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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Wow so much has happened while we were away! Congratulations Dixieheart that is great news for you! Three of my friends gave birth in the last week as well. Another one is also due now.

Lizhaley how are you doing? Any more progress on the medical stuff? I know you are probably on vacation (or just about) now.

I am 6 or 7 dpo. OPKs didn't go positive again. Don't know why as I took them at good times. Maybe the clomid affects it somehow. We timed things well despite that due to having lots of energy while relaxing! I also had fertile cm this month, and lots of it! That is very uncommon for me these days! Here's hoping. I am in a good frame of mind after the break. It was great for keeping my mind off stressful things. I really hope that helps!!!

10 years ago

Thats great news dixieheart! I guess theres not much more to say since you said you won't be reading this anymore haha.

How are you doing shelob? Sorry to hear about your opks not going positive again. I don't think that is supposed to effect them but it might be worth a call to the doctor. Hope youre doing well :]

We just got back from our vacation. Dh got a promotion while we were away which is good will be a more stable schedule. Im currently waiting to O. Af was late this month so it threw off our dates so I couldnt have the tests done as we were still on vacation when the dates rolled around. Guess we will be doing them this month instead :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Welcome back lizhaley I have missed you!!! How was the vacation?

That is so great about the promotion! That has to help you :)

I am good. On CD12 today. No spotting yet, though today was only the first possible day for it. Hopefully it doesn't come tomorrow or I will be sad. Temperatures are good. Still having creamy cm which is good for this late in the cycle. Just wait and see! I should know on Sunday either way (if not before).

The interesting thing about the OPKs is I mentioned them when I was last at the fertility specialist, and they were very surprised they worked for me at all. Apparently most women complain about them being unreliable.

I think the vacation would have been better for you than the tests, and there is always next month :)

10 years ago

Hi shelob! I missed you too! The vacation was great I got to see some of my old friends and most of my family. We had lots of fun and it did a great job with keeping my mind off of things. I was even able to catch up on some sleep :] How was your cruise? I bet you had so much fun!

Thank you! It does help! We will FINALLY be able to get on a constant normal schedule again :]

Really? I was unaware with the opk thing. I didn't use them last month but they usually tend to be pretty accurate for me. I can't get the ferning microscope to work for me at all tho haha. I really hope your vacation did the trick and this will be the month you get your bfp! Fingers crossed for you :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi lizhaley, how is it going? Unfortunately my time away and relaxation didn't help and we are now into a new cycle. On clomid again, CD6 today. It was an amazing cruise though. So many new places, sunny, warm, swimming on great beaches, lots of reading and sooo much eating!!!

So, playing the waiting game yet again. You must be going to have those tests soon ay?

10 years ago

So glad to hear your vacation was so fun!! Sorry this want the month for you. I'm pretty sure it isn't for me either. We were only able to bd about once during my fertile window. Af is about 4 days away. We are trying to decide to start my tests now or to wait until the beginning of the year to reach my insurance deductible. Since we havent reached it yet we are trying to decide if its worth paying now and again in two months or waiting two month and only paying once. Ah decisions decisions lol. I hope this cycle brings better luck for you!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Lizhaley. Has AF started for you yet? Did you decide what to do about the tests?

I am not in a happy place today. I got my estradiol blood test done today and it is very low. Basically hasn't gone up at all. This means I am not making any follicles at the moment so unlikely to ovulate this cycle, or will ovulate very late. Sigh.

10 years ago

Hi! Af should start for me today or tomorrow. I can def tell its coming I have been feeling like it the past two days.

I haven't completely decided yet. I think I will do my blood tests and try to wait until the start of the new year for the others so I don't have to pay twice. I can tell however my symptoms from it are starting to get worse month by month. My boobs hurt almost all month esp after o and the few days leading up to af I get really bad cramps on the side that its on. All of those are normal symptoms but they are starting to get really irritating.

Sorry to hear about your levels. I hope that they spike up so that you can o this month. I can only imagine how frustrating it can be to not o. How is everything else going for you?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Lizhaley!

Sorry I have been a bit quiet. It's been a quiet cycle. And work got interesting. I got a temporary promotion for a few months next year. Big boss will be away so a few people have moved up in the ranks, and I got the last slot going. This will be my first experience of management and I am excited about it!!

Anyway, I have been watching my signs carefully and I believe I will ovulate after all! I noticed some fertile cm a few days ago, and have continued to have some each day. Also, temperature went down a bit which it often tends to do a few days before ovulation. And, today my OPK was almost positive! That is the most exciting as I haven't had a positive for a couple of cycles. It will hopefully go fully positive tomorrow. So, I think tomorrow or the next day is O day. Amusingly enough I will have a blood test on Friday to check if I ovulated. It will be negative, but I might have anyway!

You are probably waiting for AF to finish now? Sorry to hear about your pain :( It isn't too long until next year, so it is probably sensible to wait till then for those tests. I am not particularly patient so I hope you are better at waiting than me :)

10 years ago

Hi there how are you doing?? I am at the end of CD13. Two more full days to wait through before I will think about testing. My temperature is high (but it has been the last few cycles too) and no spotting yet (but don't expect any until tomorrow). So, I have hopes but still a long way to go yet before I should allow myself to get excited.

Have you decided on what to do about those tests?

10 years ago

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