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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey! I'd love to join, if that's alright! I am really, really hoping that this cycle works! If it does, my EDD is December 4. DH and I have been TTC number one for over three years. Needless to say, we're getting impatient.

ttcapinaa- Good luck with the HSG! It's really not that bad :) Don't worry about it. I felt some pain with mine, but as soon as the test was over it was gone. It's not lasting pain. Just have someone to drive just in case. After two years of solid nothing, I got BFPs months two and three after my HSG (both ended in m/c) but it made me believe in the HSG magic! I hope it works for you!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Hey everyone. Although i am not out yet exactly for november, i think that af is going to show up soon. Probably on time wednesday so will be an unwelcome birthday present!

For the people who dont know me from other boards, My name is Emma, from the Uk and i will be 26 on wednesday. My df (26) and i have been ttc for 11/12 cycles now so going to go for fertility tests next month if need be. This will be our 1st for us both. I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis and have done since just before my 8th birthday. Wondering if this is having an impact on my ttc cycle....

Good luck to everyone and hope that this is your month to get a bfp :)

11 years ago

Thanks Cristi. I hope so. :)

Thank you felurian, that gives me more hope!!! :) I'm getting impatient too but really trying to stay positive. I still have lots of options.

Beautiful, are you going to try that immune suppression Grants shared on the last forum? I never get sick. My DH has gotten the stomach flu twice this winter and even after sleeping next to him and still sharing kisses, I didn't ever get it. I'm a little curious if that would help me... What are your thoughts?

11 years ago

@ttcapinaa: I reckon i will try the programme to try and suppress my immune system. Looking into the pepcid but not sold here in the uk. Apparently, we did sell pepcidtwo which is almost identical but nowhere seems to stock it anymore. Looking into alternatives to the pepcid... Will you be trying it as well? What else are you taking? Im taking a multi vitamin pre-natal as from what ive looked up, seems to help more with getting bfps tham just taking folic acid...

11 years ago

Hi I was mostly watching the November forum and posted a couple times. I was hoping like all you other ladies to get a BFP last cycle, but AF arrived. So as of today (3/3/13) I am trying for a December baby!! Though as of right now I am not really feeling like it is going to happen, but its probably just the putting depressing thoughts into my head.

A little about me: My name is Jessica I am 24 my DH is 26 and we have been NTNP for about 4 years, but decided we wanted to actually try to conceive. This well be my second cycle charting my temps and checking my cervix. Hoping that I get my BFP sometime in 2013.

to everybody!!

TTC#1 DH: 29 Me: 27 Married 2009, officially TTC since 2013 July 2015: Decided to talk to OB. HSG was good. Blood work good. SA showed low motility. OB recommended IUI. August 26 2015: IUI #1, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 2 follicles, bfn Sept. 24, 2015: IUI #2, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 4 follicles, bfn October: took a break, to talk to a RE, bfn November 22 2015: Intercourse, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 1 follicle

11 years ago

Well i have officially jumped ship to here from the november board. The witch showed up today completely unanounced and a day or two early to boot. So cd1 for me on my 12/13th cycle for ttc. Going to try getting an appointment for my dr this week. Mission impossible as she works part time and its different days each week.... Going to ask for fertility tests and my df wants them done too.
If i do manage to get a bfp this cycle, my edd will be 9th december 2013.
Baby dust to you all this month :)

11 years ago

Beautiful, I may try next month. We'll see how I make out naturally after this hsg. Currently I take a prenatal w/folic acid, dha xtra which is omega 3's and b6 to help lengthen luteal phase. I've tried other herbs in the past few months too but I didn't get BFP's so I figured I'd tone it down a bit. Lol

I'm a little excited to be getting the hsg today!!! Fx; I really hope this helps!!!!

11 years ago

hello to all the new ladies here! Welcome and may 2013 be our year!

Beautiful - do you ever use amazon? You can probably get pepcid on there. I get all my vitamins from there.

ttcapinaa - good luck and let us know how the HSG went? I will be getting one here soon enough.

felurian - I think I was impatient from day 1 and when it doesnt happen each month I get even more impatient. When I do finally get preggo, those will probably be the slowest 9 months of my life!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone :) i was on the november board but AF showed up yesterday.... lovely. I'm still kind of down about it all especially because this cycle my So wont be home when i o and not that i know when thats gonna happen because my last cycle was so long! (35 days usually only have a 26 day cycle) Even if i o'd earlier this month then i'd still have a very slim chance... the latest i can BD is cycle day 8! So would really need some super sperm and early o! I'm guessing im to o anywhere between cycle day 11-15.

So a little bit about myself... My name is Desiree and i'm 21 my So is 22 and we're trying for our 1st. This is my 5th cycle ttc with no fertility issues that we know of. I got off the pill in early november 2012 have been having regular cycles since despite my last cycle which was super long compared to my regular. I started charting bbt last cycle to see if i was ovulating and will continue that this cycle. If i were to concieve this cycle which i highly doubt it my due date would be around december 6th.

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11 years ago

ttcapinaa how was your HSG today?

pbc thanks for the welcome! Yeah, the waiting totally does not get any better as time goes on, that's for sure! And you're right that the 9 months of pregnancy will be so slow!

sweetnsour, I hope you're able to catch the egg! Good luck to you

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

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