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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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@GrantsMama: Welcome back hun and glad that it looks like your cycle post mc is getting more normal.
Sympathise with you about your best friend. I have a friend who got pregnant accidently after unprotected sex once and whined about how they didnt want kids, couldnt afford kids and how a kid would 'ruin' their lives. Did my head in being as there are so many of us who pray each month only to be disappointed and having test after test.

Good luck and welcome to all the newcomers. Fx'd you get your bfps this month along with the rest of you who are now into the dreaded tww....

Afm, im now on cd24, 8dpo. Yesterday i had a major temp dip of nearly a whole degree that went way below my cover line, and lower than my previous low temp and today, it has jumped back above the cover line. Not quite to where it was on 6dpo but near enough. First time charting so not sure if it could be the elusive 'implantation dip' or just a random low temp that day. Not going to read too much into it as dont want to get disappointed but hopefully my temps will stay high now and i'll learn more about my cycle......

11 years ago

Hi Grantsmama! Glad you are back.... I understand that you needed a break with all the things you have been through, it breaks my heart for you because you are so quick to help others and guide others because of what you have experienced. I hope and pray this will be your cycle and it sticks.

I can relate to you and beautifuldisaster- People that don't want babies are always so quick to accidently get pregnant and cry about how their lives are over and blah blah blah and its like stfu there are a million of us that are ttc and for some reason it just hasn't been time for us.

AFM- I have started charting this month I am doing my best to take my temp before getting out of bed so far so good. I don't really understand it yet, but I guess the more I do the more I will. How do you know what your coverline is? Is that something it does for you? I don't know if my husband being 35 has anything to do with our ttc issues. I know when women get older it becomes harder and we become less fertile, I don't know if men are the same? Goodluck ladies!

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

@SMP: CTP suddenly put in a coverline for me without me having to work it out etc. Only appeared a few days ago so im guesssing yours may appear a few days after you have set your o date. Was so hard for me not to say anything nasty to my friend as it would only create more drama but people like that do do my head in. if you dont want kids, thats fine, but dont take the chance by having unprotected sex. If only it worked that way for me, instead of countless times of unprotected sex each month, all at the right times, and still nothing on this ttc journey!!!

11 years ago

Took a HPT this morning sand got a positive. estimated due date is Aug 1st. Praying for a sticky baby, have had 2 MC and not sure I can go through that again...fingers crossed!

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11 years ago

woo hoo Klammerding! Congrats sending you way!

I know Beautifuld. It makes it so hard to not be mean, its like the keep on and on and you just want to tell them if you only knew everything we go through to try and conceive you would not be saying all that....

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

@Klammerding; Congratulations :) Sending lots of sticky vibes your way

Does make it hard not to say anything, especially as only a few people know me and my partner are ttc. Some people i know will think its too early on in mine and dp relationship to be trying for kids but its what we want and know we are in it for the long haul. When its right, you just know. Thats why im glad i found this site as i can talk to other people going through the same things and get advice etc. Especially during this tww, which seem sto last forever for me!!! Trying not to symptom spot this cycle so i dont over analyse!

11 years ago

Hi all,
Random question about BD-ing.

Does anyone ever experience a sudden drying of CM the day after successful BD-ing? We...ahem, DTD yesterday and ever since I have had sticky/scant CM. I think it may be starting to turn back into EWCM but it's not a lot like it usually is before O. I had kind of a similar thing a couple cycles ago as well.

Is this normal? Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Thanks for the help!


11 years ago

Re: cervical mucus, I have had that happen several times and often, when I have EWCM it comes and goes throughout the day. One minute, gobs and gobs of it, the next dry. I'm going to say it is normal.

I am 4 DPO and my CM has been really weird this cycle. It went from EWCM to watery to sticky to lotiony all in about 2 days.

11 years ago

Thank you mericle :) fx for you too!!!

Grantsmom i can relate to how you feel about ypur friend... it always feels like the wrong person gets prego...

Afm: af came in full force i think after the acupuncture it lengthened my luteal phase for sure so thats a plus :) im doing a kidney cleanse right now it takes 8 weeks so thats what ill be doing... today i see my re about doing the endo. Surgery. Praying she gets me in within the next couple weeks otherwise im going to see a different dr. That will do it sooner. I want this done asap so i can ttc again and feel like i have a chance.

11 years ago

Klammerding Congrats girl!!!!!

Jess, I am so sorry the got you but I am praying you get all the answers you need so you can get your soon!!!!!

and Big Hugs!

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11 years ago

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