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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 6

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This is for all the ladies who have been trying to conceive and are now giving Clomid a try. Feel free to share anything you want and don't worry about TMI, we've heard it all! Baby dust!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

336 Replies • 11 years ago



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Pink & babypbaby: So you both are starting ur 2nd round of clomid....i know pink explained her side effects but what about urs babypbaby? and how big did ur follies get first round? My dr did say she would bump me up to 100mg next round if this one doesnt work...but its so weird bc no one else has ever heard of this 2nd round within the same cycle on days cd12-cd16? i hope it doesnt mess me up for future months of ttc! I def think today i was having some hormonal side effects...almost felt like pms but worse bc of the extra emotions about others being pregnant! I hope it works for u both this time around

lisserb: just curious what kind of tests u are using to test out? i have yet to buy the cheap test strips and worried about the cost of all these tests? I just spent like $55 on opk and pressed today! i know its worth it but geez...I am hoping to get trigger on the 23rd but who knows may O before i get back to the dr.

hopefulll: I want to say thanks for the support about my crappy day...and EVERYONE else also! I know what u mean about seeing pregnant women at stores! But like u said one day it will us and we will probably appreciate it a little more seeing the journey we went through to get there!

mishell: thanks for the tip about FB, i know its terrible to complain about others joy but sometimes its just human nature to feel jealous i guess! and the sad thing is i have thought about figuring out how to block people but then again i am so curious to see the u/s pics and hear the stories bc i want to have those myself ! so what can i say....i just need to stay strong and positive that one day i will get to express and share my pregnancies with others too!

Well folks i just took my clomid and heading off to bed to snuggle with dogs until hubby gets home from school! cd15 is tmrw and i am going to do a ovulation test in the morning ....funny to wish for it to stay neg. until my u/s tuesday..but i do bc i want to see if the egg is mature enough to be sustainable!

11 years ago

In my opinion,

He best test are "assured" brand from dollar tree. They give me positives two days before FRER. I have never gotten Evaps with them ( I know because I lays get a blood test)

11 years ago

The tests I use are the equivalent of the New Choice ones from the dollar store. I haven't seen the Assure brand ones yet. I was buying mine from the dollar store here in Canada and they are branded as procare.

When I was pregnant in February I went to Las Vegas (at 14dpo) and brought some of the New Choice ones home with me. The cassette on the outside is a bit different, but on the inside they appear to be pretty much the same, and seemed to pick up at about the same level of hcg. I do get evaps and visible indent lines on them, but when there is pink it is from HCG for sure. It picked up my chemical in July at about 20miu. The ones that I linked upthread are exactly the same as the ones I was buying at the dollar store here.

For some reason I despise those dip strip type tests. I've had them before and hated using them. I don't like reading them on the photo gallery either. Weird, I'm sure, lol!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

Hi Ladies :)

Just thought I'd stop by with an update.

As you know, after being told I hadn't O'd, I got my BFP on the day AF was due, confirmed it with bloods the next day.

Well, I had a dating scan last week, by my cycle dates I would have been 7 weeks but baby is measuring at 6 weeks with a heartrate of 114bpm.

Nausea has hit and as much as I hate it, I am thankful for it. I'm taking it as a sign that my little Gummy-Bear (Baby's current nickname, the last two were Jellybean and Peanut so we're carrying on the food theme lol) is growing well.

I know how hard it must be for you girls seeing others getting BFP's, but you have to keep the faith as hard as it is, take these success stories on board and stay positive while you wait for yours, it will comes.

Thinking of you all and sending hugs, kisses and baby dust xx

11 years ago

Hi Everone!!!

TMI: I got up this morning with my stomach hurting, I ran to the bathroom to find alot of blood! I cannot believe that it's AF! It's 2 days early! I feel so disappointed in myself right now! I guess I will be starting my second round of clomid with this cycle. My dr. wants me to get a Rubella vaccine though this month because I travel alot and she doesn't want to chance possible malformations, etc.

I do not want to seem selfish, but I too get jealous and sometimes a little angry when everyone is walking around with their baby bumps and not me! :( (SORRY)

Also, I just wanted to thank everyone on this forum for being kind, honest & understanding. I am very new to this forum and I feel so welcomed! It's a place where I can be myself, I don't have to pretend and I feel kinda 'normal' if that makes any sense!

Still sending baby dust to all of you guys! And all the ladies who are actually pregnant, I'm wishing you all safe & happy pregnancies!!! :)

11 years ago

Hi guys

I hope everyone is doing well? I haven't been on the forum for a while!

Mrs K. - Sorry your af showed up and i know the feeling when you want to be pregnant so bad, and everyone around you seems to fall pregnant. Everywhere you go you see pregnant ladies. Kinda frustrating but we need to keep our heads high cuz it will happen for us all!

Just a quick update on whats happening on my side. Gynae did some blood tests to check my hormone levels and everything looks OK, just my LH that is very high and obviously why i dont ovulate and one of the reasons for pcos. DH went for sperm count test this week and we will get results next week. Gynae didn't give me clomid yet. She said its no use if DH has low sperm count. So im praying that his test results will be good. Then only will se prescribe clomid.

Just a quick question and i would appreciate comments on this on what you guys think!

I have been on some meds given by my GP (Omega 3 / Fertipil / Inofolic Acid) - Now, i have iregular cycles ranging from 32 to 40 days. These past 3 months its been kinda long, 40/39 and 36 day cycles and my af is pretty normal (5 days max). This month my af showed up on CD 33, BUT ..... im now on cycle day 3 and af is still very light, not even a flow!!! Usually on CD 2 its there in full force, but not this time!

Do you guys think its the Inofolic acid regulating my cycle? Ive been useing it for about 2 weeks now, and im not pregnant, i took a hpt this morning and was

Keeping everyone in my prayers!

11 years ago

Sorry for miss type, it was a - Not pregnant!

11 years ago

kmison: I honestly haven't had any side effects from Clomid... yet. I had a headache yesterday and was thinking maybe it was from Clomid, but it was also rainy and I'm pretty susceptible to headaches when the weather changes. I don't know anything about follicle size or any of that stuff-- I'm always pretty confused when you guys talk about it! My doctor told me that if I ovulated with the first round, there's no reason to get u/s or blood work. I have no idea if that's right or wrong, that's just what I was told. So all I know is that I ovulated on CD14/15 with the first round of clomid and hopefully I will again!!

As for everyone else... I completely agree. EVERYONE is pregnant. And if they're not, they will be the first time they try. At least that's how it feels for me. If I hear one more story about just getting off b/c and being surprised with a pregnancy I'm going to scream!! And it's generally all my best friends, so I'm even worse of a person!!

I guess the best we can do is know we're not alone... and we have this site to vent on!

11 years ago

Hi All! AF showed up this morning so I will start my 2nd round of clomid on Sunday! (Cycle day 3 - 7) I am excited and am crossing my fingers for this cycle!!

Kmison - Sorry about your crappy day yesterday! Everyone has them sometimes and i completely understand seeing others get what you want and feeling upset about it. And I am sure the mid-cycle clomid isn't helping with those emotions.

Lisserb - Thanks for the info on the multiples. We aren't doing IUI or injectables... Just timed BD and I wasn't ovulating on my own before. SO I don't think are chance is super high on multiples.. Although, my mother had twins and my paternal grandmother was a twin, so twins run in my family. :)

Mrs.K!!! - Sucks you got AF, I got mine to today.. What days are you doing clomid on this cycle? Good luck to you this cycle!

Neitjie - I am not sure on if Folic Acid is regulating your cycle.. I have been on it along with a prenatal vitamin for a few months and my cycles have seemed shorter! But i am an almost normal 28 day cycle. And as far as when I start my AF doesnt seem much different. So I dont know!

11 years ago

babypbaby- you are lucky not to have any side effects so far with the clomid.. I also got hot flashes.. and they lasted a week or so after I was done taking the clomid. And also about the follicle and U/S stuff that the girls are taking about.. they are being monitored during their cycle with the clomid. It sounds like you are not being monitered. I am not being monitered either.. & I know the risks of that but I chose that the reward outweighs the risk for me.. I am getting bloodwork and exams in my cycle tho but not the u/s.

11 years ago

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