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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Lots to catch up on. I'm bound to miss someone. Sorry in advance.

Welcome to the newcomers!

Scooby - I'm so sorry for your loss.

FX for everyone in the TWW! :)

AFM: CD23. OPKs are going back and forth from almost positive to barely there. Today was again almost positive this evening (it was barely there early this afternoon). That happened a couple days ago too. Assuming it's related to my wacky hormones.

My RE's office called on Wednesday afternoon and let me know that based on the blood work that had come back so far, I was no where near ovulation. My estrogen levels were apparently very low. I didn't get to talk to anyone so I'm not sure how low and if there is a concern there as well. I should hear from the doctor this week with results for all bloodwork.

Someone (can't find the post now) asked if I had the cysts that can go along with the PCOS, but as far as I know, no, I do not. My RE just pointed out the 30+ eggs showing up on each ovary on the ultrasound, and said there really should only be 8-12 visible per ovary, plus my hormones being out of whack.

I hope everyone who celebrates enjoys the Christmas holiday, and here's a wonderful new year with lots of BFPs and babies!

TTC #1 DH: 37 Me: 31 CP July 2009 Diagnosed with PCOS December 2013. My Ovulation Chart

10 years ago

Hello, would like to join this group!

I loss my baby girl at 20weeks in october....anyway we are trying again.

I am CD 9 and cant wait to ovulate using opks and temping.

Baby dust to all :)

Me 29 DH 33 Loss at 20 weeks

10 years ago

Sweet, welcome!
Sorry for your loss. I wish u all the baby dust in the world n here is keeping my fx for a healthy 9 months next time.

Baby dust n sticky vibes to all my ladies here!

Afm, just finished shopping few gifts. We are trying to keep christmas simple this year. Just enjoying a meal at home n not the crazyness of gifts. My girls n i will visit a n animal shelter to donate baby blankets n food. Also we are donating toys n clothes.
girls will get good toys!

Happy holidays ladies!!!!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Cycle day 33, 19 days past O.

I'm convinced now that I O'ed later than I thought. Had very minimal brown spotting today which usually happens right before full blown AF arrives. Very unusual to be almost 5 days late though. Looks like my cycles are way off track for some reason. Usually it's clockwork and I know exactly what day I will start. Last 2 months have been the exception. My sister is now 16 weeks pregnant and will find out the gender on Dec 30th. My sis-in-law is now 10 weeks. Really praying that in 6 weeks I can see a BFP. I will start using Ovulation Kits and continue charting my temp.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated on how to pinpoint ovulation a few days before it happens since we are trying for a girl.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

First - I find that the natural remedies work better for me. Sometimes, the OTC treatments make me worse. I also swear by eating yogurt! LOL. At least every other day.

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Hi ladies!!

I am back to the post and can I say that I am feeling very glad that you ladies are around to provide me on the answer on my confused state of mind.

Ok... This morning I rushed home to make breakfast for DH and of cos to BD... Oops... Basically he said I f*cked him upside down....((tmi))

Alright, and I just told him that we should cuddle so that I don't want to gear him uptight and he may under perform..?? Lol

So... Ok...I'm really hoping we get it right this time.
And yes!! Gynae replied this morning replying that " likely the one in 15 is more accurate" oh well short and sweet?

And he didn't explain on how the twice solid smiley...

Genie- love you!! You really list down the possibilities for me to digest.. Iam hoping that the points are all swinging to my context right now..But isn't possible to gear up and realize oh oh not ready to release egg?? Could this also be the right ovary is not at the right size then. .
Like I say if today could be the O or tmr, the size basing growing 1-2mm per day will reach close to 18mm!!! Get the soldiers!!

Firstti- yes it's terrible!! My 3rd month using opk and this has to happen.... Plus both of us fell ill. And you are so right , gynae said that likely the surge yesterday and today is more likely the real one. So what resulted the fake one? DH and I have dinner and lunches party tomorrow due to the festive seasons.... I'm really hoping that this morning deed could be of good help...

I am going to test for the surge tonight and see if it's still dark... I can't upload the picture I took this morning. It seems darker as well... I read that ok positive could also be sign of pregnancy?? If opk(+) was on cd8, I'm probably 6-7dpo... Possible.

Sweet- hi, and so sorry to hear about your loss.. Be strong, we are all here for you.

Scooby- how r you doing.? I hope you are getting better( hugs)

Gds- baby dust to u... I'm sorry I dun have much answers for you. We are trying for girl as well and if you could know, this month of mine ( supposed to take a break ) messed up on the positiveS!!

Hugs to all of you ladies!!!!!

Blushing, Koti, cristi.... Hugs!!!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Hey girls!
Pretty sure Iâ??m out. Tested this morning and got a negative and I feel like AF is going to arrive any second. My boobs got less tender over the weekend but they are still kinda sore. Normally they would stop hurting the day before AF is gonna start. This was the last cycle of clomid my OBGYN will give before I need to go to an RE. We have been saving up but still not to where we want to be yet. So we will be taking a "break" for a while. I know Iâ??m still gonna try and track O and BD during my fertile week.

User Image

10 years ago

A big hi to all the ladies here.... Its xmas eve today!!

Stevi- did you cave in? Or be testing soon?

Firstti- I am still so very stressed....

Genie- I think googles may dislike me now for searching and searching...

Cristi- ((HUGS))

Rebecca- Hello to you.. how have you been?

2more- How are you? Hope all is well..

So far, I am tested thrice on CD15.
12.45am, 7.50am & 8.42pm ( all are positive ) In fact, I feel that at 7.50am it seems darker... as compared to the one at 12.45am. BD this morning...and have been quite busy till with work & dinners.

DH is still out with his friends for gathering, hopefully we still be able to steal some time later to BD again.. As I am so confused about my body this month.

Apparently, based on @Genie's reply- gearing up and realized that its not ready to O, somehow the body will re-adjust and try to gear up again. As such, I am really hoping that the eggs are release on time to meet the soldiers!

I seriously have no idea how is that I am so stressed out with this " supposed to take a break" cycle.

This month cycle makes me confused and initially was thinking to start using OPK since past 2 months surge appeared on CD12/13. Now with this prank.. my brain's fried. totally.

I am also aware that there are quite a handful of us who are actively TTC facing worst problem than I do. Hence, I really appreciate all your time in reading.

I am really hoping this is the month as scan shows its right ovary and YES!!! right is working fine with 2 healthy ovaries based on last check.

Please please, SANTA ( Im shouting cos I am worried you can't hear me... I do not mean to be rude )...

PLease make all our wishes come true! All of us here in this forum :-

*Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!* Forum.. & WE ARE:

- While
-Scooby ( make her happy & leave your magic with her till she recovers)
- Kizzy
- Arch- ( Happy & smooth 9 months )
- Jenna
- Koti
-Bam ( Happy & smooth 9 months )
- Wifey
-SugarandomSam- thats me: the confused month TTC woman.

I am really sorry if I happen to miss out any name, please do not be upset with me. Should I missed out.. Am still wishing for you(s)..


xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago


2 more- Sweet & Stevi!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

I'm here, fingers crossed for all of us!

I'm 28, DH is 29 Married since 2007 TTC officially since October 2013 I have PCOS. 11/15/13: first round of clomid 50mg (no ovulation on cd21) 1/2/14: second round of clomid 100mg (cd21 tested at 11!!!)

10 years ago

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