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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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@candy CONGRATS HUN! I saw the prego digital before I got to critique the FRER. VERY EXCITED FOR YOU!
When you come over to CMP don't forget to sign up to the fall 2013 babies! you will see a lot of familiar faces/screen names!

Just peeked at the FRER. CAn't believe you got a + digital on that! (unless my screen isn't very good). Amazing to get + on such a faint line :D :D :D

11 years ago

11 years ago • Post starter

candy- congrats on your bfp! hope its a sticky one :)

I'm 4 dpo today i assume i ovulated on cycle day 11 according to my temps and cm and cp i posted on my last post. take a look and tell me what you think. I bd 3 and 4 days before o so i'm really praying for those strong swimmers! Had a headache last night and the last 2 nights i've had trouble sleeping. I'm also going on vacation in a few days so maybe thats why i cant sleep well. I just really hope this is my month. I've been taking prenatals, CoQ-10, b6 and b12, and omega 3's. I've also been taking since yesterday 1 claritin in the am and 1 benadryl in the pm.

Good luck to everyone else here. Hoping i see a lot more bfp this month! Praying for lots of december babies :)

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11 years ago

Sweet and sour I'm 4dpo too

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago

Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. I was thinking about my cycle and if we conceive this month, my estimated due date will be around the 18th of December, which is 4 days before my 27th birthday. I was born 2 days before my mom's 27th birthday!

To the earlier topic mentioned about the nursery - I have almost every detail planned out! I know where everything is going to go, have a paint color and a theme picked out, and have slowly started buying smaller items to go in the room! I'm trying not to be a crazy person, but I think I have been planning on motherhood the way some girls plan their weddings.

I have to agree that I love to hear when you ladies share your happy news, but can't help but feel jealous when I hear that yet ANOTHER one of my friends are pregnant. It definitely has to be that we know that the women on here have also struggled and knowing that it can happen for them gives us hope. And our d*mn friends seem to get pregnant just thinking about it, haha.

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

11 years ago

Oh, and CONGRATS Candy! Praying for a sticky bean!

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

11 years ago

hello Im just dropping by to say to everyone and see what progess everyone is making..

Candy congats momma have a wonderful and healthy 9 months girl.

to everyone else hoping for BFPs and lets make December a record for babies of 2013!!!!!!!!

Through Christ all things are possible!!!!!

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11 years ago

Ok so this is super weird. I've been having a crampy feeling since O but not like AF and tonight after I peed and wiped I noticed some pink spotting. Not a lot just a little. No BD since Thursday. This is weird.

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago

Hi, Zoolisa! Welcome. I am also 6 DPO today, so we're cycle buddies! I hope everything works out for you this month! When are you going to test?

Candy, congrats! I also can't believe you had a digi give you a positive when your FRER was so faint. That's amazing! I'm hoping I'm right behind you. Really early positives like yours always makes me want to start testing really early haha.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Thank you ladies!!! I had a miscarriage about a year ago and a CP 3 months ago. Praying for a sticky little bean!

Felurian- I've always been a POAS addict! So I always test early!

Good luck ladies!

11 years ago

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