I wanted to run over things with my "gentler" chemicals before I turned my toddler loose in there. Then it was off to the storage shed where all my household goods have been living since January to meet the movers for a free estimate on moving it all. (Said storage shed looks as if it could give birth at any minute, so the idea of ME having to move all that crap was literally nauseating!) Got him paid, and set up to move everything on Friday morning at 7:30. Now to have the washer/dryer delivered tomorrow and start tearing John's nursery here apart to reassemble at the new house. Whew! I'm POOPED! Oh, and AF showed up today, too.


9 years ago

Oh my word. Well congratulations on your new home! : ) it is one of thee most stressful things ever. I brought bigger family home last summer,didnt complete until 17th Dec,just before christmas,was very stressful. But was sooo worth it in the end. Keep going!,sooo exciting! Thats pants about af,at least now the main stress of moving is nearly done and you can count ur days again. This time next week,ul be thinking clearer and will be more settled. In life at times its always all or nothing hey? Grrrr. The kids go back school tomorrow after summer holidays, il buy a test tomorrow too. Il get a first response then test friday morning. That will be 2 days before af due. If neg,prob will stay negative this month. Il keep you posted! : )

9 years ago

Annie--> GL with the FRER! FX'd you get a beautiful bright and early! And even though AF showed up, I'm so OK with it right now. I take my dose of Femara tomorrow morning, and then it's the waiting game for O. I go for my HSG on Monday the 8th, so hopefully that cleans out any blockages. With the stress of the move (it's making me crazy) I'm going to try to avoid overly obsessing about TTC this month, and TRY to enjoy DH's last few weeks. I'll get my OPKs, but I'm going to try to avoid stocking up on HPTs. POAS is so hard for me to avoid, and I just don't want the added stress. I'm hopeful that this will be my cycle. If not, it's birth control for me while DH is gone to shut my ovaries down and give those poor things a rest for 9 months!


9 years ago

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