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Pregnancy Support Group

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So, congrats you got your BFP. This thread is intended for those who love CTP and want to continue giving and receiving support throughout their pregnancy. Share your fears, baby name ideas, symptoms, and announcement stories (just to name a few things)--anything really! We all know how exciting even the most inconsequential of details can be.

Im looking forward to experiencing this beautiful pregnancy journey with all of you!

186 Replies • 10 years ago



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141 - 150 of 186 Replies | Last Page

MamaK---Thanks for your prayers. Wow, you just made me realize that this is just the beginning of worries. Did your little girl have to get surgery after birth? That is so scary!!

10 years ago

Hope you all had a great last Christmas before our little ones are here.

10 years ago • Post starter

Rice: Yes she had a surgery at 1 hour old and they couldn't fit all her intestines back inside so they had to wait until she was 2 weeks old to do a 2nd surgery to put the rest back in. She was in the NICU for 43 days. She was born 6 weeks early and was on 3lb 9oz. She is perfectly healthy now and ridiculously smart (11 reading on an 11th grade reading level) lol. How is everything going??

Law: I had a wonderful Christmas. How was yours??

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10 years ago

mamak--it was so so...we didn't really do anything so it felt kind of like any other day. We should have gone to church but didn't. next year will be heaps better!

10 years ago • Post starter

@Mamak: I'd heard the story of your daughter's birth before but hearing it again makes me want to let you know I am so happy things turned out so great for your family! 11 at an 11th grade reading level? Wowzers! That is awesome!

@law: Sorry Christmas wasn't anything special for you this year, but you are right, next year will be amazing!! :)

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10 years ago

SMH-how've you been? Is your husband feeling better?

10 years ago • Post starter

@law: Hey! I've missed you over the last couple of days :) Thank you so much for asking. Dh is feeling a lot better, I on the other hand feel horrible. My dad, my mom, and most of my extended family is sick. So I am not sure who's cold/flu I caught but I caught someone's.... I didn't have a fever yesterday but I am thinking I might have one today. Haven't found the energy to go and take my temp. How are you? When does School start back up? You are so close to graduating. You must be thrilled!!!

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10 years ago

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. This week is always hectic for us because my nieces b-day is Christmas eve and DH's b-day is the day after. So Im exhausted today. Plus, Ive been dealing with lower back pain. I went to the chiropractor this morning which seemed to help a little. I guess I need to find the time to do more yoga.

Law---If it makes you feel any better it didnt really feel like Christmas for us either. We are in an apartment while our house is being built and all of our Christmas stuff is in storage, so we didnt have any decorations up. Plus, my FIL had major back surgery last Friday and was in a lot of pain. Then to top it off my SILs dog got hit by a car and shattered his back hip on Christmas eve so I was busy trying to find the best orthopedic surgeon in the area. With all of that it makes it difficult to feel festive. But, thats ok because we know that next Christmas will be filled with joy :)

MamaK---Im so glad that your story had a happy ending or else I would have been in tears!! Thanks for sharing with us.

SMH---What terrible timing for this horrible cold/flu to be going around. My mom was sick too. I hope you rest up and feel better real soon <HUGS>

10 years ago

rice--when will your house be complete? Did you design it yourselves? I'm so sorry about your SILs dog--did he undergo surgery? and your FIL as well; I hope his recovery goes smoothly. are you close to your family?

10 years ago • Post starter

SMH--So sorry you're not feeling well, that sounds like the pits. Are you off of work right now? Hopefully, you're able to take some time off without too much difficulty. I have exams January 6th-16th and classes begin the 21st of January. Then it's 4 months of class, exams, and graduation. Unfortunately, I have a monster paper to write in order to graduate and I've written 0 pages of it so far so this is not good at all and quite stressful, i also have an exam to take in February in order to practice law (not the bar, although i have to take that too) so there's lots going on in my life in the next few months. I will be excited once it's over but I need the time to get my sh*t together.

10 years ago • Post starter

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