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Our clomid journey...

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This thread has gotten me through some of my most difficult days throughout TTC. I have learned so much from the amazing friends that I have met here, not only about TTC but about life itself. I hope that our sisterhood only expands and that we can continue to learn from one another and help each other. You ladies are wonderful. A big welcome to all the new amazing ladies that have joined. I am so glad to have found this thread. Our journey continues. Looking forward to getting some good news :) Love you all.

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299 Replies • 12 years ago



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12 years ago

Nat & Nancy- Those are some CRAZY stories! I dont know if its because i live way down south but i dont even know anyone with a maid or nanny....I mean some ladies that go to church with me and some of the teen girls clean the elderly's houses for a few extra dollars...and the closest thing to a nanny is when teen moms put their kids off on their really makes me upset to see and hear things like that because us ladies want to be mommies so bad.

Anyways I went to my friends house today (the one who just had her baby a week ago) and i held the baby for about 2 hours straight...It makes me feel pathetic...and kinda hoping that by this time next year i will be holding and rocking my own baby though...

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Nancy- that s ridiculous! Wow! Can't understand why people like that have children. How are you doing? Have you received the things you ordered? Were you able go get flaxseed oil? I hope so.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Shea- we must have been typing at the same time. I know how you feel about holding your friend's baby. It s a bittersweet feeling. Our good friend just had a baby couple of months ago.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Shea: I really pray that you will be doing just that... and ALL of us too! What CD are you on? I really do hope that you O soon!

Nat: BTW, I glanced at your bbt chart again... I know, call me a stalker. I think that you might have O'd on CD19 and not CD18. In any case, it's just a one day difference. Oh and yes, I got my flaxseed oil in the mail but I missed out on taking the full dosage for 4 days. Not a big deal, but I still haven't gotten my instead cups and OPKs. I'm down to the last OPK today. Eek!

AFM: I'm CD12 today and just have the one OPK left. I'll just test it this afternoon and then watch my temps as I expect to O on CD14-15. I never got to try the instead cups this cycle b/c it didn't arrive in the mail yet. On the plus side, I did get my new sperm-friendly lubricant called Conceive-Plus. Ladies: we love it! Hubby never liked Pre-seed b/c he thinks it feels slippery and watery but this Conceive-Plus is more silky. I liked them both b/c they don't irritate my girlie bits.

12 years ago

Hi everyone

I hope you dont mind if I join in? I have been following your thread for the last week. I am 34 almost 35 and have PCOS, not insuling resitant. Mine was not picked up till March this year after AF didnt return after my D&C on 22nd December last year. We got pregnant first go off the pill and then lost bub at 8w 3d.

I am currently on my 4th cycle of Clomid and triggered with Ovidrel last Monday on CD13. I ovulated the next day on CD14. I am currently in my TWW on CD22 - 8DPO. So I am in the crazy period. I cant test because of residue from the trigger but I have felt really really crummy this cycle. Really crummy. I spotted last cycle from DPO11 which for me is Saturday so I wont even bother testing until Sunday and only then I will test if there is no spotting.

I had my cd21 bloods yesterday so just waiting to hear from my FS. He was really happy with this cycle as I responded really well and had 1 follie on CD13 at 18mm so he triggered me so I am going to have my first 28 day cycle ever.

I hope to get to know you girls over the next little while. I still have two more clomid & trigger shot cycles left before he moves us on to IVF.

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12 years ago

Leebec - Welcome to the thread. You will love it all the girls here are reallly helpful and just so nice.

12 years ago

Hello ladies.....I am still here in limbo.... no AF and no bfp... and my temp has been the same the past three days so I don't have a clue..... probably waiting for AF to show up tomorrow or fri....... Well, I have a prescription for clomid again..... so try, try again!!!!

12 years ago

Hi ladies-

Lee- Welcome! this is the best thread out there. So happy to have you!

Nat- when are you planning on testing this cycle?

Nancy- Thank you so much! Im praying for all you ladies as well. I have never heard of conceive plus...hmm...i might have to give that a try when i run out of preseed.

Carolyn- Im so sorry dear. I hate that you havent gotten your BFP yet. Im praying for you.

Where are all the rest of you ladies???

AFM- Im still waiting to ovulate, and Im still taking my nice little ttc cocktail lol which consist of Asprin, B6, EPO, and Prenatals. I feel a little better after taking BBT eventhough they are out of whack right now...In a way i just feel like Im just grasping at straws though.

Still praying for a miracle for all of us. Love yall.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Lee - Welcome! this is really the best thread around!!

CJ - how many dpo are you?

Shea - for you!

Sorry that I missed everyone else. I promise ill catch up soon!!!

AFM: okay so this week has been CRAZY! i feel like im going crazy! lol (not really with TTC (yet) but with the daycare littles. Full moon on saturday so its insane with 5 littles all 4 and under running around my house. and its fair week so we like going to the tractor pulls and such so its like a SUPER busy week!! LOL - kind of takes my mind off TTC except to remind DH that we have an "appointment"

Today is CD 7 for me. 2 pills of clomid (100mg) down only 3 more to go. I usually take them at night to avoid some of the side effects. Other than that nothing really exciting. Guess we will see how this cycle goes!

TTC #1 - Since 2010 BFP #1 on 11/22/11 (ended 12.13 ectopic) I'm a home cooking, OCD (at times) cleaning, NASCAR watching, Drag Race Loving, country living (being classy is over rated), stay at home, spending some months alone, 4 wheel riding, proud union carpenter wife & I wouldnt have it any other way! Follow my journey in life:

12 years ago

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