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Calling all December testers!

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Hey everyone! For those who were not on the november forum. Welcome! whethere you are in the tww yet or not its a good place to start if you are testing in december. for those that where on the November forum welcome back! this is a continuation of that so we can all meet up again! im currently on cd 1 and wont be testing til the 2nd december! gl to everyone! hope we get some more bfps this month!xxxxxxxxx

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589 Replies • 11 years ago



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Yes I'm staying just starting over! Thanks ladies

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11 years ago

Thanks 3lilbrownboys. I usually O around day 16, but my chart has just been crazy this month. If I don't get my BFP this month, I have been reading up on taking my temp vaginally. Its suppose to be more accurate and consistent. We shall see. Hopefully I don't have to worry about it ;)

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11 years ago

@ANGEL- now that is hilarious! (the jingle bells around dog crate to catch snooping kids hehehe!) I have ALWAYS been bad about snooping for gifts, even now as an adult! I swore to my husband that I wouldn't do it this year b/c it makes xmas morning less fun when I already know what I am getting hahaha!

@ALESHA- This is my 3'rd cylce off pill as well. Got prenant first cycle and lost it (chemical pregnancy) then nothing last cycle and about to find out for this one! Hope we can get BFP's together and with everyone else on here!

@LJTS-I hear you on the Black Friday crap!! Forget that! I did a little shopping later that afternoon but only about an hour and nobody was there... the sales weren't even that great, definitely not worth fighting with people and dealing with that shit!!

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11 years ago

If I don't get a BFP this around I am going to do the grapefruit juice (yuck!!) and religiously take my temp at the same exact time, the same exact way. I take it within the same half hour every day, but, I am going to set the alarm clock and all that stuff. We will see what happens.

The dog crate is an actual exercise pen. It is approximately 5 ft long and 2 ft wide. Tree is on a table in the center and the top is tied to a chandelier. I can tell by how loud the jingles are as to how close they are getting. The other two table are up too high to reach. Every year I get smarter after they dismantled a tree probably 40 times last year.

Trying to convince myself I do not need to test again tonight. I will probably test in the AM even though I know I won't get a BFP until at least 10DPO. I am just a glutton for punishment.

Good luck ladies.


12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

11 years ago

Morning! 8dpo today, boobs feel massive and heavy, still tender. Also I've been getting cramps and backache. Feeling much more positive about these symptoms!
Have a week off work which is sooooo nice. Means I can just relax and take it easy this week. Heading up to London for the weekend to see my sister - when af is due so no idea what I'll do about testing!

Slewakoa and wadjet : any test updates???

Maybe: have your symptoms settled or are they getting worse?

Army : any symptoms yet?

3lilbrownboys: have you tested yet? And are u trying for a girl this time?

Everyone new to the tww: how are your symptoms?

Love and luck x

11 years ago

Good morning ladies... unfortunately not anything fun and exciting to report here... woke up a little while ago and did test w/ fmu BFn :*( --- For some reason I have been feeling really good about this month but today I am now feeling discouraged. today is 10-11 DPO and bfn like I said, but I am pretty bloated as well whch sucks and is prob an early AF sign. I dunno. I need to stop taking tests early (or try) for future cycles b/c all it does is disappoint! I am also (sorry tmi) a little gasy and such, prob another early af sign. I think AF is due Friday. Anyway, just doing some stuff before I have to go to classes and start my monday. Hope to hear some good positive news from the rest of you ladies!

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11 years ago

Good morning ladies... unfortunately not anything fun and exciting to report here... woke up a little while ago and did test w/ fmu BFn :*( --- For some reason I have been feeling really good about this month but today I am now feeling discouraged. today is 10-11 DPO and bfn like I said, but I am pretty bloated as well whch sucks and is prob an early AF sign. I dunno. I need to stop taking tests early (or try) for future cycles b/c all it does is disappoint! I am also (sorry tmi) a little gasy and such, prob another early af sign. I think AF is due Friday. Anyway, just doing some stuff before I have to go to classes and start my monday. Hope to hear some good positive news from the rest of you ladies!

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11 years ago

Good morning ladies... unfortunately not anything fun and exciting to report here... woke up a little while ago and did test w/ fmu BFn :*( --- For some reason I have been feeling really good about this month but today I am now feeling discouraged. today is 10-11 DPO and bfn like I said, but I am pretty bloated as well whch sucks and is prob an early AF sign. I dunno. I need to stop taking tests early (or try) for future cycles b/c all it does is disappoint! I am also (sorry tmi) a little gasy and such, prob another early af sign. I think AF is due Friday. Anyway, just doing some stuff before I have to go to classes and start my monday. Hope to hear some good positive news from the rest of you ladies!

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11 years ago

Hi ladies! How was everyones thanksgiving craziness ?? Well no real symptoms as off yet. I think last cycle I was reading into everything to much , so this time I'm just trying not to even thinking about it ..just slight back pain and light cramping , but that's all the same as AF for me...haven't tested and I think I will not test until if I miss my period ...finger

How are all you ladies doing, any symptoms?

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11 years ago

good morning ladies!!

Slewokea. I know what you mean! You'll feel really good and every early BFN will pull you down a little bit. I'm pulling for you!!!

Good luck Katie with not testing!! I am 8dpo today and still haven't tested! I'm trying to hold out too :)

Mrs Rev LUCKY YOU!! Full week off work must be NIICCCEE!!
I would love to visit London! So let us know how your trip is!!! Must be nice living across the pond! I'm in the DEEP south of the States. :)

3lilbrownboys, you've gotten your munchkins figured out!! hahaha. I love the mental picture. My DS is amazed by the tree. He is 2 1/2 so this is the first one he's really paid too much attention too. He gets his little chair and puts it directly in front of it telling me. "I'm just looking." lol He will sit there for about 30 minutes waiting for me to get out of sight so he can play with the ornaments!!

AFM 8DPO and yesterday I had lower back pain and cramps. Cramps were not bad. Felt like I do the day AF starts. Very moody and weepy all day. Cried watching GLEE. Cried today reading a sweet story about a pit bull. WTH. I am NOT crier unless its the day before AF. Can someone look at my chart? I had a temp drop yesterday. It went back up but no to where it was.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! Praying we ALL get our BFP!!!

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11 years ago

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