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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thats so neat that we have so much in common? How have you been feeling? I have been having mild cramping since the big O came, which has happened in the past. Only difference I can tell this month is in my cm. Normally my cm is really white and thick and heavy after ovulating. Now, my cm is white but very light and not really thick, but I don't really want to read into anything. My period is due Nov. 30th. Keep me updated on how things go for you. Good luck!

11 years ago

I'm also hoping that I will be an August Mom. If all goes well My due date will be August 7th. I had a huge BBT dip last night at 4dpo. Keeping my figures crossed. Good luck to all.

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11 years ago

Hi ladies, sending sticky vibes to all and hoping there's no September forum as we all get our BFPs.

Karen, Grantsmama and BeautifulDisaster - I so know what you mean. My best friend has just announced she's preggo with #2 - first time of trying. I was telling her how I felt generally just a bit crap about the whole TTC for over 2 years thing and she came out with 'Well I suppose it's really only as if you've been trying for 4 months as thats how long you've been on the Clomid'(until 4 months ago we had no idea the reason for our infertility and underwent all sorts of tests like HSG, hormone levels, spem samples etc.) What people who conceive quickly seem to forget is all the emotional investment you put into TTC. You cant just write that off as though it didn't exist.
I never used to really understand why people said TTC was stressful. Oh how wrong I was! For me, it's not as though it's one big stressful event but that constant month to month disappointment. You keep trying and trying and often don't realise how wearing this is. Anyway enough of me ranting. Sorry.

A couiple of people asked about the coverline. In my experience CTP puts it in for you but I'm on day 12 and it still hasn't appeared so I wouldnt worry if it's not visible yet. I had some erratic temps last month and my coverline changed.

AFM I'm on CD 12 and am confused. I had a positive OPK on CD9 but nothing since. We b'd on CD9 and CD11 so hopefully if I did O early (which could be due to the CP we had last month) then we caught it. We plan to keep on b'ding until about CD20 just to be totally sure.

I do have a question for you ladies. This will be our 5th round of Clomid and it's starting to take it's toll on me physically. I'm having lots of hot flushes, abdominal pain and visual blurring so I think it might be time to take a break before we start the final 2 cycles. Do you think this is a good idea? I've read that 95% of those who successfully get pregnant on Clomid do so within the first 4 cycles. I've also read that it can become less effective after non stop cycles. Do you think this means that if we stop for a month it would have a better chance of working afterwards or does it just become less potent over time, regardless of if you take a break or not?

Sorry for all the long entry and all the questions.

11 years ago

Emily, I was on Clomid for 8 months (anywhere from 50 mg - 150 mg),... I only ovulated twice on Clomid, but missed both times... grrrr!

My RE decided instead of keeping me on Clomid (because it thins the lining of the uterus) he wanted to try me on Letrozole. This is a medicine that is used for woman with breast cancer. With Clomid I had mood swings, hot flashes and all in all felt crappy while on it... with the Letrozole I didn't have any side effects and guess what... 2nd cycle and I am pregnant! I ovulated both cycles on it. Best of luck to you. Maybe you could ask your dr about Letrozole as it is easier on you and your uterus.

Hope this helps... praying for your bfp!

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11 years ago

Emily - I know what you mean. People can be so insensitive. We haven't shared the fact that we're trying with many people but I feel like I made a mistake telling one friend in particular. I was telling her I couldn't believe how long it felt like this was taking and she responded "some people have it some people don't." What an incredibly insensitive thing to say!

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11 years ago

Thanks cristi I have an appt on 20th dec so I will ask then. How are you feeling?

11 years ago

Thanks lizhaa. I know what you mean. It's good we all have each other on this forum to share these things. I think people are unknowingly insensitive. They don't seem to realise that when you're trying to conceive sometimes you literally ache to get pregnant. I pray you get your bfp soon

11 years ago

I have my first appt with an OBGYN on Wednesday to see why I'm not getting preggo after 16 cycles. I have a bad feeling that she won't be able to tell me much but send me to another specialist. I have no problems or symptoms of anything wrong. (nor have I ever). I'm not nervous either, which is weird b/c I hate going to the doctor's office.

Would love to hear from anyone else that has been to see a doctor over fertility issues.

11 years ago

@karen88 - Did you take any hpts last cycle? That kind of sounds like a chemical pregnancy to me.

@Carla - What happened with the u/s? Hoping you learned something from it.

@Beautiful - Thanks hun. It's so sad to think of little kiddos not being wanted. I was with a friend of mine who has a boy around my boy's age and a new little 5 mo old girl and just wanted to snuffle her baby's hair and nibble her cheeks the whole time. I never thought I'd be baby crazy but I think the fact that this has gotten pretty hard has ramped up the crazy.
Wow that's quite a dip! Keep temping daily so we can see where this goes! It could be implantation, but it could also be a mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge. They're common too, so no way to tell if it's implantation until after you have a +hpt. But fingers crossed that's what it is!!

@smp - Thanks hun. I appreciate your kind words. And yay for you temping bbt! It will make more sense the more you do it. And it's kinda fun when you get near the end of the cycle and you can see what your hormones were doing. It gives you just a little feeling that it's not all out of your control.

Don't worry about the coverline. CTP will put that in once it sees a clear pattern. (Or not, it never gave me one last mo because my chart was screwy and the CTP algorhythm's not really all that smart.) But the coverline actually has absolutely no meaning other than helping you see the pattern in your chart better.

Yes getting older can impact fertility. I just turned 38 and my husband is 41 so we're definitely in Oh Crap! mode. But I wouldn't worry about your husband being 35. My husband was 38 when our first was conceived. Age can impact sperm count and also quality (i.e., having proper chromosomes) but I don't think I'd worry about that for a few more years. However if you TTC for more than a year with no BFP I'd have him do his duty in a cup.

@klammerding - Congratulations!!!

@tgpreg- I also think thats normal. It tends to come and go. But if you're worried try to drink more water. That can help increase CM.

@jess - How exciting that the accupntr lengthened your LP!!! Fingers crossed you can have the endo sgy done asap.

@Emily - You totally nailed it. Yes, it's the slow grind of monthly disappointment that eats at you. And even if you try to keep a good attitude, there's always that one point where you sort of realize that you're just pretending you're not just getting more and more sad about it.
And you just reminded me of when I told my sister about the chem pregnancy we had a couple months ago. She just said "Oh well. At least you know you can get pregnant. Yay!" I know she just wanted to cheer me up, but she's had three kids and all of them were Oops! babies. (She's a great mom, just not a great planner lol! She actually had her tubes cauterized after the third!) I know they mean well, but for people who have no problem conceiving, they have no way of knowing what a difficult journey this can be.

You could have Od early post CP. I'm on my 2nd cycle post-CP and I think I just surprise-Od early. But last cycle (1st post CP) I Od super late. So I would keep up at least every other day for like a week.

Re: the clomid, if it were me I would take the break. If anything just because having symptoms won't make you feel good and can't help w BD. I wouldn't really go past 6 cycles of clomid as there can be some adverse health affects with longer use. And I think you should tell your Dr about your symptoms as those can be some indicators of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, in which case they should pull you off the clomid. Do you have any abdominal swelling, breast tenderness or nausea?

@pbc - I'm sorry you've been trying so long. Yes, I am currently seeing my OB to figure what's going on fertility -wise (not to an RE yet). But we're in the early stages of trying to figure it out. They did a huge blood draw to run oodles of tests and didn't really find anything conclusive. So now they're doing a "pseudo cycle" where they draw blood periodically throughout my cycle to check hormone levels. Hopefully that will tell them something. I'd love to hear how your Dr visit on Wed goes. Good luck!

AFM, well it looks like my body may be having a laugh again. In 3 days my CBFM went L-H-P and my temp is up today making me wonder if I just all of a sudden Od early? I guess we'll keep BDing until there's a temp pattern. I guess I'm not complaining because this is way better than Oing a week late like last cycle. I got a little despondent when my cycle was looking anovulatory. But I miss my old dependable cycle.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Hey grants glad to see your back, , I've come over from the July post, been looking out for you for a while, glad your feeling better about ttc, this might be your month mamma, I'm one day past ovulation looks like I didn't ovulate when I thought, so I've come over to join you guys, I'm on cd33 one long cycle :)

11 years ago

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