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*sigh* Really weird PMS Or the Real Thing.....

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My feelings are all over the place. 1st month TTC FOR 1st child newlywed here. CB fertility monitor, Fertile Aid pills and Pre-seed used. I am 12 dpo today. One day I feel like I'm pregnant , the next I don't. One thing is for sure, and that's the fact that I've never had PMS symptoms like this before. Lots of gas, queasiness but not quite nausea, super hungry, tired, aches back and legs, flutters followed by cramping since 3dpo, lots of CM, scratchy throat , moody, and just last night I almost gagged eating a turkey burger after only a few bites! Even with all these symptoms, I'm too scared of the disappointment of taking another test (BFN on 9dpo) this early so I'm trying to hold out until after AF is MIA. I'm so afraid, that even with all these symptoms I have, it's all in my head. It's such a stressful thing TTC for the first time. I tip my hat to those before me who have been enduring this for many cycles. I feel like I'm loosing my mind!!! Ok. Rant over. Thanks for reading.

PS. I could really use some encouraging words and stories (-:

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52 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Well MrsFelixxx you're my lucky charm! I got my BFP this morning!!!

I still can't believe it!!! I'm 2 days late from my last day AF was due so I knew there was something but I wasn't sure so I opted to take a test this morning! Tested with a dollar store test and couldn't believe it showed though is somewhat faint so I ran to the drug store around the corner and bought a digital and was a strong positive!! I uploaded pics though the digital didn't turn out so good :( I took the pics an hour or two after but the pics were the same as the result within the test timeframe.

My biggest clues this cycle that something was up was the shooting pains in my bbs/nips around when AF was due (have a 25-27 day cycle), nausea where I have to eat every 2-3 hrs like when pregnant with DD and heartburn/indigestion which I added it to nausea cuz that's what I would get from it...

How are you doing lifeslyrics?? You're 13DPO, right? I'm sorry you got a negative but like you said to me it can still happen and might be a later positive for you too!! Crossing fingers, toes & arms for you!!!! lol

I still feel like I'm going to get AF anytime due to the cramps but they're a little different... more achy, like my bbs, than really sore or painful. I also have very little cm unless I wipe so it's not as big a clue as I thought...

Hope you are all well and hoping you can all get your BFP so we can be in this together!! :)

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10 years ago

Congratulations!!!!! I literally got goosebumps when I opened this forum just now! SO incredibly happy for you, Candie!!! Please keep us updated on your progress, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!!

Today I'm 13 dpo and not feeling well at all.Yesterday I had cramping all day, felt very dizzy and nauseous, which isn't normal for me 2 days before AF. This morning, I woke up with cramps thinking AF was here, but nothing. But alas, I got a BFN this morning again. I think my body/ and or mind is playing tricks on me!

Again, congratulations Candie!!! I think MrsFelixxx might have ESP

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10 years ago

Thanks lifeslyrics!! I kept thinking what MrsFelixxx said and sooooo wished I could say I had a BFP and god answered my prayers!! I really, really hope you can join me and will be thinking of you too!!

Might still be a little too early for your tests to detect anything being just 2 days before your AF but those symptoms sound good to me! Anything new is good!!

Hang in there and maybe MrsFelixxx will have a new premonition that more than 1 of us have a BFP!!! :DDD

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10 years ago

User Image @CANDIE OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!
I'm sooooooo Incredibly happy for you!!!! I literally had a girly fanatic moment just now!!!! !!!!!!!!
This is amazing!!!!! Your estimated Due Date is a day before my Birthday too! How Crazy!!!!!!!!
So I guess the real question is How much should I start charging for my Psychic Readings?
All jokes aside, I am wishing you an amazing glowing happy healthy 9 months filled with love
Any gender preference???

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10 years ago • Post starter

lol MrsFelixxx!! Thank you!! I'm so ecstatic and still shocked at times too! I can't believe your prediction came true and you should total charge for it! LOL! That's awesome it's so near your birthday, wow!! Thank you for the well wishes and we're hoping for a boy since we have a beautiful daughter already but I only just really want it to be healthy! We're going to surprise ourselves with the gender again like we did with our 1st and wait until he/she's born.

How are you doing/feeling? Hoping you can join me this cycle but don't want to give you any more stress so you relax!! :)

@lifeslyrics - How are you doing, hun? Did AF show up for you?? I hope she stays away!!!

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10 years ago

hi ladies,

I am ttc since this mo due to my hypothyroidism,I under meds..I have irregular periods too :-\
7dpo but lot of odd symptoms are there.
cramping, fatigue , back ache, insomnia , stuffy nose.etc
is it a gud sign ? or am . I just imagining things.

after reading ur experience e1 am thrilled to meet in same boat.

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10 years ago

I'm sooooooooo tired. Seriously, I feel like I've been drugged.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!!! I hope all is well with all of you!
@lifeslyrics- where are you???? We need an update!!!

Not feeling very well this morning, can't sleep because of my tummy and back ache!!! I think I'm out. I think constipation is the cause of all my symptoms this month and possibly for the previous months. I believe that alone is responsible for The cramping, backache, and nausea because I haven't gone in 5 days! Also after 6dpo I'm not AS tired as I started off being. I have, however been "wetter" than usual.Have runny nose and scratchy throat. I will not get my hopes up no matter what, until after my period is expected.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi mrsfelixxx! Don't give up hope yet but I can understand the worry! 5 days of constipation?? Goodness, hun! I hope it gets better and you can chalk everything up to preg symptoms! Being wetter is a good sign and just cuz ur not as tired isn't bad either! Still got lots time for it to sort out. Crossing fingers! :)

@gingercandy - how are things? Did you test?

@lifeslyrics - hope you're doing okay, hun, and can give us an update! Good or bad we're here for you!

Afm - I've been very worried lately and have had some brown/pink spotting with mild cramps since Thursday. When I first saw it I broke down crying (hormones are crazy) but I have a docs appt Wednesday so waiting to see what happens... I've also been constipated so not sure if cramps are that or what! :( also my upper legs have been achy and were really bad Friday, I had to lay down and I'm so tired... The worry doesn't get any better even after you get preg!! :( trying to be positive though!

I'm praying for all of us!! :)

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10 years ago

I'm praying for you Candie.

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10 years ago • Post starter

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