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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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@afmedic: Have you alway had short cycles?

@clove: I'm so glad you've stuck around :) How is your little boy doing?

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10 years ago

SMH- yeap when I was younger they where 28-30 days but ever since I was about 25 they have been about every 26 or 27 days

10 years ago

Afmedic--sorry dear. All we can do is keep trying!

Well, in feeling fab. Today I walked ~5 miles, lifted HEAVY weights and my appetite is in check. I had a 500 calorie breakfast and it's 1:20 and I'm still not hungry.

10 years ago

@afmedic: You had your daughter after your cycles became shorter right?

@lawbride: Well done. I skipped my walk this morning. :( bad girl I am!

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10 years ago

lawbride thanks, yup bases are definitely covered! Good job with your workout!

clove thanks :)

afmedic AAAGH sorry about the witch!!! :( Nice to have short cycles though! As long as the LP is good it can only help right?

SMH it's not too late to walk today!

AFM the local movie theater plays in the morning (apparently for cheap too) so we saw Gravity, WOW what a tense movie! I will not spoil it but holy hell!

10 years ago • Post starter

SMH yes I got prego with My daughter after the short cycles started.

Luv- my LP is 14 days once I think it was 13 but that was right after having the Mirena removed.

I was pretty down this morning but hubby was really sweet about it and made me feel better. He said he's excited for another month of fun trying... Lol he cooked me a great lunch and we are gonna head out to the local sea food festivile. I'm glad he is in good spirits cause last month feel was down and told me he felt like he was failing me by not getting me prego.

10 years ago

@luv: Thanks for pointing that out..... If I don't go first thing in the morning I won't go. But yes... There is still time.... Glad you had fun at the movies! I'll have to remember to look for Gravity on Netflix or premium channels in a few months.

@afmedic: I am so glad your dh has such an excited outlook! That makes it a bit easier but it still sucks!! Have fun at the seafood festival! Sounds like a great time!

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10 years ago

Luv--holy hell means good, right? worth watching?

SMH--that's okay. There's always tomorrow. Any plans for the weekend?

afmedic--what a sweet husband. the seafood festival sounds fun!

I LOVE LIFTING WEIGHTS!!! It had been a while since I really lifted heavy so it felt so good to do so today. My numbers aren't 1/2 bad either! :)

10 years ago

Yep Gravity was good! Very tense Vertical Limit meets Speed meets Event Horizon meets being held hostage by a maniac :)

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--I'll be on the lookout for it.

AFM--OPK is getting darker, not close to positive but darker. I added a photo to my HPT images.

10 years ago

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