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Trying to Conceive OVER a year...join me

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I thought this was going to be easy. I was wrong. I thought at the six month mark, I'd get pregnant. No. I thought by month nine, I'd be pregnant. No. I thought by a year, I would be pregnant. No.

This is the 15th month we've tried and now is more wait and see. The last two months, I didn't care, but now I do.

I had an appt with my new doctor last month and she didn't seemed too concerned about me not being pregnant noting my regular periods. She referred me to an OBGYN since I was having trouble.

At this point, I've theorized the problem is low progesterone, a thyroid issues, or sperm problems. I have no evidence really for any of these...I just need a piece of mind. If something is wrong, I'd like to know.

Anyway, for those that have been trying over a year, please join me. Let's share new ideas, support and just advice to keep us going.

28 Replies • 11 years ago



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21 - 28 of 28 Replies

I don't think I could use donor either. On the other hand smoking alone surely can't be the reason you're not getting preggers. Definitely should go have a SA so you won't fret about that. Have you had your thyroid checked? That is part of my problem in conjunction with insulin resistance and PCOS. They are all closely tied. Easy bloodwork at the gen dr can get you some quick answers!?

11 years ago

I get my bloodwork done on the 1st, follow up with family doc the next week then seeing OBGYN later in Nov. DH is going to have SA after he sees his regular doc, whenever that is....he hates to go, well he hates to see his reg doc but doesnt mind getting his sperm tested, makes no sense! I also think maybe our timing is off and maybe its just I have to put more effort into it. It sounds easy to BD until you HAVE to. I also can't say we have tried our hardest this past year, maybe 5-6 months actually trying.

11 years ago • Post starter

Same here. It wast until march that I discovered what exactly was goin on with me. I found out 3 years ago I have PCOS and tried some different fertility drugs but I just didn't like the way I felt when I was taking them so I stopped. We just decided to just keep trying without drugs. OBGYN said that since he was normal that we could get pg but it would be difficult just bc of pcos you don't always ovulate. Well long story sort this last spring my dr found out about all this other and I've been on metformin and thyroid meds to control all this and as a result I have been working like clock work!!!! It's been amazing. So we've been actively tryin again I guess only about 5-6 months.

11 years ago

For all I know, everything could be fine...wouldn't that be something? All I know that if I read someone else on this site or another talking about how they got pregnant their first try, I will scream. It's like why are you even here, go away....ok that's harsh! But I feel sometimes.

11 years ago • Post starter

Lol. No kidding. I know what you mean.

11 years ago

Today I'm 17dpo and AF should be here but she hasn't shown up yet. I tested and BFN....

11 years ago

I have no idea what day past ovulation it is for me, but my AF is expected anytime. I had my customary crazy cryfest which I do now right before AF, and this only started after I got off the BC last year. So weird.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies can I join you all, I have been trying to get pregnancy since 12/2010, we were pregnant for a short while this summer but it ended in a miscarriage. My DH has MFI and refuses to take the next step as he believes everything is all better because we were preggo a few months ago. This journey has been so frustrating. Like you all have mentioned pregnant woman make me angry and I am trying very hard to work on being happy for those who are pregnant around me. It just sucks that this comes so easy to some and others have to go through hell and back for a BFP.

User Image Me(28) DH (29) TTC #1 since 12/2010 Aug 2012 9 weeks Praying for a

11 years ago

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