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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Amag--I hope you're doing well with th medication and that the sickness/allergies pass soon. I completely know what you mean about not getting down on yourself...I had lots of blame that we had to resort to fertility treatments and it just wasn't productive, it didn't change that reality and made me feel awful on top of it. So I love that you realize it's not your fault --sometimes there's no reason why infertility strikes and all that matters is that you get your little one.

Jada--still sick and tired because I'm so congested I can't sleep. It's okay though. I'm getting through it! Yay for BDing ....hopefully you caught the eggie.

Luv--so happy you had fun! Is DH feeling better now. I often wish for diarrhea so we are both cuckoo. Haha.

Blue--thanks girlie! 12 dpo is still early, I hope you're not out! Stay positive. As hard as that is.

Afmedic--feeling any better these days?

AFM--had blood tests today for more food Allergy stuff. I had to do a stool test a few days ago because apparently I tested positive for h pylori when they did the first round of blood tests. The stool test was also positive, the allergist is talking to my doctor about the antibiotics but I don't think I'll take the risk. I am allergic to wheat, corn, soy, and lentils. So I have to avoid those until I can get further confirmation after the pregnancy is over. They won't do a scratch test or expose me to the foods so they said to avoid them.

10 years ago

CD 1 this was a 23 day cycle. Oh well on to the next cycle, maybe the move will help. Good luck everyone.

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

Cam--so sorry girlie. Praying with all of the wonderful changes that you'll get your little one as well! I hope the move goes smoothly!

10 years ago

Thanks law.

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10 years ago

Hello ladies hope everyone is doing ok....

Jada- I am feeling OK thank you for asking. I am hoping the HSG leads to great things for you. bding extra of course is always fun and just might help=0) Jada sorry you are getting sick but glad you got some BD in!!!

SMH- Congrats!!! Your family is so beautiful and now with that precious angel it is even more so!

Mich- Welcome back! ya for Clomid I hope it helps you.

Blue- I hope you are wrong and you are not out=0( I do not see your Test??

Holly- Welcome back!! Not obsessing is hard. I would be interested to know if the acupuncture and Chiropractor work.

Amag- I am sorry you where feeling down but I am glad you are back. I will be praying extra hard for you this month, I hope that the IVF leads you to the blessing you deserve!! Regaurdless how your baby comes, he or she will be coming to a home of love and in to a family who desperately wants them and that is the most important thing.

Luv- Glad you enjoyed your Vacay!!! Sorry the hubby is sick. I have heard that the Norovirus has broken out again all over. praying you stays healthy!! I am feeling ok, thank you. Mat sound weird but I am happy my Nausea has now turned to some vomiting. I hate the nauseas feeling, at least when I get sick and am able to vomit my stomach gets a little relief, hope that makes sense. My bb are not tender but have grown and still just VERY tiered.

Cam- I am sorry hun=0( Your cycles are normally longer aren't they?

Law- So sorry you have been sick....Are they able to treat the H.pylori during pregnancy?? I have had to go through treatment 3 times for it, and I know the antibiotics can be kinda rough, I am sorry hun.

10 years ago

JLH sorry you were home sick today! At least you got to BD a lot before you got sick. You definitely have a chance this cycle even if you O'd a bit late!

bluerose sorry about the BFN :( Yesterday's test looked good! But after my evap experience a few months ago I don't trust ICs anymore. I would love to POAS earlier but I can't handle the evaps. It is still a bit early though so you aren't totally out!

lawbride holy cow! Were you allergic to all that stuff before you got pregnant? That would be tough to have to avoid all those foods :( Are there antibiotics that are safe when pregnant? I have no idea!

Cam oh geez sorry about AF :( That is a pretty short cycle, must have O'd super early! FX for you next month hun.

afmedic I'm so sorry you feel sick but I agree that it's best to puke and get it over with. Hopefully that phase will pass quickly! And feeling tired too, yeesh. At least all those hormones are a good sign for a healthy pregnancy ahead!

AFM very mild AF-like cramps off and on the last two days, which is quite early. Hopefully it's a good sign, since I'm only 9 DPO right now.

10 years ago • Post starter

Amag - Good luck on the ivf! Hope you get your bfp next month. That is very exciting. Try not to feel bad about it. How you conceive should not matter! After all... For all I know, I was conceived in the back of a Chevy... But I'm just glad I'm here!

Bluerose - your sore breasts, cramps, and nausea sound good. Maybe the temp drop is implantation. I hope AF stays away!

Luv - I'm CD19...I think I'm 3DPO; however, FF hasn't confirmed O yet because my temps were slowly rising.Your early cramps sound great. Fxd for you! I sure how we get a few new bfps here soon!

Cam, sorry about AF. Hope next cycle is the one for you.

Jada, hope you catch that egg despite being sick.

Law - glad you are getting some answers regarding your allergies. I'm allergic to codeine and shellfish and found out the hard way!

Afmedic - you guys will be among the first to know if I think the acupuncture or the chiropractor works. I'm also taking Chinese herbs the acupuncturist prescribed.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies,

Cam, sorry to hear the witch showed :(

Luv, fx'd for you!!

AFMed, glad to hear you are feeling well :)

Law, glad you're making it with everything stacked against you! Hope it all gets better...

Amag, so happy to hear the meds aren't treTing you bad! You know we are here for you :)

Blue, hoping the witch stays away!!

AFM, still feeling like poo, scared to take any more meds. Trying to hold out since I have my appointment next just resting and drinking fluids. Had two smoothies for b'fast and lunch, now craving ribs...don't ask, lol I have no idea. Just wish my head would stop hurting...and the dry cough and sneezing would stop...but from what I have read maybe the sickness will help the conception since my immunity is down and won't attack the sperm?! A girl can hope!

10 years ago

Holly! You posted as I was writing! I started acupuncture and the herbs months ago to help with my fibroids, but stopped. I am really interested in how it turns out for you :)

10 years ago

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