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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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2more4us: If i really did O on CD12 then I would actually be 13dpo. I hate testing early i just get disappointed. But maybe i will tomorrow morning. We have been trying for 2 1/2 years and 1 1/2 with clomid and only one BFP that ended as an EP at 6 weeks in April. Thanks for the advice. I just thought cd17 would be way to early for implantation bc it usually happens between 6-12 days. CD22 would have put me at 10DPO. Either way I donâ??t care what day it happened as long as it happened :)

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10 years ago

GB1020 - Sorry to hear that AF is on the way. FX for that next month is your month. I'm in the same boat with the exercising. At the very least, it's a healthy outlet for stress.

SMC - I'm so sorry that AF came again. I'll be praying for you that you get some good news (either IVF or adoption) very soon.

fiverson09 - Wow...I'm so very sorry for your cousin's loss. I'll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Scooby - Congrats!!!! Happy and Healthy 9 Mos

Sorry if I've missed anyone, but I've been away from the boards for a few days. I hope everyone is doing well.

AFM - I'm on 8DPO and am going back and forth between being sure that this was our month to being absolutely positive that I'm out. I've been extra emotional with the holidays coming up that I find myself crying at sappy Christmas songs. No real symptoms to report. I had some cramping yesterday and today and a headache today, but nothing really out of the ordinary.I'll be testing on Saturday. I really hope that I can get my BFP for Christmas this year.

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10 years ago

Scooby! This is such great news! Congratulations! Keep us updated! Are you testing anymore or just waiting for doctor appointment?!


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago • Post starter

No one else has any advise? Plz let me know what you think. I also posted a Question but still no answer. This is a very quite site, compared to the others i have used in the past.

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10 years ago

Hi ladies!

After much time spent reading these boards this is my first time actually posting on one! So I'll start off with my TCC story:

Went off hormonal BC in November 2012, started TCC in May 2013. I had long cycles (34-37 days with late O and a short LP). Started acupuncture in June. With my next cycle ovulation had moved up to day 14 and I got pregnant that cycle! Sadly, I found out I had a missed m/c at 8 weeks 4 days (there was no heart beat at my u/s at almost 9 weeks). Had a D&C on Sept 19th. Then I did not get a period until November 17th, very frustrating! This cycle has turned out to be very long, I am pretty certain I ovulated on cd 25 (based on cm and ov cramping, confirmed by raise in temp on bbt). So now I am 6 dpo, if this one sticks my EDD will be Sept 3 2014! Hoping for a BFP but I am sceptical because of the long cycle and late ovulation :/
I still go for regular acupuncture treatments to try and regulate my cycles again, taking Vitex, prenatals and a B complex.

Looking forward to getting to know you ladies and having a place to talk during this crazy TCC journey!

10 years ago

scooby- thatâ??s great news!!! Leave some baby dust for us!

rebecca- I wish I could answer your question with a "correct" answer, but if it were me I would use whichever temp makes me happy with my chart :-)

SMC- biiiig hugs. Its nice that you guys have a plan and that you guys are relying on God to start your family.

aclark- Hey girl, hey!

GVMD- being at peace is amazing!

gds- thank you for an update. She is definitely in my prayers.

GB- Yes! Baby or bust!

sugars- follicles grow about 1-2mm a day and they need to be at least 18mm at ovulation. If it were me, I would calculate long it should take to get to 18mm and get the scan then.

Stevi- Welcome! Iâ??m sorry about your loss. Iâ??ve experienced and EP as well. How long are your cycles? When are you expecting AF? If you think you Oâ??d on CD12 you will be safe to test tomorrow. If youâ??re thinking CD17, I would wait a few days. Its hard for me to advise you without knowing how long your cycles are and when you usually O.

fiverson- Your cousin and family seems very strong and supportive. That is priceless! Iâ??m sorry about the delayed O.

spartie- KMFXâ??d for you BFP!!!

Yoga- Welcome! Sorry about your MMC. Acupuncture is my best friend lol! Your TWW is almost over! Thatâ??s awesome! When do you plan to test?

Koti- how are you my love!?

AFM- Same thing. No AF. I started back taking the Metformin today. I only take 425mg right now. Iâ??m going to work my way up from there. Last night, I felt like giving up completely. I had such anxiety which, I havenâ??t had in long while. Iâ??m not sure what caused it, but Iâ??m a little better today. I was thinking on wether or not I was ready to NTNP method now. Iâ??m just sooooo tired. At this point I think Iâ??m just going to follow the dr.â??s orders and see what happens. Iâ??m not necessarily optimistic or pessimistic at this point. Iâ??m just here.

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10 years ago

@blushing: Thanks for the welcome! I'm planning on testing on Sunday, 11 dpo. We are travelling to my parents for Christmas that day, would love to have a BFP before Christmas and not have to try to POAS at my parents house! Lol

Will anyone else be testing around that time? Baby dust to you all for September 2014 babies!!

10 years ago

Blushing - Totally off the wall, off the topic question..... in your last post you said "Hey girl, hey!". What is that phrase from? Or is that just something you say? It's very familiar.......

10 years ago

penny- It's something I say but I got it from a friend who most likely got it from reality TV. LOL!

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10 years ago

Blushing - thanks!

2more4us- thanks for the story!! So try to be calm... Great, I'm not good at that! I do think you're right trying to time it close to o. We'll see if I need it in February! Glad you saw spermies!!

Scooby- congrats!! Sticky vibes!

Smc- sorry :(. Hope ivf appt goes well and looking into adoption!

Gb- GL!

Sugar- yay right ovary!!! Dang OPKs!!

Five- aww I hope you still o! If not, you'll super o next month ;)

Stevi- fx for you! Not sure what to say about your cycle.

Spartie- fx for a great Xmas present!

Yoga- fx!

Afm, CD13. Had a temp increase today that was so weird... Maybe it was because I woke up like an hour early and laid in bed trying to sleep more? My body should be gearing up now to LH surge and o. Taking tonight off from BD'ing so we can be rested for o ;). O will likely be day 15 and we bd'd the last 3 nights.

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

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