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Ttc in 2017

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Happy New Year everyone.
Been trying to find all the regulars from the 2016 thread but can't find anyone so thought I'd update in the hope some would drop in for a chat.
Welcome to anyone ttc in 2017, this is going to be the year of for everyone! I look forward to celebrating with each of you xx

394 Replies • 7 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

151 - 160 of 394 Replies | Last Page

39... is the cream safe if I'm not 100% sure that low progesterone is the problem? I just know my temps have not followed a pattern at all this month. Low and sporadic.

Hopping great news for us all in the next few days

7 years ago

Just going into CD 13 and Im crampy on my left side... I have been doing ovulation tests this round and they are showing no lh surge.. What does this mean? It woke me up but the pain isn't bad .

7 years ago

Thanks all for your wonderful replies. I was queried Endometriosis after my surgery on ovarian cyst 2011. Have been battling with severe pains and heavy flow but it is reducing now. I'm overweight, active life but no regular exercise. No stressful work just my academics now.

I had done almost all medical checks and I'm tired of visiting doctors because no solution from them. I really want children. Any alternative remedy will be welcome. I'm taking FertilityBlend presently.

7 years ago

Hi Udumma,
Because of your painful cycles I suggest trying Acupuncture and reading about doing a castor oil pack. I am going to try the castor oil pack next.

Ineist that's a good question that I don't know the answer to. I have not been diagnosed with low progesterone but I use the cream and no side effects.

7 years ago

UD, I agree with 39. Castor oil packs are excellent. They increase blood circulation in the reproductive area, help with detox, dissolve cysts, and encourage healing.

If part of your problem is endometriosis I recommend a supplement called pycnogenol; read up on it. Many women with Endo and those who are a bit overweight are dealing with estrogen dominance. You might want to adopt a diet that eliminates foods that are rich in phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) and that incorporates foods that inhibit the absorption of estrogen (berries, broccoli, pineapple - just a few examples). There is quite a bit of information online on estrogen lowering diets. Hope this helps.

How do I feel? real symptoms. Technically speaking, today I am 11 dpo and 4 days post transfer. Should I have any symptoms right now?? Feeling somehow discouraged; may be I am overreacting?

A nice Sunday to all of you <3

7 years ago

Mozart I would think that most women do not have early symptoms. Stay encouraged and think positive thoughts.

7 years ago

39, thank you for giving me hope. I too believe that most women don't have symptoms that early on. I guess my expectations are high and I am looking for something that would point into a positive direction. One article I read explained that placenta cells start secreting HCG 6 days post transfer, unless a already hatching embryo was transferred (in which case it would be earlier). 5dpt for me today. How are you doing?

7 years ago

Hi ladies!

Mozart you are so welcome. I am good. Sore boobs which is normal for me and no metallic taste this morning. Rather moody. Dh and I have a great relationship and I snapped at him Saturday night. Other than that I feel great. A few more days before testing. Cd 19 8dpo (I think).

7 years ago

Good evening, ladies! Cycle day 63 for me and I am pretty sure I will be ovulating soon, if I haven't already. My test strip was actually darker than the control line this time! I have my first RE appointment tomorrow, omg, I am so excited and I should have done this sooner but more hopeful than ever now! I am 40, hubby is 36, and we have been TTC since our wedding 2 1/2 years ago with two miscarriages. I am not overweight, may be lean PCOS, but I have had irregular cycles my entire life. Half a workday tomorrow and off to get some answers, hopefully, and a new start or restart on this journey. I hope you ladies have a great evening! Hope we all get our so soon!

We're having a baby!!!

7 years ago

Thank you Mozart and 39. I check for those things castor oil, and pycnogenol. I hope there are not prescription drugs. However, I will try them.

I wish you ladies the best. We will surely smile this year 2017 with our babies.

7 years ago

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