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Any other ladies waiting to try again after a miscarriage?

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Hi ladies, it's been a month since my miscarriage and still bleeding and waiting for hcg to go away (@ 42 last I checked)

Just seeing if there are any other ladies in a similar situation hoping for their rainbow soon! Please let's help support and encourage one another! :)

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103 Replies • 9 years ago



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@nmchutchison86--I'm so sorry about your loss :( I know that terrible feeling as just when you found out you were pregnant (Oct 24th) I found out the same day that mine was ending in m/c. I'm glad to hear that you and DH are doing ok after the loss and are ready to try again. DH and I are on our journey as well for baby #2. I wish you the very best of luck! I pray we all get our rainbow babies before Christmas! What a special present that would be! and and very !!

Trying for #2 DS- August 19, 2009 May 2011 October 25, 2014 BFP--December 2, 2014----Hopeful for a sticky little bean!

9 years ago

@LogansMommy08 - thanks sweetie, so glad we can all share this pain together. Fingers crossed for us :) I've learnt a lot from my experience, I told myself next time I wouldn't be so premature about everything e.g. home pregnancy testing etc and just enjoy my marriage with DH :)

As they say, the best things happen when you least expect it xx

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9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Thankfully I have been pretty busy which is helping me stay focused on other things and will continue to be pretty busy until the weekend. I hired my mom's maid to help clean on Wed before Thanksgiving and sadly she canceled due to being really sick. So, now I have to work double time to clean the house this week. I was really looking forward to the help this year...why is it that nothing is EVER easy for me? But I guess it's better than me getting sick.

I did get my +OPK this morning so either I am O'ing today or tomorrow. Hopefully this month and next month go by super quick.

We didn't do anything special for my bday and that's what I wanted. We did go out the night before and he fixed dinner the night before that, but there really isn't anything special in that we do that on other nights too. I didn't want anything special this year and thankfully he excepted that. He did get me a CD and a card though. Saturday I went to my parents house to entertain and sorta play hostess for my Uncle who was in town. My brothers and their kids were there and I got baby time with my nephew...he is such a cutie but damn that was hard. Yesterday I spent the time cleaning up DH's & my bedroom and filing a bunch of papers that got piled up as well as doing laundry. We are supposed to see 3-6 inches of snow today starting at 1pm...of course I look outside and it looks like it's already starting. So, my goal is to leave work early and go home and clean.

nmchutchison86: So sorry for your loss. Looks like ours happened not to far apart from each other. I didn't go to the hospital, the cramps weren't that bad and then it just happened. I wasn't even sure if I should have gone to the hospital. I still have my moments of heartbreak but I think that is mostly due to that I just had my birthday. But I am feeling a tad better right now. I just keep thinking how busy my week is right now. I am hosting Thanksgiving and just don't have the time to be upset anymore.

Congratulations on your wedding!

Hope you ladies have a great week and if I don't get the chance to sign on beforehand hope you have a great Thanksgiving! (that is, if you are in the states )

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Hi ladies,

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving weekend...that is if you celebrated.

My Thanksgiving was simply exhausting and I was so grateful I could drink and enjoy it. My feet hurt soooo badly by the time everyone left, I was up half the night just trying to relax enough to sleep. Had many vodka tonics and that only helped a little. I started to think that maybe God just didn't want me to go through Thanksgiving without the help of alcohol to get me through I know it's a weird way of looking at it but in some ways it helps.

I have an appt set up for next Monday to have a pelvic exam and checkup. Guess we will see what happens. I am supposed to get AF that day. If she does show we are supposed to reschedule appt. I am actually hoping she doesn't show til Tuesday or at least until the evening after the appt.

Hope you ladies are doing OK.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Ladies, I got a today on a FRER

Trying for #2 DS- August 19, 2009 May 2011 October 25, 2014 BFP--December 2, 2014----Hopeful for a sticky little bean!

9 years ago

Yaya yaya yay!!! :) so excited for you logansmommy!

how is everyone else? I haven't been on here lately. Its been 7 weeks since my miscarriage and I have not stopped bleeding! The nurse says its possibly my period, but its been a week now of heavy flow so if it still is tomorrow she wants me to come in. Sigh. I'm just ready to be done with all this so I can start trying again! Seems like I will never get to. :( My hcg is still at 4, I'm surprised it's been holding on for soooo long!

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9 years ago • Post starter

tcinks--Thank you! I was very surprised to see the positive because I was just so sure was on her way! It's possible that you are still bleeding because there could have been some left behind from the mc....that could also explain why your levels is still at a 4. Once everything is cleared completely out of your uterus it will drop to 0. Or so that's what I was told.... to you lady! your way and TONS of it! Keep us updated!

Trying for #2 DS- August 19, 2009 May 2011 October 25, 2014 BFP--December 2, 2014----Hopeful for a sticky little bean!

9 years ago

LogansMommy08: YAY!

tcinks: Awww, I am sorry you are still bleeding? Did you end up going to the doctors? What did they say? I agree with LogansMommy that maybe it's because you still have some of it inside you...did you have a D&C? Or go for it naturally? I know some women who went naturally and it took them months to stop the bleeding but it also depended on how far along they were when it happened. I am praying that this bleeding ends for you and that you can start TTC again real soon.

AFM: I started to feel some slight cramping today and I am extremely irritable...PMS? Is it possible to get AF this early after a mc? Maybe this is why they ask you to wait until 1 or 2 periods? Granted I shouldn't be asking so many questions yet...AF still hasn't arrived and I am only at 8 But the slight cramping today has got me questioning.

Well, I hope you ladies have a good evening.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Lolo---it's possible to get AF at any moment after a m/c....or so I have been told. But typically it returns within 4 to 6 weeks....I suffered a mc on October 25th and haven't had a period in between and I just got my a few days ago! So please don't count yourself out yet! I would just wait a few more days and take a test.....I took a test everyday until I got a bfp or AF. to you Lolo! and to everyone!

Trying for #2 DS- August 19, 2009 May 2011 October 25, 2014 BFP--December 2, 2014----Hopeful for a sticky little bean!

9 years ago

LOL! No reason to test. DH & I just refrained from having sex this month after the mc. The nurse told us to just wait until we have at least 1 period...preferred 2 periods. And if we were to have sex then to use foam and condoms. Well, I am embarrassed to say but I have never heard of using foam and DH hates using condoms. But we decided to wait for 1 period (unless the doctor gives us one helluva reason to wait) That we will try on our own next month and since the doctor likes to wait 2 periods then if AF shows up a 2nd time then we will do another IUI.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

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